Israel: Prophecies Fulfilled in Modern Times

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Prophecies fulfilled in modern times

• Omniscience – proof for God’s identity: Is
• Israel – witness to God: Is 43:12
• Apostates and atheists as witnesses?!
• Through customs and prophecy!
• God will prove to the world that Israel is His
Prophecy 1: Anti-Semitism
• Warning: De 28:15,37
• Fulfilled through history: Jews most hated
• Proverbs, bywords, ghettos, confiscation
• Types of Anti-Semitism
– Ancient pagan
– Pseudo-Christian
– Islamic
– National
– Liberal/Left-wing
Ancient pagan Anti-Semitism
• Haman wanted to exterminate the Jews
• Antiochus Epiphanes
• Romans destroyed Jerusalem, AD 70
• Romans renamed Israel as “Palestine”
• Romans tried to rebuild Jerusalem as a pagan
• Romans crushed Jewish revolt, crucified and
enslaved thousands, AD 135
Pseudo-Christian Anti-Semitism
• Councils of Zamora, Basel: Jews should be
subjugated, live in ghettos, wear badges
• Secret/forced baptisms
• Urban II: Crusader soldiers would go to
heaven; crusaders killed thousands of Jews
• Friendship with Hitler, ratlines for Nazi war
• Mainline churches boycott Israel
• World Vision blames Israel for Mid-East crisis
Islamic Anti-Semitism
• “Humiliation is appointed for the Jews” –
Surah 3:112, Koran
• "The last hour will not come before the
Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill
them, so that Jews will hide behind stones and
trees and the Stone and the tree will say, O
Muslim, O servant of God! There is a Jew
behind me; come and kill him. " - Hadith
Liberal/Left wing Anti-Semitism
• UN: different rules for Jewish/Arab refugees
• World Bank blames Israel for economic woes
of “Palestinians”
• UNESCO refers to Rachel’s tomb as a mosque
• CNN’s “God’s Warrior” series has more to say
about Jewish fanatics than Islamic fanatics
• “Boycott Israel” initiatives at 40 US campuses
• 51% Germans think Israelis are treating
“Palestinians” like Nazis treated Jews
National Anti-Semitism
• Hitler offered to sell 500,000 Hungarian Jews
for $2 per Jews. There were no takers!
• Britain blocked Jews who were trying to
escape the Nazis and go to Israel, but allowed
Arabs to enter Israel
• The US was concerned that if Hitler releases
the Jews, it may lead to a mass exodus!
• Most of the world, India want creation of an
Islamic terrorist state in Judea/Samaria
Prophecy 2: Return/Establishment
• The promise of return: Jeremiah 16:14-15
• The promise of a nation: Is 66:8
• The Jews began returning to Israel in 1900
• In 1948, the state of Israel was established
• Current population of Jews in Israel: 5.7m
• Current population of diaspora: 7.7m
• Many more of Israel exist
Prophecy 3: A great nation
• Jewish population is only 0.2% of the world’s
• Nobel prizes: 23% (41% in economics!)
• Technology: Pen drives, SMS, Cell phones, PC
antivirus, ingestible video camera
• Education: Weizmann Institute, Technion, HU
• Agriculture: Drip irrigation, horticulture, dairy
• Medicine: Hadassah Hospital, Teva
Famous Jews
• Scientists: Albert Einstein, R Oppenheimer, Max
Born, Max Newman, Richard Feynmann,
Wolfgang Pauli, Chaim Weizmann
• Musicians: Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisand
• Actors: Natalie Portman, Josh Peck, G Paltrow
• Economists: Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Wolfowitz
• Writers/Thinkers: Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, Isaac
Asimov, Sigmund Freud, Karl Popper
• Politicians: Henry Kissinger, Emmanuel Rahm
• Sports: Garry Kasparov
Prophecy 4: Tense Middle East
• A burdensome stone: Zech 12:3
• A cup of trembling: Zech 12:2
• A consuming fire: Zech 12:6
A burdensome stone
• 30% of UN time spent on Israel
• > 60,000 votes, dozens of resolutions in the
UN cast against Israel
• Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George Bush,
Obama have tried to bring peace
• High point of UN session coming September
will be request for Arab State in
A cup of trembling
• Wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973
• Each time Arabs were sure of victory, but were
badly defeated
• Today Hamas tries to fire just enough rockets
to avoid substantial Israeli retaliation
• January 2009: Israeli aircraft bomb arms
convoy in Sudan, sent by Iran for Hamas
• Nov 2009: Israeli Navy blocks Iranian ship with
weapons for Hezbollah terrorists
Fire that burns the sheaves
• Israel Defense Forces – one of the most hi
tech, powerful forces in the world
• Iron Dome: Most hi-tech missile intercepting
system developed by Rafael Advanced
Defense Systems
• September 2007: Israel bombs Syrian nuclear
reactor under construction
• April 2010: Trophy Tank system
Prophecy 5: Full restoration
• Victory at Armageddon: Zechariah 10:5
• Repentance: Zechariah 12:10
• Comfort: Is 66:10-13
• Respect: Zechariah 8:23
• Sanctification: Micah 4:2
• Prophecy 1: Anti-Semitism
• Prophecy 2: Return and re-establishment
• Prophecy 3: A great nation
• Prophecy 4: Tense situation in the Middle East
– A burdensome stone
– A cup of trembling
– Fire that burns the sheaves
• Prophecy 5: Full restoration of Israel

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