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What effect does container volume have on Rate of Reaction?

William Shields
Beaumaris Secondary College
Eye of the Atom 2021

The reaction being investigated is the Vinegar and
Cut and paste from Word document/logbook
Bicarbonate Soda reaction, specifically the affect of
different sized containers on the rate of reaction.
• The decreasing Rate of Reaction was inconsistent; the
ROR only decreases in equal steps twice. Additionally,
The importance of this is reaction is that the results of this
the experiment has diminishing returns, with a 4cm
experiment could be applied to other reactions, which
increase in container diameter reducing ROR by 15
could help scientists save time in the lab.
seconds, but a later 30 cm increase only reduces ROR
by 10 seconds
My hypothesis is that a smaller container will speed up the
There were no significant outliers,
reaction, as the reactants are forced to interact
• This experiment was limited by a lack of containers of
Results non-multiple of 5 diameter. Additionally, If this
experiment were to be repeated,, using different
Diameter of Container (cm) Duration (seconds)
reactants (Berocca and water, brewing coffee) could be
1 75 a good way to further measure the effect of diameter
5 60
10 40
Methodology 20 30 Conclusion
1. Set out all containers in a straight row
50 20 In conclusion, the experiment found that a larger dish will
2. Measure out an equal portion (10g per container) of Bicarb Soda
into each container increase the Rate of Reaction, likely due to the reactants
3. Start the stopwatch, then pour 10 mls of vinegar into a container having more space to mix. This goes against the
4. Wait for that reaction to stop, the note down the time on a hypothesis (Which was that a smaller diameter would
stopwatch increase Rate of Reaction).
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all containers have had a reaction in

There are no major risks in this process, however it’s best to

take the ‘standard’ safety procedures (Wearing of PPE and
caution around glass)


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