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Special Pattern Interpretative notes

High Dominance, Low Influence
Efficiency appears in a DISC profile when Dominance is significantly higher
than Influence. An efficient individual is direct and assertive, but has little
or no interest in personal matters. They take an objective, analytical view
and drive towards their goals ruthlessly and relentlessly. They need to see
results, and are quite willing to compromise quality or detail to get them.

The name of this sub-trait, Efficiency, comes from the sense of single-
minded purpose, and need to see concrete results, that are associated with
styles that possess it. It does not necessarily indicate an organized or
formal approach, though it does not preclude these elements either.
While there are many profile shapes that can relate to Efficiency, it most
often appears in one of two distinct styles, shown opposite. In the first of
these, Dominance appears with no other balancing factors - this is an
entrepreneurial style, in which the sub-trait of Efficiency enables an
individual to focus on their targets and make immediate decisions, without
being easily distracted from their purpose.

The second common style, where Dominance is balanced somewhat by

Compliance, tempers this need for immediate results with a more
structured and formal approach. Profiles of this kind are more commonly
seen within the structure of an organization.
Self Motivation
High Dominance, Low Steadiness

Self-motivation appears in a DISC profile where Dominance is higher than

Steadiness. Action is a key ingredient of this sub-trait. This type of person
feels a need to be active all the time, and is impatient with those who are
unwilling or unable to keep up with their urgent pace. They react quickly to
new developments, but never lose sight of their own goals and ambitions.

Self-motivation is very common in highly Dominant profiles: it reflects the

self-reliant elements of that factor. Such individuals are capable of
accepting personal responsibility for their action, and indeed are often
eager to do so. Profiles of this kind reflect individuals who can deal with
confrontation and pressure as part of their daily lives.

Self-motivated styles are strongly motivated by personal success; they

tend to be competitive by nature (as are most Dominant styles). As we
have seen, though, patience is not an element of a self-motivated style.
People of this kind look to see immediate results, so long-term planning
and thoughtful consideration of problems rarely occur.
High Dominance, Low Compliance
Independence appears in a DISC profile when Dominance is significantly
higher than Compliance. This type of person feels frustrated by rules and
regulations - they prefer to follow their own ideas, and often work alone or
in positions of isolated authority. This sub-trait is common, for example, in
entrepreneurial styles.

Independence is a highly competitive and determined sub-trait. Those who

possess it in their behavioral styles are dynamic and direct. The precise
way that it will appear in a person's behavior can often be dependent on
the Influence and Steadiness scores in their profile.

Influence will affect how socially-motivated an Independent individual is.

Where the Influence level is low, an autocratic and domineering approach is
often seen, which a high Influence score sees Independence combine with
Self-confidence resulting in a very powerful and persuasive style indeed.

Steadiness is most typically low in Independent profiles (as in the three

examples opposite). Where this applies, a common feature of this style is a
low concentration span, and a tendency to regularly change direction. A
high Steadiness score (a less common phenomenon) makes for a more
single-minded and stubborn approach.
High Influence, Low Dominance

Friendly people love to talk - communication is the strongest

element of this style. They are outgoing and extrovert, but they
find it far from easy to concentrate on mundane tasks, and are
easily distracted from such work by the opportunity for social

Friendliness is a very positive (if not always very practical) sub-

trait: individuals showing this aspect in their behavior are typically
warm, open and genuinely interested in others. In common with all
High-I profiles, they enjoy being the centre of attention, but in this
particular case they are also interested in others' feelings and
ideas, especially where the profile exhibits a high Steadiness score.

Friendly individuals typically display a confident style, especially in

circumstances where they feel comfortable and accepted. Despite
this confidence, though, they are not particularly assertive - their
low level of Dominance makes it difficult for them to be effective in
pressurized or confrontational situations.
High Influence, Low Steadiness

This is an outgoing and extrovert sub-trait that has much in

common with Friendliness, but with the added dimension of energy
and pace. This animated style shows their interest in a topic very
strongly, and their effusive nature can act as a motivating factor for

The nature of Enthusiasm tends to vary according to the relative

level of the Dominance score in the profile. Where Dominance is
low, an individual will tend to confine their expressive style to
situations where they feel comfortable and accepted - they will
rarely make direct criticisms or enter arguments, and are
concerned about others opinions of them.

