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Parametric versus Nonparametric Statistics –

When to use them and which is more

Parametric Assumptions

 The observations must be independent

 The observations must be drawn from normally distributed
 These populations must have the same variances
Nonparametric Assumptions

 Observations are independent

 Variable under study has underlying continuity

1. Nominal or Classificatory Scale

 Gender, ethnic background
2. Ordinal or Ranking Scale
 Hardness of rocks, beauty, military ranks
3. Interval Scale
 Celsius or Fahrenheit
4. Ratio Scale
 Kelvin temperature, speed, height, mass or weight
Nonparametric Methods

 There is at least one nonparametric test equivalent to a

parametric test
 These tests fall into several categories
1. Tests of differences between groups (independent
2. Tests of differences between variables (dependent
3. Tests of relationships between variables
Differences between independent groups

 Two samples – Parametric Nonparametric

compare mean
value for some t-test for Wald-Wolfowitz
variable of interest independent runs test
Mann-Whitney U

Smirnov two
sample test
Mann-Whitney U Test

 Nonparametric alternative to two-sample t-test

 Actual measurements not used – ranks of the
measurements used
 Data can be ranked from highest to lowest or lowest to
highest values
 Calculate Mann-Whitney U statistic
U = n1n2 + n1(n1+1) – R1
Example of Mann-Whitney U test

 Two tailed null hypothesis that there is no difference

between the heights of male and female students
 Ho: Male and female students are the same height
 HA: Male and female students are not the same height
Heights Heights Ranks of Ranks
of males of male of
U = n1n2 + n1(n1+1) – R1 (cm) females heights female
2 (cm) heights
193 175 1 7
U=(7)(5) + (7)(8) – 30 188 173 2 8
185 168 3 10

U = 35 + 28 – 30 183 165 4 11
180 163 5 12
U = 33 178 6
170 9
n1 = 7 n2 = 5 R1 = 30 R2 = 48
U’ = n1n2 – U

U’ = (7)(5) – 33

U’ = 2

U 0.05(2),7,5 =U 0.05(2),5,7 = 30

As 33 > 30, Ho is rejected Zar, 1996

Differences between independent groups

Parametric Nonparametric
 Multiple groups
Analysis of Kruskal-Wallis analysis
variance of ranks
Median test
Differences between dependent groups

 Compare two variables Parametric Nonparametric

measured in the same t-test for
sample dependent Sign test
matched pairs test
Repeated Friedman’s two
 If more than two measures way analysis of
variables are measured in ANOVA variance
same sample Cochran Q
Relationships between variables

Parametric Nonparametric
Correlation Spearman R
Kendall Tau
Coefficient Gamma

 Two variables of Chi square

interest are Phi coefficient
Fisher exact test
Kendall coefficient of
Summary Table of Statistical Tests
Level of Sample Characteristics Correlation
1 2 Sample K Sample (i.e., >2)
Independent Dependent Independent Dependent

Categorical or Χ2 or bi- Χ2 Macnarmar’s Χ2 Cochran’s Q  

Nominal nomial Χ2

Rank or   Mann Wilcoxin Kruskal Wallis Friendman’s Spearman’s

Ordinal Whitney U Matched H ANOVA rho
Pairs Signed

Parametric z test or t test between t test within 1 way ANOVA 1 way Pearson’s r
(Interval & t test groups groups between groups ANOVA
Ratio) (within or
Factorial (2 way) ANOVA  

(Plonskey, 2001)
Advantages of Nonparametric Tests

 Probability statements obtained from most nonparametric

statistics are exact probabilities, regardless of the shape of
the population distribution from which the random sample
was drawn
 If sample sizes as small as N=6 are used, there is no
alternative to using a nonparametric test

Siegel, 1956
Advantages of Nonparametric Tests

 Treat samples made up of observations from several

different populations.
 Can treat data which are inherently in ranks as well as data
whose seemingly numerical scores have the strength in ranks
 They are available to treat data which are classificatory
 Easier to learn and apply than parametric tests

Siegel, 1956
Criticisms of Nonparametric Procedures

 Losing precision/wasteful of data

 Low power
 False sense of security
 Lack of software
 Testing distributions only
 Higher-ordered interactions not dealt with
Power of a Test

