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Stock Trend Prediction Using

News And Sentiment Analysis

Prof. Ashish Awate

Miss.Gautami Bafna
Miss.Rutika Shinde
Mr.Poojan Modi
Mr.Manish Patil
 What is Stock Market ?
The Stock Market is where you can buy, sell and trade stocks of listed
companies on any business day. It is also known as stock exchange.
 What is Machine Learning ?
Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically
through experience.
 What is Sentiment Analysis?
It is a process of determining whether the data is positive, negative or neutral.
From a person’s perspective or a group of people’s perspective
Literature Survey:
Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-4, April 2019
Author: K. Hiba Sadia, Aditya Sharma, Adarrsh Paul, Sarmistha Padhi, Saurav Sanyal

 Theme of paper: The main objective of this paper is to find the best model to predict the
value of the stock market.
 Proposed model: Focus on predicting the stock values using machine learning algorithms
like Random Forest and Support Vector Machines.
 Conclusion: By measuring the accuracy of the different algorithms, they found that the
most suitable algorithm for predicting the market price of a stock based on various data
points from the historical data is the random forest algorithm.
 Future scope : Future scope of this project will involve adding more parameters and
factors like the financial ratios, multiple instances, etc. The more the parameters are taken
into account more will be the accuracy. The algorithms can also be applied for analyzing
the contents of public comments and thus determine patterns/relationships between the
customer and the corporate employee. The use of traditional algorithms and data mining
techniques can also help predict the corporations performance structure as a whole.
(IJCSIT) Vol 8, No 3, June 2016
Author : Kalyani Joshi, Prof. Bharathi H. N., Prof. Jyothi Rao

 Theme of paper : This project is about taking non quantifiable data such as financial news
articles about a company and predicting its future stock trend with news sentiment
 Proposed model : Focus on predicting the stock values using machine learning algorithms
like Random Forest , Support Vector Machines and Naive Bayes algorithm.
 Conclusion : They concluded that stock trend can be predicted using news articles and
previous price history. After collecting data they implemented three classification models
and tested under different test scenarios. Then after comparing their results, Random Forest
worked very well for all test cases ranging from 88% to 92% accuracy. Accuracy followed
by SVM is also considerable around 86%. Naive Bayes algorithm performance is around
 Future scope : Future scope of this project to extend this research by adding more
company’s data and check the prediction accuracy. For those companies where availability
of financial news is a challenge, we would be using twitter data for similar analysis. We
can also incorporate similar strategies for algorithmic trading.
Survey on Combined Swarm Intelligence and ANN for Optimized Daily Stock Market
Author: Mr. Pankaj K. Bharne , Dr. Sameer S. Prabhune

 Theme of paper: This paper makes survey of the use of SI in a stock market application. The paper
initially describes the details of a stock market, SI and its various types of algorithm and finally
describes some recent SI algorithm based approaches for stock market prediction
 Proposed model : Focus on predicting the stock values using ANN and Heuristic-Bat Algorithm
with the help of swarm Intelligence.
 Conclusion: This paper presents the basic idea and principles of swarm intelligence and its
applicability for daily stock market price optimization. They concluded that the SI-ANN produce
more optimized results that the SI with machine learning algorithms. Finally, present the comparative
analysis of recent SI based approaches along with some future trends.
 Future scope : The future scope of this project is that with the help of Swarm Intelligence (SI)
and with addition to more Machine Learning algorithms precise accuracy for predicting the
stock data can be achieved. If we add sentimental analysis with help of news feed by collecting
financial news and twitter data,the prediction accuracy will be increased .
Developing a Prediction Model for Stock Analysis
2017 International Conference on Technical Advancements in Computers and Communications
Author :R. Yamini Nivetha, Dr. C. Dhaya

 Theme of paper: This model estimates the open value of the next day in the market .
 Proposed model : The correlation between the sentiments and the stock value is to be
determined. A comparative study of these three algorithms: Multiple Linear Regression,
Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network are done. The stock price is
predicted by sentiment analysis with the best forecasting algorithm.
 Conclusion: This paper concluded that the deep learning algorithm performs better than
the MLR and SVM. In deep learning algorithm the hidden layer neuron learns in every
prediction. Hence the output layer neuron produces the best outcome. Artificial Neural
Network is the best predicting algorithm.
 Future scope : Prediction in the stock market is challenging and complicated for investors
For future study, the use of a more systematic technique for determining stock relevant
keywords for searching social media and news will result in obtaining more quality results
for stock market prediction.
Stock market prediction using machine learning classifiers and social media, news
Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020 , 25 February 2020
Author : Wasiat Khan, Mustansar Ali Ghazanfar, Muhammad Awais Azam, Amin Karami,
Khaled H. Alyoubi, Ahmed S. Alfakeeh.

 Theme of paper: This paper applies algorithms on social media and financial news data to
discover the impact of this data on stock market prediction accuracy for ten subsequent days.
 Proposed model : For improving performance and quality of predictions they are using
machine learning algorithms like Random Forest .
 Conclusion: This paper concluded that the social media has more influence in stock prediction
on day 9, while financial news show its greater effects on day 9 and then on day 8. They also
concluded that by combining sentiments of social media and financial news, the highest
accuracy decreased but the overall accuracies of most of the classifiers increased after day 3.
 Future scope : For future study, the use of a more systematic technique for determining stock
relevant keywords for searching social media and news will result in obtaining more quality
results for stock market prediction. Another possible direction for future study is to use other
social media data, such as Google + and Facebook, and to compare their effects on the stock
market prediction.
Research gap

 Predicting future scope and trend for a stock has been a crucial task as always.
Because even a news article or a slight change in economic condition can lead to
market crash causing heavy loss. Mainly people select a stock on basis on
technical analysis or fundamental analysis for trend prediction and not much
focus on sentiment analysis which possess a great ability to predict the outcome
of stock.
Problem Statement:

 To build a model for basic stock market it’s technical analysis

and data prediction using machine learning and opinion mining
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