Hbo - 2020 2

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What is the importance of human behavior in organization?

• The study of organizational behaviour

gives insight on how employees behave
and perform in the workplace.
• It helps us develop an understanding of
the aspects that can motivate employees,
increase their performance, and help
organizations establish a strong and
trusting relationship with their employees.
• studies what people do in an
organization and how that behavior
affects the performance of the
• study of how people act within groups. Its
principles are applied primarily in attempts
to make businesses operate more
• Refers to the range of activities exhibited
by humans and which are influenced by
culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics
authority, rapport and genetic factors
• Human Behavior in general is the potential
and expressed capacity for physical,
mental and social activity during the phase
of human life
• behavior can be defines as a response/s
which is observed directly/ indirectly.
Direct observation is possible by studying
the responses of people to a work
Organizational Behavior
• studies the influence that indals, groups
and structure have on behavior within

• Goal is to apply that knowledge toward

improving an organization's effectiveness.
• Individual differences
• A whole person
• caused behavior ( motivation)
Individual Differences
• are the ways in which people differ from
each other. Every member of an
organization has its own way of behavior.
• It is important for managers to understand
individual differences because they
influence the feelings, thoughts, and
behavior of employees. Individual
differences can be divided into two
Individual Differences
• Individual differences can be divided into
two categories:
• personality differences- stable patterns in
the thinking, feeling, and behavior of a
• capacity differences- are decisive for the
level of performance at work.
Individual Diferences
• result of interaction between individual
characteristics and the characteristics of
the environment in whihc the behavior
• Individual characteristics
– can be inherited
– can be learned
• Individual characteristics : age,x, race,
education and abilities, psychological
• Environmental Factors - economic
conditions, social and cultural norms and
political factors
Social Environment
• relationship with family, friends, co-
workers, supervisor and subordinates and
membership in a group
Caused Behavior ( motivation)
• People behavior is need based so for the
effective performance and positive
behavior there should be proper
motivation oferson
Value of the Person ( Human Dignity)
• People have to be treated with respect
and as an individual
• They should be recognized and treatd
accordingly to increase uniqueness of the
• Describe
• Understand
• Predict
• Control
• how people behave under a variety of
• Achieving this goals allows manager to
communicate about human behavior at
work using a common language
• why people behave as they do.
• Managerswould be highly frustrated if they
could only talk about behaviors of their
employees, but not understand the
reasons behind those actions.
• future employee behavior is another goal
organizational behavior
• managers would have the capacity to
predict why the employees are committed
to the organization or not.
• to control and develop a friendly
atmosphere for the organization. Since
managers are responsible for the overall
performance of an organization, they must
develop workers’ teamwork, skill and
Common Elements of Organizations

• Organizational psychologist Edgar Schein

proposes four common elements of an
organization’s structure:
• Common purpose
• Coordinated effort
• Division of labor
• Hierarchy of authority
Common Purpose

• An organization without a clear purpose or

mission soon begins to drift and become
disorganized. A common purpose unifies
employees or members and gives everyone an
understanding of the organization’s direction.
• Ensuring that the common purpose is effectively
communicated across organizations
(particularly large organizations with many
moving parts) is a central task for managers.
• Common Purpose
• Managers communicate this purpose by
educating all employees on the general
strategy, mission statement, values, and
short- and long-term objectives of the
Coordinated Effort
• Coordinating effort involves working together in a
way that maximizes resources.
• The common purpose is achieved through the
coordinated effort of all individuals and groups
within an organization.
• The broader group’s diverse skill sets and
personalities must be leveraged in a way that
adds value. The act of coordinating organizational
effort is perhaps the most important responsibility
of managers because it motivates and distributes
human resources to capture value.
Division of Labor
• Division of labor is also known as work
specification for greater efficiency.
• It involves delegating specific parts of a broader
task to different people within the organization
based upon their particular abilities and skills.
• Using division of labor, an organization can parcel
out a complex work effort for specialists to
• By systematically dividing complex tasks into
specialized jobs, an organization uses its human
resources more efficiently.
Hierarchy of Authority
• Hierarchy of authority is essentially the
chain of command—a control mechanism
for making sure the right people do the
right things at the right time.
• While there are a wide variety of
organizational structures—some with more
centralization of authority than others—
hierarchy in decision making is a critical
factor for success.
Hierarchy of Authority
• Knowing who will make decisions under
what circumstances enables organizations
to be agile, while ambiguity of authority
can often slow the decision-making
• Authority enables organizations to set
directions and select strategies, which can
in turn enable a common purpose.
Three Levels of Influence
• The Individual
– Each individual acts differently which affects
group dynamics and the organization as a
whole. If there are a lot of happy and efficient
individuals, the work environment will be an
efficient and productive one. However, if there
are a lot of negative and disgruntled
individuals, it can create a toxic environment.
Three Levels of Influence
• The Group
– Groups can range in size from a couple people
working together, to a large group with dozens
or hundreds of members. As we just discussed,
individuals can affect a group and a group can
affect an organization. And at the same time, a
group can affect individuals and an
organization can affect a group. Imagine
organizational behavior as a large spider web
over each organization. The spider web
connects each level of influence with the two
others, creating a pathway between each one.
Three Levels of Influence
• The Organization
• the organization level incorporates the
organization as a whole. In case you
haven’t picked up on the trend, it’s
important to point out that the
organization impacts the individual and
group behavior and that individual and
group behavior impacts an
Concept of organizational Behavior
• Nature of People
– individual differences
– Perception
– A whole person
– motivated person
– desired for involvement
– value of the person
• People look at the world and see things
differently. Even when presented with the
same object, two people may view it in
different ways.
A whole Person
• Organization may wish they could employ
only a person's skill or brain, they actually
employ a whole person rather than
Motivated behavior
• relate to a person's neds the
consequences that result from acts.
• people are motivated not by what we think
they ought to have by what they
themselves want.
Desire for involvement
• many employees today actively seeking
opportunities at work to become involved
in relevant decisions, thereby contributing
their talents and ideas to the organization's
Value of the person
• people deserve to be treated differently m
other factors of production because they
are of a higher order in the universe.
• because of this distinction, they want to be
treated with caring, respect and dignity
• ...” organizational excellence begins with
the performance of people...”

• ...” it is what people do or not do that

ultimately determines what the
organization can or can not become..”
Nature of Organization
• Social System - just as people have
psychological needs, they also have social
roles and status.
• their behavior is influenced by their groups
as well by their individual drives.
Nature of Organization
• Mutual Interest - organization need
people, and people need organization
• Organization have a human purpose. They
formed and maintained on the basis of
some mutuality of interest among their
Nature of organization
• Ethics - in order to attract and retain
valuable emplloyees in an area in which
good workers are constantly recruited
away, ethical treatment is necessary
Limitation of Organizational Behavior
• Behavioral bias - people who lack
understanding may develop a behavioral
bias, whihc gives them a narrow viewpoint
that emphasizes satisfying employee
experiences while looking the broader
system of the organization in relation to all
its public.
• this condition is a refelection of tunnel
Limitation of OB
• The law of diminishing return - stating that
if one input in the production of a
commodity is increased while all other
inputs are held fixed, a point will eventually
be reached at which additions of the input
yield progressively smaller, or diminishing,
increases in output.
Limitation in OB
• Unethical manipulation of people -
knowledge and techniques can be used to
manipulate people.
• they can be used to develop and motivate
people without regards for human welfare

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