6 - Kesejahteraan Subjektif: Disarikan Oleh: Dr. Moordiningsih, M.Si, Psikolog

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6_Kesejahteraan Subjektif

Disarikan oleh:

Dr. Moordiningsih, M.Si, Psikolog.

Arti Kehidupan
• Can someone be truly fulfilled without knowing what he or she is living for, what the point is, the meaning of
one’s existence? Is it possible to be truly well without moving a finger to change something in oneself, without
growing and developing as a person? This is what is missing from the current mainstream theories of well-
being – the notions of
growth, self-actualization and meaning.

• Apakah Bahagia/terpenuhi rasa cukup itu tanpa tahu alasan untuk apa dia hidup?

• Arti kehidupan bagi seseorang?

• Apakah bisa merubah sesuatu dalam diri seseorang tanpa bergerak? Tanpa
menumbuhkannya sebagai seorang manusia?


Sejahtera, Bahagia bukan Hedonis
• The current theories of well-being seem to give a rather bare, one sided picture of well-being. In fact, what they do
seem to cover quite well is the notion of hedonism – striving for maximization of pleasure (positive affect) and
minimization of pain (negative affect). This
hedonic view can be traced to Aristippus, a Greek philosopher who believed that the goal of life is to experience
maximum pleasure, and later to Utilitarian philosophers (Ryan & Deci, 2001).

• Filosof Yunani Aristippus meyakini bahwa tujuan hidup adalah untuk alami banyak kenikmatan >
gagasan hedonism

• Mencari banyak kenikmatan (afek positif) dan meminimalkan rasa sakit/penderitaan ( afek

• Namun ini ternyata hanyalah “sebagian kecil/satu sisi saja” dan bisa jadi kurang tepat

• Mengenai teori tentang “well being”

An alternative to hedonic happiness

Alternatif lain dari kebahagiaan “hedonis”

• the idea of eudaimonic well-being. Aristotle was the originator of the concept of eudaimonia
(from daimon = true nature).


Aristotle thought that true happiness is achieved by leading a virtuous life and doing what is
worth doing. He argued that realizing human potential is the ultimate human
goal. This idea was further developed in history by prominent thinkers
such as Stoics, who stressed the value of self-discipline, and John Locke,
who argued that happiness is pursued through prudence.

• BAHAGIA sesungguhnya dicapai dengan menjalani kehidupan yang bajik/baik

dan melakukan sesuatu yang berharga atau layak dilakukan.
Humanistic psychology and the actualizing tendency

Psikologi Humanistik dan tendensi Aktualisasi Diri

• Humanistic psychologists, such as Maslow (famous for developing the hierarchy of needs) and Rogers, were
probably the first ‘eudaimonists’ in the twentieth century. Humanistic psychology grew up in the 1960s out of
the climate of pessimistic psychoanalysis and behaviourism that reduced humans to machines responding to

• The premise of humanistic psychology was that people have a free will and make choices
that influence their well-being. What also makes it very different from other perspectives in psychology is belief
in the actualizing tendency – a fundamental motivation towards growth. Rogers (1961: 351) .

• MANUSIA memiliki kehendak bebas untuk membuat pilihan-pilihan yang mempengaruhi

kesejahteraan hidupnya.

• TENDENSI menuju AKTUALISASI, motivasi dasar manusia untuk tumbuh.

Daimon in action
• Daimon in action
Daimon refers to potentialities of each person, realization of which
leads to the greatest fulfilment. Efforts to live in accordance with one’s
daimon, the congruence between this and people’s life activities, lead
to the experience of eudaimonia (Waterman, 1993).

• Daimon = true nature,

• Potensi-potensi fitrah yang dimiliki manusia, realisasi potensi ini akan

membawa pada ‘rasa pemenuhan diri” yang paling tinggi.

• Usaha dalam kehidupan yang selaras dengan “daimon” yang dimiliki akan
membawa pada keadaan mengalami “EUDAIMONIA”.
Psychological well-being

Kesejahteraan PSIKOLOGIS
• PWB stands for psychological well-being, which is a model of wellbeing widely advocated by a psychology professor, Carol Ryff (Ryff & Keyes,
1995; Ryff & Singer, 1998; Ryff et al., 2004).
Ryff analysed many various approaches to happiness in different sub-fields of psychology and came to the conclusion that wellbeing should be seen
as consisting of six components. These components are: self-acceptance (positive evaluation of oneself and one’s life),
personal growth, purpose in life, positive relations with others, environmental
mastery (the capacity to effectively manage one’s life and the surrounding
environment) and autonomy.

• 6 KOMPONEN Well being:

• 1. Penerimaan Diri, evaluasi diri yang positif terhadap diri sendiri dan kehidupannya.

• 2. Pertumbuhan Diri,

• 3. Tujuan Hidup

• 4. Relasi Positif dengan orang lain,

• 5. Kemampuan Kelola lingkungan diri, environmental

mastery (the capacity to effectively manage one’s life and the surrounding
• 6. Autonomy.
Self-determination theory

Teori Determinasi diri

• the self-determination theory (SDT), developed by Ryan and Deci, postulates the existence of three inherent
fundamental needs, which are universal (found throughout different
cultures and times). These basic psychological nutrients are:
• Autonomy – the need to choose what one is doing, being an agent
of one’s own life.
• Competence – the need to feel confident in doing what one is doing.
• Relatedness – the need to have human connections that are close and
secure, while still respecting autonomy and facilitating competence.

• 3 nutrisi psikologis dasar:

• 1. Otonomi, kebutuhan untuk memilih apa yang dilakukan, menjadi penentu bagi kehidupannya

• 2. Kompeten, kubutuhan untuk merasa percaya diri dalam melakukan apa yang dilakukan,

• 3. Keterikatan relasi, kebutuhan untuk punya koneksi dengan sesama manusia yang dekat dan
aman, serta masih menghormati otonomi dan kompetensi masing-masing.
Other eudaimonic theories

Teori Eudaimonic yang lain

• Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of autotelic personality is also claiming its place under the
eudaimonic happiness umbrella. Autotelic people are those who often engage in activities for
their own sake, and experience flow states frequently. One problem with allocating flow
into the eudaimonic camp is that some of Csikszentmihalyi’s characteristics of flow, including
losing track of time and forgetting personal problems, seem to have much more to do with
hedonic enjoyment than with eudaimonic endeavours. ,

• Orang dengan kepribadian Autotelic

terikat dengan kegiatannya karena memang suka, kadang lupa waktu dan lupa
akan permasalahan dirinya, serta terlihat senang dengan apa yang
Tips & Tools

Personal development workout

To clarify your direction, imagine yourself in 10 or 20 years’ time and
consider what sort of person you would like to be then, and how it can

be achieved (Popovic, 2005).


• Transcendence is related to dedication and commitment to something or somebody other than
oneself. It is about finding purpose in one’s life and acting in accordance with this purpose.

• Dedikasi dan komitmen terhadap sesuatu yang lebih sekedar personal.

• Menemukan tujuan hidup dan bertindak selaras dengan tujuan tersebut.

There is one more caveat to the
story of hedonic and
eudaimonic wellbeing.
You may remember from the
previous chapter the concept of
satisfaction with life.

Remember, life satisfaction is nothing more

than congruence between the present and an
ideal situation, both of which are
a reflection of the person’s own
subjective appreciation of life (Diener, 1984).
Therefore, life satisfaction can be conceived
of as an independent, subjective evaluation of
current status of one’s life, which can be
either hedonically or eudaimonically oriented.

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