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Action, doing and being words are called


Verbs have forms called tenses that tell us

when the action happens.

There are three forms of tenses. Present

Tense, Past tense, Future Tense

1. Simple Present Tense- mostly used to express

actions that happen regularly.
2. Present Continuous Tense- used to express an
ongoing action in the present.
3. Verb- a word that describes an action.
You have to share about things that a member of
your family does everyday. You may use time
words, such as every day, always, usually, and
Example- My mother wakes up at 6a.m. every day.

After that, make sentences about what your family

member might be doing right now. You can use
words such as at the moment, right now, and so
Example – Mother must be working in the office
right now.
Simple Present Tense talks about things as they happen.
We add s-or es with an action verb in a sentence that
comes with singular nouns.
1. My father goes to gym everyday.
2. She thinks he is very handsome.
3. My son lives in London.
4. My father always washes the cars.
5. My teacher sometimes forgets her keys.
Do we use the present continuous tense for all actions that are happening at that moment?
Choose the correct form:
1.Mary usually ____to school by bus.(go) goes
2. Listen! John ___________the violin(play)is playing
3.They_____T.V at the moment.(watch) are watching
4.My sister _____to music now.(Listen)is listening
5.We ____football on Sundays.(play) play
6.Uncle Tom ______ his car.(drive) drives
7. We ________at the moment(fight) aren’t fighting.
8.________(do)your father _________(work)in a factory?
9.What time ____they ______?(do,get) do,getup
10.I_____________ my teeth now.(brush)
Simple Past Tense talks about things that happened in the past.
The simple past tense is usually made by adding ‘ed’ to the verb.

1. We watched the news last night.

2. I finished my work first.
3. Two boys played with a ball.
4. She washed her car.
5. I finished work, walked to the beach , and found a nice place to swim.
Simple Future Tense talks about things that will happen in the
We use either shall or will with main verb.

1. I will read the newspaper when I go to the bus stop.

2. I will miss you when you move to another country.
3. It will rain, I can understand it from the dark clouds.
4. I shall see him next Monday.
5. She will be late for the party.
Simple Future Tense talks about things that will happen in the
We use either shall or will with main verb.

1. I will read the newspaper when I go to the bus stop.

2. I will miss you when you move to another country.
3. It will rain, I can understand it from the dark clouds.
4. I shall see him next Monday.
5. She will be late for the party.

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