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How To Make

French Fries

Satia Hartati (0432950319004)

Sirty Patti (0432950320022)
01 02 03 04

French fries or chips (British English) or finger

chips (indian English) is Potato slices cooked in
hot oil, place of origin french fries is Belgium or
France (1680)

French fries is the easiest and delicious food

from America. You can make your own
delicious fries even at your home.

1.Potato (500 gr)

5.Ice - cold water
6.Chilli sauce
01 02 03 04

Cooking steps:
- First, clean up the potato before you peel it.
- Then, after potato clean, peel the potato and
Chop the potatoes
- Next, soak cut potatoes in Ice - Cold water for
10 - 15 minute
- After that, deep fry the Potato fries
- Finally, Sprinkle salt dan pepper, that's okay if
you want to use chili sauce
01 02 03 04


1. Kentang (500 gram)

2. Garam
3. Lada
4. Minyak
5. Air es
6. Saus sambal
01 02 03 04

Cara memasak
- Pertama, bersihkan kentang terlebih dahulu
sebelum dikupas
- Kemudian, setelah kentang bersih, kupas
kentang dan potong-potong kentang
- Selanjutnya, rendam potongan kentang dalam air
es selama 10-15 menit
- Setelah itu, goreng kentang goreng
- Terakhir taburkan garam dan merica, kalau mau
pakai sambal juga boleh
01 02 03 04

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