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Class 21

Recap Process Analysis

Report Writing
Key Elements
1. Headline
Catches your attention
Sums up the story
যুদ্ধবাজরাও শান্তিতে নোবেলের যোগ্য!

Catches your attention

Sums up the story

Writer’s name
Writer’s Specialty, e.g. sports, food, crime, current
3. Place line

Where the story begins

4. Lead

The opening section

Gives most important information
Should answer most of the 5W's
যুদ্ধবাজরাও শান্তিতে নোবেলের যোগ্য!

ফরাসি-ব্রিটিশ বায়োপিক ‘দ্য লেডি’তে শান্তিতে নোবেল বিজয়ী অং সান সু চির

সংগ্রামী জীবন নিজ অভিনয়শৈলীতে ফু টিয়ে তু লেছিলেন মালয়েশীয় অভিনেত্রী
মিশেল ইয়োহ। ২০১১ সালের ওই চলচ্চিত্র শেষ হয়েছে সু চির গৃহবন্দিত্বের
অবসানের দৃশ্যের মধ্য দিয়ে। মিয়ানমারে অধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠার স্বপ্ন দেখানো সেই সু
চির নাম সাম্প্রতিক বছরগুলোতে রোহিঙ্গা জেনোসাইডের সঙ্গেও জড়িয়েছে।
জেনোসাইড ও গণহত্যাকারীদের পক্ষ নিয়ে তিনি আন্তর্জাতিক ফৌজদারি
আদালতে মামলায় নেতৃ ত্বও দিয়েছেন। সু চির চরিত্রে অভিনয় করা সেই মিশেল
ইয়োহ ২০১৮ সালের জানুয়ারিতে কক্সবাজারে এসেছিলেন নিপীড়িত রোহিঙ্গাদের
দেখতে। সে সময় তিনি সু চির সাম্প্রতিক বছরগুলোর ভূ মিকার নিন্দা জানান।
5. Body

Supplies detail
Most important details come first
Simple true statements
6. Quotation

What someone actually said

Adds accuracy
Adds “at the scene” feeling
Son ‘kills’ mother
She refused to give money to buy drugs, say family members
The Daily Star, Staff Correspondent, Rajshahi ,9 July 2019

Police yesterday arrested a man for allegedly killing his mother in Rajshahi’s Godagari upazila on Sunday
Abdus Salek, 32, was arrested from a restaurant in Kurigram Sadar upazila around 7:00pm, said Jahangir
Alam, OC of Godagari Police Station said. The victim, Selina Begum, 56, was wife of Md Shahabuddin, a
retired school teacher and a resident of Arijpur area.
According to family members, Salek was a drug addict and often asked for money from his mother to buy
They are suspecting that the incident took place in the evening after Selina refused him money.Police
recovered the body from the house around 10:00pm soon after the victim’s husband informed them about the
Police are suspecting that the accused hit the woman with a hammer before hanging her from the ceiling.
“We found her hanging from the ceiling and a lot of blood was spilled on the floor as the victim had a fatal
wound in her forehead,” said OC Jahangir, adding that they had recovered a blood-stained hammer, clothes
and a sandal of the accused.

Victim’s husband lodged a case with Godagari Police Station accusing his son, the OC said, adding that the
body was sent to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for an autopsy.
Reading from Newspaper

Reading/Exploring :

1 Article in Bagnla
1 Article in English

Spend about 10 minutes


Imagine you are a journalist working with a leading daily

newspaper in Bangladesh. Write a news report highlighting the
following [ any one issue]:
 irresponsible dumping of wastes by the people in your locality
illegal occupation of footpath in your area/locality.
Or any other important issue that you really think is worth
sharing with the people of the country.

NB: you can use some images/pictures with the report.

News Report – An example
Argumentative Essay

What is an argument?
Do we generally argue with others in our daily lives?

If yes, are they really argument? [ ultimatum to

family members for a mobile phone]

Give some examples of argument / non-argument

situations from your own experience
Have you ever heard this?

“Don’t argue! You just listen to me and follow

what I ask you to do. And don’t talk when I

Changed Context Now!

Argumentative writing or persuasive

This is a genre of writing that involves investigating,

collecting information and presenting an
argument with the supporting as well as opposing

It is written in such a way that the writer tries to

convince an opposing audience to change an
existing belief or behaviour.
Context: the court

What happens in the court during a case is taken?


