Production of The Wind Energy Turbine

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(Production of the wind energy turbine)

Wind Turbine generators utilize the wind energy to supply power to several areas,
such as residential complexes. Several designs and concepts have been conducted to
understand the basic fundamentals of the fluid flow and the efficiency of wind
turbines to generate sufficient energy back into the power grid. For a wind turbine
system, not all the mechanical power applied to the rotor shaft is converted into
electrical power, due to power losses in the generator windings and power
electronics in the converter. The efficiency is then decreased due to the wind turbine
.having to convert the mechanical power into electrical
Manufacturing industry

One of the priorities in global energy policy is the development of alternative energy that reduces the emission of
greenhouse gases. The result of these policies is to highlight the strong development of wind energy, given its low
environmental impact and is an internal power source that generates positive effects on the market by reducing the
price of electricity. Despite a higher initial cost, wind technology leads to increased profitability for the economy
by generating local added value, creating a positive effect on the market by reducing electricity prices because the
cost of wind is zero and the producers of wind energy can provide cheaper than other fossil fuel technologies.
These circumstances have forced manufacturers of wind turbines to develop newer and more powerful machines to
significantly increase its electric production capacity. Advances in the efficiency of wind turbines have focused on
:four main objectives
. Increased rated power of each wind turbine -
. Harness the energy of the less intense winds -
.Developed techniques that increase the capacity of integration and connection to existing electrical grids -
.Increase the reliability of the wind turbine -
Given this scenario, turbine manufacturers need to increase
manufacturing capacity of its production plants in all the
processes involved. For this, integrated within the
organization the resources of the components for industrial
production, through acquiring other companies and signing
contracts with different strategic partnership. So supplies are
secured in the final production line. These processes
resulting production must be perfectly framed in the
efficiency factors, cost, worker safety and productivity,
without being there any reduction in the final quality [1].
This industrial capacity is an efficient way that allows
.control the production process of the wind turbine (figure1)
Methodology .2
To increase power and use of less intense winds is necessary increase the size of the wind turbine and this involves
redesigning all (structural, mechanical, electrical and electronic) components, and as is logical, increase in size and
mass. The manufacturing process of machine models predecessors to this trend, as they were of smaller sizes, could
be mounted entirely manually, looking more like a machine shop that a manufacturing plant. The development of
automation process generates many benefits. Robotics provides a significant reduction costs, increases productivity
and dramatically improves the quality of final product [2]. Today, manufacture new models would not be possible
without this working way. The different parts of a wind turbine in which progress is being made in manufacturing
:systems are shown in the following figure
Tower manufacture 2.1
To construct a tower, fan-shaped plate segments are cut from rectangular parent steel plates and roll-formed and
welded into cone sections. A section’s thickness may vary from 8 mm at the top to 65 mm at the base, depending on
loads and steel grades used. Offshore installations usually use thicker or stronger plates. Also, taller towers mean
maximize yield. The new integrated manufacturing systems of tubular wind turbine tower are based on the application
of high power laser technology for the process of longitudinal and circumferential welding of various parts that make
up the sections of the towers. To meet the requirements of accuracy and repeatability, it is necessary to work about the
manufacturing processes and developing solutions with high technological value which allow increasing productivity
:and improving the structural quality, with the development of the following technologies
Development of a system for measuring and monitoring dimensional process formed, development of a process -
control system and development of an expert software system for automatic configuration of the bending
.machine during the process
.Development of a monitoring and control system that allows automating the panned process between ferrules -
Taking advantage of accuracy and quality provided by the previous developments, development of a welding -
process based on high-power laser technology combined with arc welding processes for the manufacture of wind
.turbine towers
Also now can mounted wind turbines with precast concrete towers. These provide great stability, greater
damping and agility during transport to overcome restrictions associated with taller towers. Has more internal
facilitating the anchoring of the elements and equipment in the interior walls of the tower. The joints between
sections need no screws, therefore, lacks maintenance. For the production of concrete segmental, simple
means are
needed (bridge cranes, steel molds, templates) and very similar processes to those of other manufacturing
prestressed concrete plants. A good solution to support large wind turbines is the option to mount hybrid
These are formed in the lower section by concrete, and at the top, a metal structure is coupled. The
combination of
materials achieves a more rigid base and flexible top. These towers allow greater heights and mitigate
Blade manufacture 2.2
The blades are the wind turbine component that captures wind energy to transform it into a rotary motion
which is subsequently converted into electrical energy, and are a critical component to the overall
performance, reliability and cost of a wind turbine. Longer blades increase the energy yield of a turbine. They
sweep a larger area and so capture more wind. Not long ago, the manufacturing process of the blades was
essentially manual. This craftsmanship form, simply make it impossible to develop more powerful and
reliable wind turbines. Over time, there have been technological advances associated with methods that
facilitate tasks and add high-quality to the final product. The main areas that allow the development of
:systems for wind turbine blade manufacturing are
.Automating processes to shorten cycle times, improve accuracy and repeatability, and drive down costs -
.Using high performance composites with the support of relationships with strategic suppliers -
.Ultra-precise molding and assembly systems, using advanced tooling systems -
Strongest advanced technology in vacuum infusion process to create lighter, and more reliable composite -
,Sophisticated measurement, inspection, testing and quality assurance tools, employing the most capable laser -
ultrasonic, and other technologies to validate, verify, and ensure accuracy and near quality to the aerospace
These advances in the manufacturing process, allow increasing the complexity of the geometry of the
blade, enabling you to exploit the internal aerodynamic properties, and significantly increase energy
production. Also, the blades are less susceptible to turbulence and offer a uniform flow profile, thereby
increasing reliability. Robotize different finishing processes allows a perfect protection against inclement
weather such as wind and water, ultraviolet radiation or aggression caused by erosion and mechanical bending
.stresses. This is because the robot can traverse the full length of the blade in a single step without stopping

