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A. danger of electrocution____ 2
B. level crossing_____
C. parking reserved for the
D. poisonous substance._____6
E. radioactive substance_____ 4
F. pedestrian crossing_____
Non-verbal clues

Clap. Verb

To hit your hands together to express

appreciation or attract attention.

EX: She clapped when her

son danced.
Non-verbal clues

Nod. Verb

To move your head downward an

upward to show that you are
answering “yes” to a question or
agreement, understanding,…

EX: “Are you okay” I asked.

She nodded and smiled.
Non-verbal clues

Frown. Verb

Someone frowns, their eyebrows become

drawn together.

EX: He frowned at her

Non-verbal clues

Nudge. Verb

To hit your hands together to

express appreciation or attract

EX: I nudged Stanny and

pointed again.
Non-verbal clues

Point /pɔɪnt/. noun

To show where someone or something

is by holding your finger or a thin
object towards it

EX: She pointed at/to a bird

flying overhead.
Non-verbal clues

Shrug /ʃrʌɡ/. Verb

To raise your shoulder and then drop

them to show that you do not know or
care about something
EX: Thousands of people are
starving to death while the
world shrugs its shoulders (=
shows no interest or care).
Non-verbal clues

Shake /ʃeɪk/. Verb

To move backwards and forwards or up

and down in quick, short movements,
or to make something or someone do

EX: Babies like toys that

make a noise when they're
Non-verbal clues

Wink /wɪŋk/. Verb

The action of winking at someone

EX: She smiled and winked

at me.
1 I could tell she was happy because she was......
2 He didn't need to tell me that I didn't get the job. I had already seen him………..his
3 I hate saying goodbye, so I'll just………….goodbye from the train.
4 Every time she wants to draw my attention to something, she……………her elbow,
which I find annoying, and painful, too sometimes.
5 Don't say anything: just…………if you agree.
6 The audience were delighted with the performance and they wouldn't stop………..and
7 I asked them if they knew where my keys were, but they just…….……their shoulders.
8 I knew he was joking: he….…… me before he told us the news.
9 ………….at people with your finger is impolite
10 I wasn't expecting a good mark; the teacher was my essay. while she was………..…
Non-verbal clues

To hug/ hʌɡ/. Verb

To hold someone close to your body

with your arms.

EX: The little girl sat and

hugged her teddy bear.
Non-verbal clues

To kick / kɪk/. Verb

To hit someone with the foot, or to

move the feet and legs suddenly.

EX: I kicked the ball as hard

as I could.
Non-verbal clues

To stroke /strəʊk/ Verb

Move one's hand with gentle pressure

over (a surface, especially hair, fur, or
skin), typically repeatedly.

EX: Stroke the dog if you

want, he won't bite
Non-verbal clues

To tickle /tɪkl/. Verb

To touch someone lightly with your

fingers, making them slightly

EX: I tickled him, and he

laughed a lot.
Non-verbal clues

To slap/slæp/. Verb

To hit someone quickly with the flat

part of the hand or other flat object.

EX: In the movie, he kisses

her and she slaps his face.
Non-verbal clues

To glare at./gleə aet/ Verb

To look at someone in angry way

EX: He didn't shout, he just

glared at me silently
Non-verbal clues

To stare at./ steə aet/ Verb

To look at someone for a long time

without moving your eyes.

EX: Don't stare at people, it

is rude.
Non-verbal clues Non-verbal clues

Glare. Verb Stare. Verb

• Means is more negative, it is staring Means to look at someone fixedly
at someone angrily. per long time or with intensity.

EX: She glared at him angrily. EX: She stared at him with curiosity.

 1 to hug someone________ P
 5 to stroke someone ________
 2 to glare at someone ________ P
 6 to tickle someone. ________
 3 to kick someone ________ N
 7 to slap someone ________
 4 to kiss someone ________ N
 8 to stare at someone ________
Non-verbal clues

To sign away. Phr.verb

/tuː saɪn əˈweɪ/

To give (something, such as rights or

property) to someone by signing a

EX: He signed away his

rights to the book before it
became a best-seller.
Non-verbal clues

To sign for. Phr.verb

/tuː saɪn fɔːr /

To sign a form to show that you have

received something.

EX: I had to sign for the

parcel when I went to get it at
the post office
Non-verbal clues

To sign up. Phr.verb

/tuː saɪn ʌp/

To agree to become involved in an

organized activity.

EX: She's signed up for

evening classes at the
community college.
Non-verbal clues

To Sign in. Phr.verb

/tuː saɪn ɪn: /

To sign your name in a book in order to

be allowed to enter a building such as
an office or hotel.

EX: Students must sign in

when they visit other dorms.
Non-verbal clues

To sign off. Phr.verb

/tuː saɪn ɒf:/

To stop doing your work or a similar

activity for a period of time.

EX: My doctor signed me off

work for a month due to back
Non-verbal clues

On the dole. Phr.verb

/ɒn ðə dəʊl:/

Receiving money that the government

gives to people who are unemployed.

EX: Mr. Blue signed on the

dole in June , after his
company went bust.
1. When the company asked me to sign the form, I
didn't realise I was signing. a. up for the army.

2. I have to stay home because I need to sign b. in before they can go upstairs.

3. I've decided what I want to do in the future: I'm

going to sign. c. on the dole.

4. My dinner is ready so I need to sign. d. for a parcel I'm expecting.

5. She lost her job so she's signing.

e. away my rights to compensation

6. I really need faster internet, so I'm going to sign f. off now.

7. All visitors must sign. g. up for the broadband offer.

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