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What is a report?

• A report is usually written for a superior (e.g. a

teacher) or a peer group (e.g. members of an
English club). Candidates are expected to give
some factual information and make
suggestions or recommendations. A report
should be clearly organized and include
• Title and introduction
• First topic point (The good aspects of the club)
• Second topic point (The bad aspects of the
• Your suggestions/recommendations (Your
suggestions for new facilities)
The purpose of this report is to outline the best
and worst parts of our club, which I gathered
speaking to other members, as well as to
recommend improvements to the facilities.
The best aspects of the club
Most members seem to enjoy the swimming
pool with it’s daily water exercise classes and
the opportunity to swim in 50-metre lanes. It
also appears that offering a child care
programme is appreciated by the majority of our
members since many of them have families, but
still would like to use the facilities of the club.
The worst aspects of the club
According to most of the members I have
spoken to, the café does not meet their
expectations with below-average food and slow
service. Another problem is the state of the
gymnasium which, in general, is avoided by
many because of broken equipment and a lack
of staff during peak times.
Suggestions to improve the club’s facilities

Based on the findings of this report the best

solutions seem to be to improve the quality of
the menu and the service at the café as well as
the maintenance schedule and number of staff
at the gymnasium. If it is decided to follow my
recommendations, I am sure that the experience
for our members can be improved even more.
• Use headings and/or a title.
• State the aim of the report and where you
got/collected the information.
• Keep in mind the person who will read your
• Underline the content points which will serve as
• Be specific.
• Make up factual information.
• Use a formal style: no contractions, no colloquial
language, no direct questions, no informal
• Use generalizing functions, don’t write from your
personal perspective.
• Don’t use a lot of adjectives or dramatic
language. A report gives factual information.
• You can use numbering or bullet points to
highlight the main points.
• Balance the content points equally and fairly.
• Express opinions impersonally.
• Give recommendations. Sum up the report’s
possible recommendations and suggest the
best one(s).
Useful language

• This report is intended to

• The aim/purpose of this report is to..
• In this report I will…
• As requested I have written a report…
Listing ideas
• I would suggest the following…
• …might like to consider the following…
• The following are highly recommended…
• They gave /suggested the following reasons…
• They made the following points…
• Apart from this…
• In addition to that…
Reporting findings
• Many of those interviewed stated that..
• Others pointed out that…
• Several people thought that…
• Whilst…/whereas…
• Another option that was mentioned was…
• Others expressed a preference for…
• It appears that the majority of…
• The only problem is that…
• Most …(students) seem to…/the majority of….
• Not surprisingly…
• According to…
Generalize your arguments
• In general…
• Generally speaking…
• Most members seem to…
• It appears that…
• Use passive voice (be+past participle)
• It is highly likely that…
• Overall…
• On the whole…
• Both/all the ideas seemed interesting but…
• Taking all the points into consideration…
• On balance then, I feel that….
• Without a doubt the first option was…
• All things considered…
• Clearly,…
• Overall,…
• On the whole,…
• In conclusion,..
• To sum up,../In summery,..
• We have no hesitation in recommending..
• Based on the findings of this report I
• The best ideas/solutions seem to be…
• It would be highly advisable to..
• If it is decided to follow my recommendations…/If
my recommendations are followed..
• I would strongly/highly recommend…
• The best solution/ideas would seem to be…

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