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Essence of Science

Erian Jeremy (32121003)

TA8102 – Filsafat Ilmu
Rekayasa Pertambangan, FTTM ITB
What is Science and
Modern Science

Body of Science 02

Scientific Method 03

The Importance of
Research and Propotition
What is Science
Science is a systematized knowledge obtained by study, observation, experiment
(Webster’s super New School and Office Dictionary)

Science is knowledge arranged in a system, especially obtained by observation and

testing of fact
(An English reader’s dictionary)

Science is the system of man’s knowledge on nature, society and thought. It reflect the
world in concepts, categories and laws, the correctness and truth of which are verified
by practical experience
(V. Avanasyev)
Characteristics of science
– Empirical “ Scientist must be owned the “scientific attitude”, an attitude that is always
– Systemtatic
– Analytic objective and does not absolute a scientific truth ”
– Objective
– Verificative

Djajadi, 2019
Modern Science
• From Carl Hempel’s explanation, basic idea of scientific
explanation is ‘explanation-seeking why-questions’
• Hempel’s answer for question is “deductive” (from general
premises that is true to explained specific premises) to answer
nature phenomena.
• But not all phenomena is causal-based  for empiricist (based
on experience)
• Can modern science explained everything? The answer is no.

Okasha, 2016
Modern Science
Rationalism is the most important

“Too objective” Not believe in religion anymore

(Soelaiman, 2018) Big exploitation of the nature

Moslem: limited human sense
knowledges are limited and intellectual
knowledge is above human sense
Does science keep (Gholsani, 2003 in Soelaiman, 2018)
people away from Christianity: theology is inspiration RATIONING
source and give primary historical
God? assumption about science
(Russel, 2017 in Kristianto, 2018)
Scientific Method
A scientific method - built on the collaboration of experimentalists and theorists ;
developed by Galileo Galilei in 1550-1800s

Rational thinking

To see natural symptoms or human-causal

Observation symptomps or results of experiments

Hypothesis that created not contradictive

Create hypothesis with the body of knowledge

Hypothesis must be testing empirically to

Hypothesis testing find the truth

Pragmatic conclusion, there has been no

Conclusion/Making proposition conclusion that contradicts the
conclusions we have made so far

Wahana, 2016
Object and Body of Science
The object of science is
scientific knowledge
(material object) and the Generalization can show the relation of concept

essence (formal object) Concept can explained the similarity between object

Facts can formulate and definite new concept

Fig 1. Body of knowledge schema

Facts is a symptom, Concept are labels that Generalization is a general Theory are groups of
nature or human- help someone make conclusion drawn from concept, followed by
caused, that need to meaning of information in empirical concepts based relation between concepts
construct a new broader sense by on specific things that are systematically
concept simplified facts (induction). arranged

The term science has come to be associated with research, that are limited to developing
the body of facts by gathering experience and process of reasoning

Djajadi, 2019
The Importance of Research
“Research is a studious inquiry or examination, especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the
discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or
practical application of such new or revised theories or laws; collecting information about particular subject ”
(Webster-Merreiem Dictionary)
A good research must be (Enyioko, 2016):
Facts RESEARCH 1. Following the standards of the scientific method
2. Purpose clearly defined and need limitations
3. Research process detailed and design must be
thoroughly planned
4. High ethical standards applied
5. Adequate analysis for decision-makers needs
New Facts 6. Findings presented unambiguously
7. Conclusions justified o Researcher’s experience
“science must start with facts and end with facts,…” reflected
(Punch 2006, in Enyioko, 2016)
Construct of the theory; a statement that the truth value can be tested by experiment

Hypotesis : Tentative assumption/explanation must be tested

Empiric generalization : Based on field research, inductive
Axiom : Deductive, based on other assumption
Postulate : Same as axiom, but empirically proven
Theorem : Based on other postulat

If the variation in research is not effected the results or constant, it called assumption
Assumption can be basic opinion or conditions for the validity of a conclusion

Djajadi, 2019

“Reasoning is needed in the decision-making activities of the activities carried out and
connecting one decision with another decision” (Wahana, 2016)
• Djajadi, M. (2019). Filsafat Sains. Yogyakarta : CV. Arti Bumi Intaran. ISBN: 978-602-5963-43-8
• Hempel, C. G., & Oppenheim, P. (1948). Studies in the Logic of Explanation. Philosophy of Science, 15(2), 135–
• Kristianto, P. E. (2018). Menelusuri Jejak dan Upaya Menghubungkan Sains dan Agama. KURIOS (Jurnal Teologi
dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen), 4(2), 118-134.
• Okasha, S. (2016). Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction. (2, Ed.), Journal of Chemical Information and
Modeling (Vol. 53). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Russell, Robert John. Theological Influences in Scientific Research Programs: Natural Theology “in Reverse”.
Theology and Science Journal, Volume 15, 2017, Issue 4, 378-394.
• Wahana, P. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Diamond.

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