 Statistical power – probability of rejecting the null

hypothesis when it is in fact false and should be rejected
– Power of parametric tests – calculated from formula,
tables, and graphs based on their underlying distribution
– Power of nonparametric tests – less straightforward;
calculated using Monte Carlo simulation methods
‫شاخص های رابطه در تحلیل های پارامتری (ضریب های همبستگی دومتغیری در‬
‫تحلیل های پارامتری)‬

‫دامنه شاخص‬ ‫مقیاس اندازه گیری‬ ‫ضریب همبستگی‬

‫‪-r≥1≥1‬‬ ‫هر دو متغیر فاصله ای‬ ‫‪ .1‬ضریب همبستگی گشتاوری پیرسون (‪)r‬‬

‫یک متغیر فاصله ای و دیگری‬

‫میتواند از ‪ -1‬کوچکتر واز ‪1‬‬
‫اسمی دو سطحی با فرض‬ ‫‪ .1‬ضریب همبستگی دو رشته ای (‪)rb‬‬
‫بزرگتر باشد‬
‫متصل بودن توزیع زیربنایی‬

‫یک متغیر فاصله ای و دیگری‬ ‫‪ .1‬ضریب همبستگی دو رشته ای نقطه ای‬

‫‪-rpb ≥1 ≥1‬‬
‫اسمی دو سطحی‬ ‫(‪)rpb‬‬

‫هر دو متغیر اسمی دو سطحی‬

‫‪-rtet ≥1 ≥1‬‬ ‫با فرض متصل بودن توزیع‬ ‫‪ .1‬ضریب همبستگی تتراکوریک (‪)rtet‬‬
‫زیربنایی برای هر دو متغیر‬
‫شاخص های اندازه گیری رابطه در تحلیل های ناپارامتر}ی‬
‫(ضر}ایب همبستگی در} تحلیل های ناپارامتر}ی)‬
‫موارد کاربرد‬ ‫مقیاس اندازه گیری و حدود‬ ‫ضریب همبستگی‬ ‫تعداد متغیرها‬ ‫ردیف‬
‫هر دو متغیر اسمی دو سطحی‬ ‫فی (‪)Ø‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫پس از معنی دار بودن آماره ‪ 2χ‬در‬ ‫هر دو متغیر اسمی و چند‬ ‫ضریب ‪ C‬کریمر (‪)C‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫یک جدول توافقی برای محاسبه‬ ‫سطح دارد‬
‫میزان رابطه بکار میرود‬
‫متغیرهای ‪ A‬و ‪ B‬اسمی وچند رابطه رفتار ماقبل و مابعد را در یک‬ ‫ضریب المبدا برای رابطه‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫توالی از رفتارها مطرح میکند‬ ‫سطحی‬ ‫نامتقارن (‪ LB‬و ‪)LA‬‬
‫رابطه دو مجموعه رتبه را به دست‬ ‫ضریب همبستگی اسپیرمن (‪ )rs‬هر دو متغیر رتبه ای‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫هر دو متغیر رتبه ای‬ ‫ضریب رتبه ای تاو کندال (‪)τ‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫مانند رابطه سطح تحصیالت مادران‬ ‫هر دو متغیر مقوله ای و‬ ‫آماره گاما (‪)G‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫با نگرش آنان نسبت به تحصیالت‬ ‫ترتیبی‬
‫شاخص رابطه نامتقارن سامرز هر دو متغیر مقوله ای و‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫ترتیبی‬ ‫(‪)dBA, dAB‬‬
‫رابطه متقارن است‬ ‫چند متغیر اسمی‬ ‫ضریب کاپا (‪)K‬‬ ‫بیشتر از ‪2‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫ضریب رتبه ای تفکیکی کندال هر سه متغیر در مقیاس‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫ترتیبی‬ ‫(‪)τxy.z‬‬
‫متغیرها در مقیاس ترتیبی‬ ‫ضریب هماهنگی کندال (‪)W‬‬ ‫بیشتر از ‪2‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫متغیرها در مقیاس ترتیبی‬ ‫ضریب توافق کندال (‪)U‬‬ ‫بیشتر از ‪2‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬

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