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Guided by Mr. Nitesh Bhati

Md. Shahreyar Arif (40918002718)

Nitish Kumar Jha (42518002718)

Vashu Dev Malik (40718002718)


• Abstract
• Introduction
• Gesture Control Technology
• Overview of the Method
• Implementation
• Hand Landmark
• Data Flow Diagram
• Future Scope
• References

The Volume Control with Hand Detection OpenCV Python was developed using Python

OpenCV, in this Python OpenCV Project we are going Building a Volume Controller with
OpenCV, to change the volume of a computer.

We first look into hand tracking and then we will use the hand landmarks to find gesture of our hand
to change the volume. This project is module based which means we will be using a hand module
which makes the hand tracking very easy and control the volume of system.


Gesture control technology is based on gesture recognition. Gesture recognition can be seen as a way
for computers to begin to understand human body language. Compared to the primitive user
interfaces, such as keyboard and mouse, it builds a richer bridge between the computers and humans.
Gesture control devices recognize and interpret human body movements, allowing the user to interact
with a computer system.
The Overview of the Method:

The overview of the hand gesture recognition is described in Figure. First, the hand is detected using
the background subtraction method and the result of hand detection is transformed to a binary image.
Then, the fingers and palm are segmented so as to facilitate the finger recognition. Moreover, the
fingers are detected and recognized. Last, hand gestures are recognized using a simple rule classifier.


Step 1. Detect Palm.

Step 2. Detect Hand Landmarks.

Step 3. Calculate the distance between thumb tip and index finger tip.

Step 4. Map the distance of thumb tip and index finger tip with volume range. It can be manually
adjusted by as per user requirement i.e., their camera quality and the purpose of system and the
volume ranges from: 100.0 – 0.0.

Data flow diagrams are commonly used during problem analysis. Data flow diagrams are quite
general and not limited to problem analysis for software requirement specification. A DFD
shows the flow of data through a system. It views a system as a function that transforms the
inputs into desired outputs. Any complex system does not perform this transformation into a
single step and a data will typically undergo a series of transformation before it becomes an
output. The DFD aims to capture the transformations that take place within a system to the
input data so that eventually the output data is produced.

The Dataflow Diagram for GESTURE CONTROL:


In this modern world, where technologies is at the peak, there are many facilities available for
offering input to any applications running on the computer systems, some of the inputs can be
offered using physical touch and some of them without using physical touch (like speech, hand
gestures, head gestures etc.). Using hand gestures many users can handle applications from
distance without even touching it. But there are many applications which cannot be controlled
using hand gestures as an input. This technique can be very helpful for physically challenged
people because they can define the gesture according to their need and we can also use this for
various purposes in current covid situation.
Physically challenged can use it for volume control as well as remote control.
Use it for contact less number (pin/security code) entry.
There are many others application

1. MIT open course


3. Mediapipe

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