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AUXILIARY VERBS (be verbs /have verbs/ do verbs)


Auxiliary or “Helping Verbs” are used together with a main

verb to show the verb’s tense or to form a negative or question.
The most common auxiliary verbs are “have”, “be” and
“do”(primary auxiliary verbs).
In English there are two types of auxiliary verbs. They are
,Primary Auxiliaries and Modal Auxiliaries.
There are ten common modal auxiliary verbs.They are;
can ,could,shall,should,will,would,may,might,must and
Thus modal auxiliary verbs often express the ideas of necessity
and possibility.
With Auxiliary verbs,you can write different
sentences in different tenses,moods or voices.
EX:I think I should study harder to master English.
2.I’m havng a cup of coffee.
3.You have been practising hard.
4.It was written by a petitioner.
5.You may choose what you like.
The verb forms of “be”, “do” “and” have can be used
either as a main(full)verb or an auxiliary verb.
However , main verbs do not need to be
accompanied by other verbs.
And these main verbs can combine with other verbs
called, “auxiliary verbs” or simply, “auxiliaries” to
form phrases of two or more words.
EX: They have been driving for five hours.
They may receive the trophy.
The following examples show these verbs used as auxiliary verbs;

“Be” as an “Do” as an “Have” as an

auxiliary verb auxiliary verb auxiliary verb
Used in Used in negative Used in perfect
progressive sentences. sentences.
EX:I’m taking a EX:I do not know EX:I have been
bath/She is the truth./She does folloiwng you for a
preparing dinner not agree with mile./We have
for us./They have me./They didn’t done a lot so
been studying all arrive here yet. far/She had been
night. queen of the town.

Used in passive Used in questions.

EX:I was given a EX: Do you want to
free meal/He was have another
seen by fans at the one?/Did he finis
airport/This song his homework?/Do
has been sung by we need to keep

Fill in each blank with the right part of “be” as an ordinary verb.
1.I am not a teacher . I……a clerk.
2.Mr. and Mrs. Brown ………..good friends of ours.
3.He……a pupil of mine a few years ago.
4.He…..a doctor soon.
5.She……a teacher for the last few years.
6.She……at several schools before she came t our school.
7.He……to America before he went to England.
8.There…..some improvement at our school recently.
9.She……a graduate next year.
10.Where ………you all this time?

Although , “am”, “is” and “are”different words,they

are all parts of the same verb(be).
We choose different forms of the verb according to
the subject.
It is incorrect to say or write,
“I are/He are
I- am
You/we/they/many people-are
He/she/it/the story-is
This choosing of verb forms according to the subject
is known as an “agreement” or “concord”.
He is a doctor at the Colombo Base Hospital.
They are foreigners.
I am an undergraduate of Sabaragamuwa University
of Sri Lanka.

Fill in the blank with right part of “have”

1.She ………gone.
2.We…….breakfast at seven o’clock.
3.They often…..trouble with their parents.
4.We…....good time at the party last night.
5.My mother……to go to the market now.
6.I hope you ……..a good journey.
7.He …….a bath now.
8.We…….a good holiday last month.
9.We…..ten English lessons a week.
10.I ……a haircut yesterday.

There are twenty three(23)helping /auxiliary verbs.

 Am has shall
 Is have should
 Are had may
 Was do might
 Were does must
 Being did can
 Been will could
 Be would

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