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Sjogren's syndrome

Ahmed Abdelfattah A4
Overview about Sjogren's syndrome:

Sjogren's (SHOW-grins) syndrome is a disorder of your immune system identified by its

two most common symptoms — dry eyes and a dry mouth.
The condition often accompanies other immune system disorders, such as rheumatoid
arthritis and lupus. In Sjogren's syndrome, the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting
glands of your eyes and mouth are usually affected first — resulting in decreased tears and
Although you can develop Sjogren's syndrome at any age, most people are older than 40
at the time of diagnosis. The condition is much more common in women. Treatment
focuses on relieving symptoms.
Causes of Sjögren's syndrome:
Sjögren's syndrome is caused by the immune system (the body's defence against infection),
damaging healthy parts of the body. This is known as an autoimmune condition.
The condition usually affects areas of the body that produce fluids, such as tears and saliva.
But other parts of the body, such as nerves and joints, can also be affected.
It's not clear why the immune system stops working properly.
It may be linked to:
genetics – some people may be born with genes that make them more likely to get an
autoimmune condition
hormones – the female hormone oestrogen may play a part, as the condition is much more
common in women than men
The main symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome are dry eyes and a dry mouth, but it can also cause
several other problems.

Each person is affected differently. For some people the condition may just be a bit of a nuisance,
while for others it can have a big impact on their daily life.

There are many conditions that can cause similar symptoms. See a GP if you have any symptoms
you're worried about.
Dry eyes
*These symptoms may be worse when the air is dry, for example, when you're somewhere that's
windy, smoky or air conditioned.

Dry eyes can be caused by many conditions besides Sjögren's syndrome.

Dry mouth
*Signs that you may have a dry mouth include:

*Feeling like food gets stuck in your mouth or throat, especially dry foods like crackers.
*Needing to drink water while you're eating to help you swallow food.
*Your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth.
*Hoarse voice.
*Smooth, red tongue.
*Change in how food tastes.
*Dry, sore and cracked skin at the corners of your lips.
_Other reasons for a dry mouth include things such as diabetes or medicines.
Other symptoms

Other possible symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome can include:

*Dry, itchy skin
*Severe tiredness and exhaustion
*Vaginal dryness in women, which can make sex painful
*Rashes (especially after being in the sun)
*Dry cough that does not go away
*Swelling between the jaw and ears (swollen salivary glands)
*Muscle pain
*Joint pain, stiffness and swelling

Treatment for Sjogren's syndrome depends on the parts

of the body affected. Many people manage the dry eye
and dry mouth of Sjogren's syndrome by using over-the-
counter eyedrops and sipping water more frequently. But
some people need prescription medications, or even
surgical procedures.

A minor procedure to seal the tear ducts that drain tears

from your eyes (punctal occlusion) might help relieve
your dry eyes. Collagen or silicone plugs are inserted into
the ducts to help preserve your tears.
Because no one knows exactly what causes Sjögren’s syndrome or other
autoimmune diseases, there is no known way to prevent it.

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