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 Before creating my main product and ancillary
texts, I took great care in researching existing films
of the same romantic comedy genre. From it, I
gained a greater understanding in what the key
factors in making a successful romcom involved and
applied it as best I could to my own production.
 For more information about my research into movie
posters go to: http://
 For my research into the Romantic Comedy genre in
films go to: http://
 The narrative theory that can be applied to the Cupid’s Court storyline is
Todrov’s theory of equilibrium which involves different stages that construct the
story. These stages are as follows: equilibrium, disruptions, realisation,
restoration and a new equilibrium.
 The “equilibrium” would be the lead characters discussion at the beginning
about attending a speed date.
 The “disruption” would be the individual speed dates and the hassle that
 The “realisation” would be when the main characters send messages across
the room and realise that they are in love with each other.
 The “restoration” would be when they admit their feelings to each other
and become a couple.
 The “New equilibrium” would be when the two characters leave the speed
dating hall to pursue the rest of their lives as a couple.
 This fits with the typical conventions of a Romantic Comedy though I added
a twist in how the new equilibrium came about through the addition of
Mysterious Man who seems to use magical means to bring the two together.
 My ancillary texts also fit this narrative in that the two characters positions
on the poster have them slightly back to back as if they are friends though
their eye contact suggests hidden feelings.
 Film: The colour scheme was basic in that the two strongest colours were black and
red. The location we chose for the speed dating scenes was a drama studio that was
painted completely black. This proved a fantastic blank canvas and provided an
ideal theatrical atmosphere to suit Mysterious Man. The black was a striking contrast
to the red that was also present. The red featured was in the form of the tablecloth
used, the red hearts stuck on the walls in the background and the red hair of the
leading lady. To reinforce these red accents, we coloured the background of the
dividers between the dates red. This was deliberate as it is a colour that connotes
romance, passion and desire therefore making it the most commonly associated
colour with love, fitting the romantic aspect of the genre perfectly.

 Double Page Spread: It seemed natural, as the films dominant background colour
was black, that the articles background was the same colour. This worked
effectively as a link between the double page spread and the film itself. Another
colour that is accented within the film which I applied to the double page spread
were the whites and gray's worn by the actors themselves, which I made the colour
of the text and the hearts surrounding it. I didn’t use the colour red deliberately as I
believed the link between to two texts was thoroughly made already without it and
would have made the pages appear busy and distracting for the reader.

 Poster: The poster has all the colours from the Cupid’s Court colour scheme, a white
background, black text, and red heart embellishments next to the title.
 Film: For the dividers between dates, we used italic lettering
to appear romantic. The lettering itself is animated so that it
appears in a shower of sparkles which reinforces the magical
theme effectively.
 Double Page Spread: The text itself is in interview form though
its worked into the interviewers dialogue instead of broken and
divided into question/answer format. This links well with the
film and poster as its easy to understand and enjoy therefore
also suiting the target audience of teens. The title font is in
keeping with the magical aspect of the font in the film as it has
a funfair/magical theme to it though it isn’t in italics.
 Poster: We wanted the title font for the poster to look as if it
were handwriting that had been scrawled along the lined paper
as if it were a doodle. This fitted well with the film in that the
narrative involves the two leads writing messages to each other
on lined paper hastily.
 The images featured in the double
page spread were taken during
production, therefore providing an
insight into the creation of the film
and the stage that the directors
were at when being interviewed.
This linked well with the film as it
featured the running theme of
hearts and the parts of the set that The heart theme
creates continuity
could be seen. The poster images between the main
included the sheet of paper used in product and ancillary
texts effectively.
the storyline to send messages
which reinforced what the story
was about, while also revealing the
genre effectively with the image of
the two lead characters together.
The doodle of the hearts fitted
very well with the lined paper
 Overall, I’m very satisfied by my main product
and the continuity between the film and the
ancillary texts.
 The individual changes I would make would
mostly be certain aspects within the film such as
having the two lead characters walk away
holding hands, further inclusion of mysterious
man, and more different dates of even more
eccentric people to add further comedy.
 I am very happy with my double page spread and
poster though perhaps I could have included Mr
Seeley as Mysterious Man in both the production
photos and promotional picture.

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