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 Social Group
 Definition
 Formation of Social Group
 Classification of Social Group
a. Primary and Secondary Group
b. In and Out Group
c. Formal and Informal Group
d. Horizontal and vertical Group
e. Reference Group
f. Peer Group
 Conclusion
Social Group
 Social Group is a collection of
persons who share common interest
and reason for being together. Some
groups are formed naturally; others
are organized for a particular

 A true group exhibits some degree of

social cohesion and is more than a
simple collection of individuals, such
as people waiting at a bus stop, or
people waiting in a line.

 Characteristics shared by members

of a group may include interests,
values, representations, ethnic or
social background or kinship ties.

 Bogardus- “A social group may

be thought of as a number of
persons, two or more, who have
some common objects of
attention, who are stimulating
to each other, who have a
common loyalty and participate
in similar activities.”
Formation of Social Group
 All human needs are satisfied within
the group. Certain believe, values
and ideals are commonly followed
by the group members. This
generates a feeling of unity and

 Group also provide many activities

which would not be possible by a
lone individual. 

  Groups share common goals in the

sense that the member tends to be
generally similar to one another in
respect of the purpose of the group.
 Social behavior and the personality
of an individual is shape by the
group to which he belongs.

 A group provides security there is a

co-operation between its members
which leads to proper growth and
continues survival of human special. 

 Group provides opportunities for

functional interdependence as
individuals are dependent upon one
another for their survival. Thus,
social group serve both private and
public needs of short and long term
as well.
Classification of Social Group
1. Primary and Secondary Groups
 Charles coolly in his book Social
organization has describes primary &
secondary groups on the basis of human

 Primary groups are referred to small

association of people who are intimately
collected by emotional feelings.

 There is a face to face association. The

size is limited and there is intimacy
among its members co-operation is the
unique feature as member have a
common aim. Members have a personal

 E.g. – Family is a primary group.

 Secondary groups are just the
opposite of a primary group. They
are a large sized group.

 The contacts are superficial and

unidentified. The membership is not
compulsory. The relationship is
formal and impersonal. This is
regulated by rule.

 The position or status of every

member depends upon his role. The
purpose of a secondary group is to
fulfill specific function.

 E.g. – Political party, Corporation, A

nation etc.
2.    In Group and Out Group
 William Graham Sumner in his book
Folkways divided social groups into
two ways in group. Is we groups and
the out group is the groups or other

  An In group has a feeling of oneness.

Welfare binds them members are
sympatric towards one another there
is mutual co-operation health and
good will. There is solidarity,
sentiments, loyalty and intimacy.

 An Out groups are a circle of people

where there is no sense of
belongingness. There is in difference
competition, jealously, hatred and
even conflicts.
3. Formal and Informal group
 Formal groups are guided be written
rules and roles to its members. It is
regulated and controlled by
established norms and values (rules),
the members have to obey the rules.

 Any serious violation of the rules by

a member needs the punishments.  

 Membership is based on
qualification and every member has
to play a definite role. It is culturally

 E.g. – Political Party, Business firm,

Armies, Government firm,
 A group without frame rule, goals,
and leaders is called an informal

 It is established on the basis of

interpersonal relations. Joint
activities felling of belongingness to
a group bound by common interest.

 There is we felling, mutual likings,

emotional attractions, understanding
and respect for each other with in the
group, customs and traditions is a
basis of a informal group.
4. Horizontal and Vertical Group
 Miller divided groups into horizontal
and vertical groups.

 Horizontal groups are composed of

person who belong to the same social
class, i.e. who are given similar
treatment because they have economic
and social attributes which are ranked
similarly in the prestige hierarchy of
the society. E.g. Nation

 Vertical groups in which members are

from different social classes, different
income levels, and whose prestige
varies widely. E.g. Economic, Political
organization etc.
5. Reference Group
 The concept of reference group is
introduced by Heyman and later
developed by Turner, Robert K.
Merton and Sheriff.

 Sheriff –  “ Those group to which

individual relates to himself as a part
or to which he relates himself

 It is a group which acts like a models

to others. The individual compares
and contrasts himself with the
reference groups, behaviors, goals,
sentiments etc.
6. Peer Group
  Group of people of similar status are
called peer group. E.g. Class mates,
Close Friends, etc. Peer group often
formed on the basis of similarities
between people who come together to
participate in similar activities. Peer
group often meets each other

 Horton & Hunt – “Crowd is a

temporary collection of people
reacting together to stimuli (Instant
 Therefore we can say that a social group is any number of people
who share common goals and beliefs.

 A true group exhibits some degree of social cohesion and is more

than a simple collection or aggregate of individuals, individuals,
such as people waiting at a bus stop, or people waiting in a line.

 Characteristics shared by members of a group may include

interests, values, representations, ethnic or social background.

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