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See then that ye walk

circumspectly, not as
fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15-17
Wherefore (because we have been
awakened from spiritual stupor and
spiritual death and have the light of
Christ - Eph 5:14)
Ephesians 5:15-17
be ye not unwise ("fools"), but
understanding what the will of the
Lord is. (making the most of or
redeeming the time)
Ephesians 5:15-17
because (explains why we must
redeem the time) the days are evil
(Corollary: The evil of our day should
motivate us to redeem the time)."

Ephesians 5:15-17
The harvest is past, the
summer is ended, and
we are not saved.
Jeremiah. 8:20
The History to Be
Near the close of this earth's
history Satan will work with all his
powers in the same manner and
with the same temptations
wherewith he tempted ancient
Israel just before their entering the
Land of Promise.
AH 327.1
He will lay snares for those who claim
to keep the commandments of God,
and who are almost on the borders of
the heavenly Canaan. He will use his
powers to their utmost in order to
entrap souls and to take God's
professed people upon their weakest
AH 327.1
Those who have not brought the lower
passions into subjection to the higher
powers of their being, those who have
allowed their minds to flow in a
channel of carnal indulgence of the
baser passions, Satan is determined to
destroy with his temptations—to
pollute their souls with licentiousness.
AH 327.1
He is not aiming especially at the
lower and less important marks,
but he makes use of his snares
through those whom he can enlist
as his agents to allure or attract
men to take liberties which are
condemned in the law of God.

AH 327.1
And men in responsible positions,
teaching the claims of God's law,
whose mouths are filled with
arguments in vindication of His law,
against which Satan has made such
a raid—

AH 327.1
over such he sets his hellish powers
and his agencies at work and
overthrows them upon the weak
points in their character, knowing
that he who offends on one point is
guilty of all, thus obtaining
complete mastery over the entire
AH 327.1
Mind, soul, body, and conscience are
involved in the ruin. If he be a
messenger of righteousness and has
had great light, or if the Lord has used
him as His special worker in the cause
of truth, then how great is the triumph
of Satan! How he exults! How God is
AH 327.1
...I entreat you to be in earnest and
come to God through Jesus Christ. “Be
not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
he also reap.”

4T 343.2
He who spends his talents and his
means in self-indulgence, in
gratification of the lower passions, will
reap corruption. His harvest is sure. His
mind will lose its susceptibility and
power. His intellect will be shattered
and his life shortened.

4T 343.2
God requires you to make more
thorough efforts to subdue and control
self. I was shown that God and angels
are ready and waiting to help you in
this important work. If you delay, if you
are even dilatory, it may be too late.

4T 343.2
Your probation is lengthened, your
character is now forming, and soon, my
dear brother and sister, it will be
stereotyped forever. Halfway work with
you will not advance you one step
toward heaven. Indecision soon
becomes decision in the wrong
4T 343.2
Many decide to serve themselves and
Satan by not making determined
efforts to overcome their defects of
character. While many are petting
sinful propensities, expecting to be
overcomers sometime, they are
deciding for perdition.

4T 343.2
It is now that we must overcome pride,
passion, and spiritual slothfulness. It is
now that we must awake, and make
determined effort for symmetry of
character. “Today if ye will hear His
voice, harden not your hearts.”
Hebrews 4:7.

CET 190.3
We are in a most trying position,
waiting, watching for our Lord's
appearing. The world is in darkness.
“But ye, brethren,” says Paul, “are not
in darkness, that that day should
overtake you as a thief.” 1
Thessalonians 5:4.

CET 190.3
It is ever God's purpose to bring light
out of darkness, joy out of sorrow, and
rest out of weariness, for the waiting,
longing soul.

CET 190.3
What are you doing, brethren, in the
great work of preparation? Those who
are uniting with the world, are
receiving the worldly mold, and
preparing for the mark of the beast.

CET 190.3
Those who are distrustful of self, who
are humbling themselves before God
and purifying their souls by obeying
the truth,—these are receiving the
heavenly mold, and preparing for the
seal of God in their foreheads.

CET 190.3
When the decree goes forth, and the
stamp is impressed, their character will
remain pure and spotless for eternity.
CET 191.1

CET 191.2
Now is the time to prepare. The seal of
God will never be placed upon the
forehead of an impure man or woman.
It will never be placed upon the
forehead of the ambitious, world-
loving man or woman.

CET 191.2
It will never be placed upon the
forehead of men or women of false
tongues or deceitful hearts. All who
receive the seal must be without spot
before God,—candidates for heaven.
Search the Scriptures for yourselves,
that you may understand the fearful
solemnity of the present hour.
RH August 17, 1869, par. 2
It is while it is called today that you
may, if you will, hear His voice, and
harden not your heart, as in the day of
provocation. It is today that the Spirit
of God invites. It is today that the
sweet voice of mercy is falling upon
your ears.

RH August 17, 1869, par. 2

It is today that the heavenly invitation
comes to you. It is today that in Heaven
everything says, Come. And the Spirit
and the bride say, Come. And
whosoever will, let him come and take
of the water of life freely.

RH August 17, 1869, par. 2

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