Where the Dominance score is high, however, the Enthusiastic type

is much less concerned about causing offence. Where this type of
profile is concerned, the outgoing and expressive style remains, but
is bolstered by a more assertive approach.
Self Confidence
High Influence, Low Compliance
Self-confident profiles represent people who rarely experience self-doubt, and
feel at ease in almost any social situation. They mix easily with strangers, and
are unafraid to initiate social contact. They can at times become over-confident,
leading them to act impulsively.

Self-confidence is a largely social sub-trait - its effects are most directly seen
where a person is in a social situation, or interacting with others on a personal
level. It does not equate to assertiveness - self-confident individuals may also be
assertive, but equally they may not. This depends to a great extent on the
position of the Dominance factor in the profile.

Where Dominance is high (as the topmost of the example profiles opposite), the
individual concerned has both an assertive and a confident behavioural style. This
powerful combination allows such an individual to deal directly fearlessly with
most situations. While they will typically prefer to keep matters on an open and
friendly level, they are quite capable of adopting a more confrontational stance
where a situation calls for it.

Where Dominance is low, this assertive element is absent from the individual's
behaviour, or at least not strongly represented. In such circumstances, the
confident approach will be see only in favourable environments: where the
environment is hostile, such a person will often become uncomfortable and
considerable less expressive.
High Steadiness, Low Dominance
This style of person has little sense of urgency and a slow pace,
which means that they are able to work in situations that others
would find repetitive or dull. They are submissive in style, and
ready to accept that there are some things they cannot change.

Patient individuals tend to have an open and optimistic attitude,

especially to other people. They are not competitive in style, and
prefer to avoid situations where they may come into conflict with
others. This leads to a rather trusting approach; they like to
develop warm and friendly relations with those around them, and
will not usually look for ulterior motives.

The position of Influence will affect the style of a Patient individual,

affecting the level of overt Friendliness that that individual
presents. Regardless of the Influence level, Patience always retains
the same basic behavioural structure, but more Influential
individuals will present a more open and outgoing aspect.

Where Patience occurs in a profile that also contains a high level of

Compliance, then a more practical aspect to the sub-trait appears.
In this situation, the profile shares Patience with Accuracy; the
result is a behavioural style in which a person concentrates
particularly carefully on the details of a task.
High Steadiness, Low Influence
Thoughtful individuals plan their words and actions carefully and
never act on impulse. Deadlines and other time constraints are
difficult for this type of person to deal with. Their advantage,
however, is the reliability and steadiness they bring to their work.

As a sub-trait, the term thoughtfulness refers specifically to the fact

that individuals with element in their profile tend to think, plan and
consider more than most other types. In common use,
'thoughtfulness' also often indicates someone who is considerate,
or takes other people's feelings into account. Though this isn't part
of the 'technical' definition of the sub-trait, people with high
Steadiness in their profile often display such considerate traits in
their styles.

The specific form taken by Thoughtfulness will often depend on the

level of Compliance present in the profile under consideration.
Where this is high, Thoughtfulness combines with Accuracy, leading
to a disciplined, purposeful approach, where actions are carefully
planned with caution and care.

Where the Compliance level is low, Thoughtfulness becomes a less

focused sub-trait. In this case, it can often be used to reinforce a
High-S's resistance to change or direct action: the person
concerned will prefer to think and plan than act directly.
High Steadiness, Low Compliance

Persistent people deal particularly badly with change. Once they

have become established in a status quo, they find it very difficult
to break out of this and adapt to a new situation. This means that
they will do what they can to maintain their current state of affairs,
showing great loyalty and resilience in defense of their present
environment and social circle.

