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Classification rules and

The weather problem

• The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we

will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning
A set of rules learned from this information
• If outlook = overcast then play = yes
• If humidity = normal then play = yes
• If outlook = sunny and humidity = high then play =
A set of rules that are intended to be interpreted
in sequence is called a Decision list.
• In Table 1.3, two of the attributes—temperature
and humidity—have numeric values.

• This means that any learning method must create

inequalities involving these attributes rather than
simple equality tests, as in the former case. This
is called a numeric-attribute problem

• In this case, a mixed-attribute problem

because not all attributes are numeric.
Now the first rule given earlier might take the
following form:
• If outlook = sunny and humidity > 81 then play
= no

Write few more rules

• The rules we have seen so far are classification

• They predict whether to play or not.

• Contact lenses: An idealized
• Write few classification rules
Decision Tree
• Nodes in a decision tree involve testing a
particular attribute.

• Usually, the test at a node compares an attribute

value with a constant.

• However, some trees compare two attributes with

each other, or use some function of one or more
Leaf nodes give a classification that applies to all
instances that reach the leaf.
• Write few classification rules
The following set of Classification rules might be
learned from this dataset:

• If petal length < 2.45 then Iris setosa

• If sepal width < 2.10 then Iris versicolor

• If sepal width < 2.45 and petal length < 4.55

then Iris versicolor

• If sepal width < 2.95 and petal width < 1.35

then Iris versicolor
• If petal length ≥ 5.15 then Iris virginica

• If petal width ≥ 1.85 then Iris virginica

• If petal width ≥ 1.75 and sepal width < 3.05 then

Iris virginica

• If petal length ≥ 4.95 and petal width < 1.55

then Iris virginica
• Classify the attribute ‘Play’ of weather.nominal.arff
• Open weather.nominal.arff
• Different types of classifier in
Click on start to run that classifier
No. of instances and Attributes
No of leaves and trees
Overall Accuracy= 57.14%
Right click
• Select option visualize tree
Decision tree
• Write Classification rules based on Decision
Same Decision tree

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