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Vietnam Culture Values

and How they Impact In


Made by Group 1
1. Rosa Sapaat Singa Diparaja/031119014
2. Moh. Septi Diana/031119008
3. M. Raihan Arifian/031119021
• Vietnam Culture Values
• How they impact in ICC
Vietnam Values
For Vietnamese, culture is a system of material (physical) and spiritual
(spiritual) values that are created and accumulated through the process of
working in life. Culture has two fundamental (basic) characteristics, namely
the systematic character and the value character.

1. The systemic character - Culture as an entity includes all activities in society to fulfill the functions of
community organizations. So, culture is considered as the basis of society.
2. The value character - This value can be grouped into two categories, namely long lasting value and non-
lasting value. Culture can be described as a cable that connects people to each other. This is done through
language. Language is a means of communication and culture is the content of language (transmitting
material and spiritual values to people).
Vietnamese have a habit of visiting each other
Even though they see each other every day but when they have free time, they always
want to meet and visit each other. The visit may not mean for work (business interests)
but it is only to show the feeling of closeness to strengthen the relationship

Strongly influenced by feelings

When people love or like each other, they tend to forgive the other person's
mistakes, even if the faults are huge. Feelings are more valuable than
rationality (valuing feelings is much more important than anything else).

Whoever helps them will be called "teacher“

This call reminds them of help from others. There are many “teachers” in their lives, for example
doctors, school teachers, shamans, lawyers…
With the object of communication, Vietnamese people have a habit of seeking information from others
to judge others.
Vietnamese people are too curious (curious)

In communication, questions about age, birth, education, occupation, social status,

family (parents, relatives, marital status, how many children…) are very often asked.

Vietnam really appreciates honor)

(honor is better than nice clothes!) This phenomenon can be seen everywhere in Vietnam. Therefore,
Vietnamese people always try to improve their own social status: the "higher" the more "prestigious".
How they Impact In ICC
Improving Cooperation in the Company Team
Every company will certainly have employees with different cultural backgrounds. In order to achieve mutual success in a
company. The influence of the culture values that exist in Vietnam can minimize misunderstandings in language and
communicate because they understand each other

The integration referred to here is not just tolerance, but rather a feeling of
connectedness and mutual support as part of the society in which they are
located. In other words, social integration will give birth to mutual
cooperation, mutual assistance and a high sense of trust in the community.

Vietnamese people's life is based on dependent agriculture. Vietnamese

people respect each other to maintain good relations in society. This
eventually forms a communication culture. Interaction and communication in
Vietnamese society is based on culture and customs. Perhaps, community life
and agricultural economy make people interdependent. Thus, people should
respect each other and help each other. So, we can conclude that the cultures
of Vietnam have a great influence on intercultural communication.


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