Behavioral styles that exhibit Persistence tend to work at their best

when they can focus on a single task. People of this kind don't
easily shift their attention from one thing to another; it will often
take them time to adjust. Nonetheless, once they are embarked on
a particular course of action, they can be relied upon to carry it
through to the end.

Persistence is most often seen in passive, patient styles of

behavior, but it can occasionally coexist in a profile with high
Dominance. Where this happens, the individual concerned can be
expected to display remarkable tenacity and determination.
High Compliance, Low Dominance
This is the classic 'rule-oriented' sub-trait, relating to a person who
need to be absolutely sure of their position and prefers to use
established regulations and procedures as a framework to support
their ideas. Co-operative people are so called because this aspect
of their personal style extends to the need for practical support
from managers, colleagues and friends, and so they seek to
maintain positive working relationships with others.

Co-operativeness is sometimes mistaken for a social sub-trait, but

this is not the case. People of this kind work co-operatively with
others as part of a behavioural strategy: it allows them to avoid
individual risk and distribute responsibility. (This is not to say that
there will not be other social drives in the behaviour - whether or
not these are present will depend largely on the levels of Influence
and Steadiness present in the profile).

Regardless of their motivations, though, Co-operative styles tend to

be good team-workers. They are able to focus on the good of the
group as a whole rather than on their own specific needs, and the
organised, structured style that commonly accompanies this sub-
trait can also be a strength in a group situation.
High Compliance, Low Influence

The sub-trait of Accuracy is found in DISC profiles with high Compliance and low
Influence. The greater the difference between these two factors, the more Accurate
the individual in question. The opposite sub-trait of Accuracy, where Influence is
higher than Compliance, is Self-confidence.

This sub-trait is also sometimes referred to as 'Caution'. The type of person to

whom it refers hates to make mistakes - they check and recheck their work, and
are prone to correct errors in other people, whether or not they have been asked to
do so. This need for certainty means that they will never take a risk unless
absolutely necessary. They are also cautious in communication, rarely revealing
more about themselves than a bare minimum.

Accuracy is a classic introverted sub-trait: those who possess it are highly

analytical and relatively uncommunicative. Because of their analytical style, people
of this kind will often hold back from action, rather than risk negative results. They
prefer the predictable and systematic. This can lead to their being seen by more
active types as rather dour and uninspired. In fact, Accurate styles are quite as
capable of original thought and inventiveness as any other style, but they are
typically reluctant to act on their ideas, or communicate them to others unless
encouraged to do so.

Accuracy takes a unique form in profiles showing high Compliance in conjunction

with high Dominance (the High-DC profile, shown bottom left). In this case, the
analytical and rather inexpressive element of the sub-trait is combined with a more
demanding and assertive element. The demand for precision and unwillingness to
take unnecessary risks associated with Accuracy are maintained, but the High-DC
also has the assertiveness to demand these traits from those around them.
High Compliance, Low Steadiness
People of this kind are extremely aware of their environment and
changes taking place within it, to the extent that they often notice
subtle points that other people miss or ignore. In itself, this is a
positive factor, but it does have the consequence that they have a
very low boredom threshold and are very easily distracted.

The precise nature of Sensitivity will vary somewhat depending on

the position of the Influence factor within the profile.

Where Sensitivity is accompanied by high Influence, then this

describes individuals who are socially aware, and able to detect
nuances in communication. An example of such a profile is shown
in the third of the example profiles opposite. While social Sensitivity
of this kind is valuable, it can also have its disadvantages:
specifically, individuals can become over-sensitive to others'
opinions, sometimes seeing criticism or disapproval where none in
fact exists.

Where Influence is low in the profile, Sensitivity becomes a more

practical sub-trait, focussing on matters of fact and precision. A
profile of this kind, Sensitivity reinforces Accuracy: such an
individual is concerned to check things carefully and ensure that
mistakes are avoided. Again, this detailed approach is positive in
itself, but can sometimes be taken to extremes.

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