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AP World History

Mr. O'Flanagan

Unit 4:
Internal & External Challenges to State
Lesson 4.6
★ Explain how the
Lesson development of

Objectives state power result in

external & internal
challenges in the
period between
Resistance to Portugal in Africa

● Dutch & English had pushed the Portuguese out of South

Asia, so they look to Africa (previously used for slavery)

● Example of Resistance: Ana Nzinga (ruler of Ndongo in

south-central Africa)
○ Being attacked by Portuguese & other African tribes
○ To end slave raids by Portugal, she allied with them
○ She was baptized a Christian
○ Alliance broke down → she and her people fled to
○ Allied with Dutch and offered runaway slaves
Local Resistance in Russia

Why were locals upset?

○ Local wars
○ Harsh conditions for serfs
○ Heavy taxes and tributes
(from Mongols, then Russian
princes) from peasants
○ Peasants had high debt, often
losing land
○ Many peasants were forced
into serfdom because of debt
Serfdom, Power, and Control

How was serfdom a benefit to Russia?

● Kept the peasants under control
● Provided free labor for landowners
● As Russia expanded its borders, so did
● Russia was primarily agricultural

*village communes, called mirs, also

controlled even the small landholders
among the peasants
Cossack and Peasant Rebellions (½)

Cossacks: skilled fighters (many who were

runaway serfs), lived near the Black Sea,
were sometimes at odds with the Russian

● Some were hired as mercenaries to

defend “Mother Russia”
● Helped expand Russia farther east
Cossack and Peasant Rebellions (2/2)

● Yemelyan Pugachev: Cossack, began a peasant

rebellion against Catherine the Great (1774) for
giving the nobility power over the serfs on their
land in exchange for political loyalty (serfs had
no connection to the state)
● Pugachev Rebellion: Pugachev led rebellion, he
was later captured & executed
● Result: Catherine increased her oppression of
peasants in return for noble loyalty to help her in
future revolts
“Be a Cossack!”
Rebellions in South Asia

● Mughal Empire is controlling Indian &

● Centralized government helped
spread Persian art & culture, as well
as Islam
● Most of the population is Hindu, who
led a revolution based on Maratha
● Maratha Empire (Hindu warrior group)
ended the Mughal Empire in 1818
Revolts in the Spanish Empire

● Pueblo Revolt: 1680, Pueblo &

Apache vs the Spanish in New
Mexico, fought because of religious
● Results: indigenous people killed 400
Spaniards, drove them out, destroyed
churches (Spanish reconquered in
Struggles for Power in England & Its Colonies

● English colonies: parts of North

America, Caribbean, Jamaica from
● #1 Maroon Wars: maroons
(descendents of runaway African
slaves in Jamaica) owned their own
independent settlements
● Queen Nanny: escaped slave, united
all the maroons of the island,
recognized as a national hero
Maroon Towns Today (first 3 minutes)
Struggles for Power in England & Its Colonies
● Slave revolts were commons in the
Americas (especially where enslaved
Africans outnumbered free
● Gloucester County Rebellion: 1st
recorded slave revolt in the U.S.,
1663 in Virginia, enslaved Africans &
white indentured servants worked
together to demand freedom from
● Result: found out the plot, were
ambushed, then arrested
Struggles for Power in England & Its Colonies
● Metacom’s War: aka King Philip’s
War, final major effort of the
indigenous people to drive the
British from New England
● Results: destruction of many towns,
some natives sided with the English,
but eventually the natives gave into
the English colonists
Struggles for Power in England & Its Colonies
● James II: King of England (Catholic), anti-
Protestant acts angered many English
● William of Orange: James’s nephew,
invited by some nobles to invade England
and become king
● Result: William invaded, James fled to
● William & his wife Mary II (James’s
daughter) ruled as Protestants (English
throne has remained Protestant ever
Struggles for Power in England & Its Colonies
● Glorious Revolution: aka Bloodless
Revolution, involved the overthrow of
the Catholic King, James II
● Results: Strengthened power of
Parliament, which passed a law
forbidding Catholics to rule England,
religious tensions continued
Internal & External Challenges to State Powers

State Internal/External Challenge

Portugal ● Dutch and English pushed Portugal out of South Asia (EXTERNAL)
● Rebellion in Ndongo allied with Dutch (EXTERNAL)

France ● Fronde civil disturbances against royal power (INTERNAL)

Russia ● Cossack Rebellion (INTERNAL)

● Pugachev (INTERNAL)

South Asia ● Hindu Marathas ended Mughal rule (INTERNAL)

Spanish Empire ● Pueblo and Apache groups rebelled in present-day New Mexico (INTERNAL to
the colonies)

British Empire ● Maroon wars (INTERNAL to colonies)

● Gloucester County Rebellion (INTERNAL to colonies)
● Metacom’s War (INTERNAL to colonies)
● Glorious Revolution (INTERNAL)
Conclusion Paragraph Includes:
1. Add evidence that wasn’t included in your documents that strengthens your
argument (Example: historical facts, can you add to this argument to prove your
2. Connect your argument to the BIGGER PICTURE:
a. Connect to a development in a different historical period, situation, era, or
geographical area (Example: Are there other examples of slavery that
were/are similar or completely different in another time period or area of the
b. A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the
essay (such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history)
(Example: The question focused more on social impact on the people, what
was the cultural impact of the moving of slaves around, like the African
c. A different discipline or field of study (such as economics, government, art
history, or anthropology) (Example: Can you connect the impact the slave
trade had on economics, governments, art, history, etc)

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