Debatable ….. ?
Non debatable… ?

Make a debatable and a non-debatable topic on the

Read the following short text.

Is it a convincing comparison of cars and buses? Yes

[ ] No [ ]
Would you refer to it as a persuasive piece of
writing? Yes [ ] No [ ]

A car, like a bus, is a vehicle for transporting people. Cars can usually
carry a maximum of 5 or 6 people whereas buses can carry many
more. Most cars use petroleum or diesel fuel as do buses, but there are
some cars and buses which are electric. Many people are killed or
injured each year in car accidents. Bus travel, by contrast, is a very
safe form of travel, although just one serious accident can claim many
lives. In Australia, most people drive cars, and the roads of many
urban centres are choked with this form of private transport. Buses
can reduce the amount of traffic on the road because they can carry
more people, and therefore they save on fuel and other costs. Buses
generally operate on urban, suburban, or inter-urban routes. As well as
buses operated by the government, there are some private bus
companies, particularly for long distance travel.

Of the two main forms of transports for people, buses are more effective than
the cars for a number of reasons. The greater passenger capacity of the bus
ensures savings on fuel and other costs as well as reducing the amount of
traffic on the road. Secondly, the increased safety of bus travel as a result of
ownership being governmental or business ensures that deaths and injuries
from accidents are minimal compared with the numerous deaths and injuries
from car accidents. Finally, the accessibility of buses to most areas is
strategically possible because buses use the established road system, so that
little development is needed in order to extend a new bus route. Indeed, the
potential for a bus transport system to be as convenient as private cars,
combined with the other advantages of buses over cars, provides a
convincing argument for the expansion of the bus transport system, rather
than the continuation of a costly, inefficient and unsafe system based on
privately owned vehicles.
Language Focus

Arguments: Two Sides

Some people think that …… (+ sentence)

Many people feel that ……. (+ sentence)
It is claimed that …….. (+ sentence)
Some people feel that ….. (+ sentence)
 One sentence (While, although)
While it is true that …. (+ sentence), I believe … (+sentence)

Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from
lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke.

Although many people think that ….. (+sentence), I feel that

( + sentence)

Even though it is often said that ….. (+ Sentence), in fact the

opposite is true.
Two sentences
It is undoubtedly true that … (+sentence). However, (+ sentence)

It is often argued that …. ( + sentence). However, it is clear that

(+ sentence)

Some people say that …. (+ sentence). They claim ….

(+sentence). However I feel ( + sentence)

Supporters of this viewpoint say that … ( + sentence) However,

more educated people know that (+ sentence)
Some example sentences

It is undoubtedly true that humans are the main cause of global warming.
However, natural events such as volcanoes and fires contribute as well.

It is often argued that religion is not needed today. However, it is clear that
humans need more than material possessions in order to be happy.

Some people say that democracy is only suited to western countries. However,
I feel that this is patronizing, and that all people can enjoy the freedom and
responsibility that democracy brings.

Supporters of this viewpoint say that violence on screen or in computer games

leads to violent behaviour. However less simplistic people realize that violence
on screen is just fantasy and does not translate into real life for most viewers.
Task for group

Task 4 followed by tasks 5 and 6 [ P. 11- 13]

More exercises in pages 16 -22 [compilation]


Introduction: (i)Hook (a question/ quotation/ staggering statistics/ personal anecdote, etc)

(ii)Connecting/ background sentences
(iii)Thesis statement: Your claim + 2 reasons

Body 1:Supporting point 1 [ Strong]

Body 2:Supporting point 2 [ Stronger]
Body 3:Counter argument and refutation/ rebuttal [ Strongest] [here you convince the neutral people and bring them
to your side]

(i)Summary statement
(ii) Recommendation
(iii) Clincher
Topic A
For many people, Facebook has become a part of life.
They find it useful for a variety of purposes. For others,
however, it has become an addiction and a waste of
State your opinion and write an argumentative essay in
about 250 – 300 words to be published in the opinion
section of a local English newspaper.   
Practice Argument Essay (Compilation, Page 20)

Topic B
Thousands of lives are lost each year because of wars,
diseases, malnutrition and natural disasters. Still, a
significant number of people lose their lives as laws in
many countries allow death penalty. State your
opinion and write an argumentative essay in about
250-300 words for the minister of law and justice in
your country.

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