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Presented by – Vipul Soni

Topics Will be Covered
1. Define Gas law, Boyles law, Charles law.
2. Types of mechanism and their inversion.
3. Basic terms in RAC.
4. Classification of belts and shafts.
5. Sheet metal Manufacturing Process.
6. Casting Processes.
7. Explain Iron Carbon Diagram.
8. Different Types Heat Treatment Processes
9. Explain Diesel And Otto Cycles
10 Class Of Surfaces & And Its Examples? Calculation For Bend Allowances
11 How Will You Write Subscript Note ‘CO2
12 2:30.AM Angle Between Minute Hand And Hour Hand
13 Difference Between First angle And Third Angle method
14. In Sheet Metal What is Developed length, K factor
15. Stress Strain Diagram And Hooks law
Gas Laws
Boyle’s Gas Law- Charle’s Gas Law- Gay-Lussac's law- Avogadro's law-
The pressure of This Law states ideal gas, the pressure The volume occupied
exerted on the sides by an ideal gas is
A gas tends to that a gas expands directly proportional to
of its container is
increase as the as the the number of
directly proportional
volume of the temperature to its absolute
molecules of the gas
increases. present in the
container temperature container.
Types of Mechanisms their inversion
Four Bar Chain Single Slider Crank Double slider
Mechanism Chain Mechanism mechanism
1) coupled wheel of locomotive 1) Rotary Ic Engine, 1)Scotch yoke
2) beam engine. 2) With Worth Quick mechanism
Return Mechanism, 2) Oldham's coupling.
3) Crank And Slotted
Lever Mechanism.

Inversion is the method of obtaining different mechanism from single kinematic

chain by fixing different links in turn.
Basic Terms of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Basic Terms of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
1. Refrigeration is a process of reducing temperature of any substance or
space as compared to surroundings.
2. Heat pump = it is the, transferring of energy against the natural
temperature gradient from a low – temperature to a higher one.
3. Refrigeration Load The rate at which heat must be removed from the
refrigerated space or material
4. Refrigerants –
A. Primary Refrigerants:
Primary refrigerants are those fluids, which are used directly as
working fluids.
B. Secondary Refrigerants:
used for transporting thermal energy from one location to other
5. Coefficient of performance-
Basic Terms of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
6. Units of Refrigeration-
A ton of refrigeration is defined as the quantity of heat absorbed to convert one ton
of water at 0°C to one ton of ice in 24 hours.
Here it should be noted that one American ton [2000 pounds) is taken as the
standard in the refrigeration practice.
In S.l. System,
1 Ton of Refrigeration = 210 k J/S = 3.5 kW

7. Refrigeration Capacity : Measure of the effective cooling power of a refrigerator.

R.C = m * R.E
C.O.P = R.C/ Power input
M= mass flow rate, R.E. Refrigeration effect

8. Refrigeration Effect- is the amount of heat which is to be extract from the system
to maintain the temperature of the system.
Basic Terms of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
i. Thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties
ii. Environmental and safety properties, and
iii. Economics
a) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP):
physical properties
b) Global Warming Potential (GWP):
a) Suction Pressure c) Total Equivalent Warming Index (TEWI):
b) Discharge pressure d) Toxicity
c) Pressure ratio: e) Chemical stability
d) Latent heat of vaporization f) Compatibility
e) Isentropic index of compression g) Ease of leak detection
f) Liquid specific heat
g) Vapour specific heat ECONOMIC PROPERTIES
h) Ease of Leak Detection
h) Thermal conductivity
i) The Electronic Leak Detection
i) Viscosity j) Soap Bubble Test
Classifications of Belt Drives
Round belts- Flat belts-
made of rubber. used for light loads, such as in a The higher power flat belts are often useful
sewing machine or a vacuum cleaner. because they eliminate the need to high belt
tension used to grip pulleys. material used
V belts- sticky yet abrasion-resistant rubber compounds.
V belts have a V shaped cross-section, which
rests against the side of V pulley under tension. Timing belts-
The V shape prevents belt from slipping off. Timing belts are toothed belts that use their
teeth for power transmission, as opposed to

Classifications of Shafts
According to the shape According to the Construction-

According to the Shape of Construction

Sheet Metal Operations
Thickness of sheet metal = 0.4 mm to 6 mm

Advantages Shearing
-High strength
-Good dimensional accuracy
-Good surface finish
-Relatively low cost
-Economical mass production for large

-Cutting Operations
-Bending Operations
Sheet Metal Operations
Clearance in Sheet Metal Cutting-
Distance between punch cutting edge and die cutting edge
Typical values range between 4% and 8% of stock thickness
Punch and Die Sizes
c = at
where, For a round blank of diameter Db
c = clearance — Blanking punch diameter = Db - 20
a = allowance — Blanking die diameter = Db
t = stock thickness For a round hole of diameter Dh:
Allowance a is determined according to — Hole punch diameter = Dh
type of metal — Hole die diameter = Dh + 2c

Cutting Forces
Important for determining press size (tonnage)
where, S = shear strength of metal t = stock thickness L = length of cut edge
Drawn Ratio

Value should be ≤ 2.0

Clearance in Drawing
Sides of punch and die separated by a clearance c given by:
C = 1.1 t
where t = stock thickness
In other words, clearance is about 10% greater than stock thickness.
Thickness to diameter ratio
Thickness of starting blank divided by blank diameter:
Desirable for t/Db ratio to be greater than 1%
As t/Db decreases, tendency for wrinkling increases

Reduction r
Defined for cylindrical Shape

Value of r should be less then 0.50

Heat Treatment Process
Heat Treatment Process
Annealing –
heated up to a temperature just below the lower critical temperature
cool down slowly in the furnace
1) Full Annealing- Metal is heated above the upper critical temperature &
held there until the temperature of the work piece is uniform throughout
2) Process Annealing- After cold working the metal can be softened by
process annealing.
3) Isothermal Annealing -Increases the machinability.
4) Stress relief annealing -The first step is heating the cold worked steel to
a temperature between 5000 C and 550oC C i.e. below its recrystallization
temperature. The second step involves holding the steel component at this
temperature for 1-2 hours And then cooling.

Heat Treatment Process
Normalization -
Heat the steel from 30°C to 50°C above its upper critical temp, hold
fifteen minutes and then allowed to cool in still air.
Homogeneous structure provides a higher yield point, ultimate tensile strength
and impact strength with lower ductility to steels
We Got Toughness .
•Heat them to slightly above the critical temperature, hold them at this temp
for a period of time, and then letting them cool in the furnace.
•Spheroidizing produces a rounded or globular form of carbide.
improve abrasion resistance.
It is the heat treatment process where material is cooled at a rapid rate from
elevated temperature to produce Martensite phase. And Increase the
hardness of the steel
Brine 1.20 to 1.30
Water 1
Water + NaOH or KOH <1
Oil 0.40 to 0.50
Forced air 0.03
Still air 0.02

•Tempering is the process of heating martensitic steel at a temperature below
the eutectoid transformation temperature to make it softer and more ductile.

Casting Processes

Types of Pattern
Casting Processes
Defects in Casting
Difference Between First angle And Third Angle method

About Bend Allowance and Developed Length
You can use the following system-defined equation to calculate developed length
for a part or wall feature:

  Bend allowance compensates for stretching in the area of a bend, where the material on
the outside of the neutral bend axis stretches while the material on the inside of the neutral
bend axis compresses.
For stretched bends δ is negative. As a result, the
neutral layer stays out of the sheet metal thickness
causing the Y factor and K factor to be negative.



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