Presentation Skills Ingles 3

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English III – Katherine Salvador
Presentation structure

Useful phrases for
introducing yourself (openings)

Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Hello everyone.
My name is …and I am from (Guayaquil) – (Ecuador)
I study at ESPOL University in the Faculty of (Electrical and
Computer Engineering). My major is (Automation Engineering)
Useful phrases for
introducing your topic (openings)

Today, I’m going to talk about….(name of your topic)

My topic for today is …(topic)
I’m glad to share with you about…(topic)
Useful phrases for presentations:
Agenda / outlining

I’ll be covering three main points:

First, …
Second, …
And finally, …
Useful phrases for
BODY: Giving opinions

 I think that….English language is very important.

 I believe (that) … education should be free for everyone.
 It seems to me that ….the cost of living in Ireland is very high.
 In my opinion, …. every student should wear a school uniform.
 To me, …..(gerund/noun) banning phones in the classroom is good.
Useful phrases for
BODY: Referring to visual aids

 As we can see on the chart/picture/image/graph/model…

 The process is shown here…
 This picture/chart/ table shows/ indicates …
 If we look at this picture/chart/graphic…
 As this picture/graph/ diagram/ image shows…
Useful phrases for:

So far I’ve covered three main points: Firstly, …

secondly, … thirdly, ….
That’s about it. Thank you
Finally, I’d like to thank you for listening to me today
and I hope my presentation has given you a better
understanding of….(topic)
Remember: Things that matter

 A good pronunciation (Google the pronunciation of new words and

practice them)
 Good grammar and vocabulary (according to the topic)
 Good content (say something interesting)
 Good body language (relaxed, confident, proper voice volumen and
pitch, eye contact with the audience)
 Practice, practice, practice 

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