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ti o n o n

u c a ti o n a s a
fo r m al e d
Non d u c a t io n
o f e
sub sector

it t ed :

To By
GM Rakibul Islam Name: Tuhin Akter Pinki
Assistant Professor,
Roll: BKH1929036F
Department of Educational
Administration. Session: 2018-19
Noakhali Science & Technology Year-2, Term-2
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Def initi on

Non Formal Education

Its refers to education that occurs

outside the formal school system.
Non-formal education is often used
interchangeably with terms such as
community education, adult
education, lifelong education and
second-chance education.
c te r is ti cs
Char a

l E d u ca t i o n
Non Forma
• It is well planned and no need of any school system.
• A participatory learning system
• It is open ended educational system
• No need for structured course and curriculum
• Age, Time and curriculum flexibility
• Involvement of both public and private sector in the process
• It is not necessary to conduct exam on regular basis
• Credentials like certificate and awards are not necessary to be
• Self-learning is appreciated
FE Importa
op e of N n ce of N
• Fundamental approach for building confidence
• Environmental awareness • Students acquire emotional, cognitive, and other
• Mass education activities various inclusions of practices for skills.
• Disaster management training • Brainstorming, exercises, presentation,
interactive lectures, etc. help develop various
• Distance learning activities. skills to undergo any situation in life.
• Mobile training • Incorporates unique learning processes via
practical strategies making the student smarter
• Fulfills specific learning needs of the people and brighter.
• Helps in achieving EFA, MDGs and SDGs • It generates values for the areas it is conducted, a
Goals sense of belongingness, and motivates others to
join the workforce and enhance the skills or
• Provides opportunities to practice the places they want to pursue.
concepts of rights to education
t Gr ou p
l E d u ca t i o n
Non Forma
Non-formal education is not confined to any specific 
category or group, but limitations of expertise and resources 
world compete the  adoption of priorities. the target groups
will be-
 Those who never  went  to school.
 Those  who dropped out of  schools.
 Unemployed  youths in search of jobs.
 young  men and women in the rural areas.
 youth in tribal areas .
e nc es
  Formal Education Non Formal Education
Mainly young, Universal, Compulsory, Mainly adults, those interested,
Target Group
Selective voluntary and open
Part time and Secondary activity of
Time Scale Full time and Primary activity
Separate form life, In special institution, Integrated with life, In the community, In
In sole purpose buildings all kinds of settings
Run by professionals, Excludes large It is participatory, Includes large parts of
parts of life life.
Curriculum One kind of education for all Education to meet learner
Methods Teacher centered, Mainly written Learner centered, Much is Oral
Objectives Conformist Promotes
Set by learners and Controlled by
Independence Set by teachers, Competitive
Orientation Future Present
Relationship Hierarchical Egalitarian believing in Equal Right 7
Terminal at each stage, Validated by
Validation Continuing validated by learners
education Professional
k You!

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