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Palm Oil Processing Industri

Kelompok :
- Nova Ariyanti (18034010004)
- Sabrinatus Amalia (18034010006)
- Ana Mauidatul (18034010008)
- Umi Hafilda (18034010010)
- Khusnul Khotimah (18034010011)
- Santika Octaviana Purba (18034010012)

Palm oil is Indonesia's main export commodity.

Palm oil consists of 2 types, namely:
1. Crude palm oil, oil derived from the pulp
through a process of wrapping and pressing
2. Palm kernel oil, oil derived from palm kernel
Flow Chart
Characterization of
materials at each stage
Sterilizer • Capable of cooking 7.5 tons / batch
• Takes 45 minutes for the fruit to ripen
• Inthis process, the fresh fruit bunches are reduced by 11.5% in weight
• Requires 15 m3 of boiling chamber
Thresher • Produce loose fruit with an 67% TBS and empty bunches 21,5%
• Empty bunches wil be processed into fertiizer
• Has the form of a perforated horizontal cylinder with a rotating shaft and driven by a motor

Screw press • Including two screw rods that rotate opposite each other
• Temperature 90-95 degrees celsius
• Have pressure 30-50 bar
• Produce fiber and nuts (23.5%) and crude palm oil
Identification Of Potential Residues at Each Stage

Production activities at the Palm Oil Mill produce waste in the form of
solid waste, liquid waste and gas waste .

Liquid waste is the waste that has the greatest effect compared to other
total wastes.
● Liquid waste; residual wastewater from factory activities originating
from condensate from the sterilization process, water from clarification
processes, drying water, and factory washing water.
Identification of potential
residues at each stage
● Solid waste; in the form of oil palm empty bunches, palm oil shells, palm
oil fibers.
Composition Of Oil Palm Empty Bunches

Composition Persentage

Dust 15%
Cellulose 40%
Lignin 21%

Hemicellulose 24%

● Gas waste; derived from evaporsation of sterilizer process and liquid

waste stored in open ponds containing methane gas (CH4) and CO2.
Clean Production

Type Benefits

Compost, Paper Pulp, Particleboard,

Empty Bunches

Charcoal, Activated Carbon, Particle


Fiber Energy, Paper Pulp, Particle Board

Liquid Waste Fertilizer, Irrigation Water

Condensate Water Water Boilers

Dregs Fuel of boiler

Type, Potential, and Utilization of Palm Oil Mill Waste

Source : Tim PT. SP (2000)
Clean Production

● Reduce, using a condensate sterilizer from the boiling of fresh fruit

bunches as a diluent, so as to reduce the use of clean water and also the
volume of waste disposed of in the wastewater treatment pond.
● Reuse, oil palm liquid waste contains organic material which contains
nutas fertilizer in oil palm plantation areas, thereby saving the cost of
fertilizing oil palm plants.
● Recovery, oil extracted from palm oil liquid waste can be used as a
source of carotenoids and raw material for soap factories
● Recyle, there is a certain amount of oil in the waste which is then
filtered by catching oil (oil cather), then returned by pump to the
centrifuge and reuniting with the refined oil
Risk analysis Negative Effects
Impact of Waste on the Environment
and Anticipation
Positive Effects
● Substitution of inorganic fertilizers
(MOP, TSP, Kieserite, Urea) ● Oil palm mill effluent will cause a bad
● Maintain and increase soil moisture odor of organic waste so that it can
disturb the public's sense of smell.
● A source of biogas energy.
● Empty Jugs that are sown into oil palm
● Become animal feed, soap-making planting areas have resulted in an
materials, and manufacture of biodiesel
increase in the insect population of
● Good management of empty baskets will flies. For this reason are applied to
be useful as a source of nutrition for areas that are not adjacent to
plants, as mulch, can improve soil residential areas.
structure. Besides that, the empty
basket can also be used for making
Negative Effects
Impact of Waste on the Environment
and Anticipation

Ashes from combution can cause air pollution

Chances of a flatbed leak (bottom of the waste pool) due to
soil porosity and holes in the ground that were not
previously identified
Increased mosquito population
The fishermen also complained about the reduced fish catch
because it was suspected that the river was polluted by the
resulting waste
K3 :
• The company provides training to
workers in the production and
processing section with training such
as work instructions, proper and
correct use of PPE, emergency
response (resque), and fire fighting.

• Personal protective equipment:

Helmets, gloves, boots, ear plugs,
masks, chest liners.
Cost Production

Charcoal Fertilizer from empty

Variabel/Innovation Biogas Pellet
Briquette bunch of palm (TKKS)

Product 150 kg 60 ton 0.125 ton 0.125 ton

Cost Rp 830/Kg Rp 150 kg-1 Rp 23.067,02/Kg Rp 48.269,87/Kg

Product Prices Rp. 1300/Kg Rp 400 kg-1 Rp 1.309.978,80/Kg Rp 1.751.384,70/Kg

Rp 366 kg-1 or around 2.28

Profit  Rp. 2870/Kg Rp 160.757,18/Kg Rp 212.885,79/Kg
miliar tahun-1
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