Besides improving the final finish, the automation of these processes avoids health problems for workers,
preventing its exposure to the phases of grinding and applying paint to surfaces.
Nacelle manufacture The nacelle is the part of the turbine where it houses and supports most of the elements 2.3
of the wind turbine. Consists of a chassis to which are fixed the main constituent components of the wind
turbine, shown in Figure 4. The nacelle is covered by composite panels to protect these components from
environmental action. The supply of components such as gearbox, alternator and power electronics is done
through specialized external suppliers. In many cases, these manufacturers are integrated within the organization
itself, either because they were acquired or because it has signed a strategic partnership. Thus the provision of
these components is secured in the final production line [3]. Similarly ensures the supply of spare parts to
develop proper maintenance [4]. With this capability, is achieved comprehensive control of the production
process of the wind turbine, with this capability, is achieved comprehensive control of the production process of
the wind turbine, remaining cost factors and productivity perfectly framed, being maximized the final quality
levels and shortening the delivery times. As for the assembly of components of the nacelle, the optimize the
production organization is a key strategy that brings more quality and competitiveness due to factors such as
homogenization, accuracy, production speed, production scheduling, increased standards quality and continuous
:reduction of waste [5]. For mounting process, have been pursuing the following strategies
x Specialization of plant operations x Combining operations on a single workstation x Simultaneous
operations x Increased flexibility x Automation of material flows and storage x Inspection online x Process
control and optimization x Control of plant-level operations For example, the assembly of the components is
made along a line with different assembly stations, each specializing in a particular part of the process. To
ensure that the displacement between them is efficient and minimizes space, movement and time, the use of
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) finds in this process an optimal application. These operate without
physically defined tracks and can work along the whole plant, just using a combination of calculations and
signals that are identified by the sensors they carry. The precise positioning in each of the mounting stations
avoids many errors and numerous loading and unloading operations. They also facilitate the process of stored
once completed the assembly process. In the following figure, is shown an AVG used in an assembly factory
of wind turbine nacelles. It is also possible to apply a robot to certain processes, such as the soldier of
different metal sections forming the frame, which require approximately 2000 points welding or application
of adhesives and sealants to outer casing of composite. Also is possible mounting robotically of some heavy
components such as the bearings that hold each of the blades on the hub. This operation requires great
precision and speed, since in the hub are mounted three bearings, one for each blade (figure 6). For this
operation also requires a number of auxiliary elements that facilitate the perfect positioning of the bearing,
.due to the small tolerance that allows adjustment
The application of specific cranes, individually constructed for mounting heavy nacelle components (main bearings,
gearbox, generator and transformer) ensures maximum efficiency, availability and security for each assembly process.
Thus the raising and positioning of each component in the nacelle of accurate, secure and efficient way is provided,
- Modular concepts for handling loads .
- Efficient management of small and large loads .
- Precise each assembly station supply.
- High yields of rotation .
- Gentle transportation of materials.
Here introduce the paper, and put a nomenclature if necessary, in a box with the same font size as the rest of
the paper. The paragraphs continue from here and are only separated by headings, subheadings, images and
formulae. The section headings are arranged by numbers, bold and 10 pt. Here follows further instructions for
Functional organization

This study is about the wind power giants’ merger, pre and post-merger situations, changes in
organizational structures, its benefits and impacts. The positive synergy was derived from Balanced
Matrix organization structure, which was actively involving the internal technical resources in Project
Management activities. Thus an existing vendor development initiative was utilized to develop new
engineering suppliers which were to be managed by technical leaders. These actions post-merger
resulted in better control of projects, immediately responding to spikes in project requirements and
 .cost competencies from vendors

Pre-Merger Scenario
Before the merger the team was working in a functional organization structure. This resulted in idle
time for engineering team during the waiting periods for next level inputs. The team could not take
up new activities from other projects and hence other projects in pipeline were delayed. This usually
led to cascading effects and delays were reported from manufacturing, transportation and
procurement departments. The team was not getting enough opportunities to develop their skills
outside their engineering activities. The engineers were restricted to the engineering activities they
.were doing
In one instance, the supply chain team was looking for a solution to use the existing handling
structures for new wind turbines with heavier weights. The engineering team was asked to check
and certify the feasibility of its use from strength perspective. The project was to be delayed
because of non-allocation of project team owing to their engagement in existing running projects.
The team members could not be taken out of running projects and hence it was decided to
outsource the engineering activity. This resulted in spending of valuable time and money for the

Post-Merger Scenario
Challenges faced by organization due to functional structure were sufficient to demand for a better
and acceptable solution that will result in effective utilization of resources and efficient budget
utilization. Once the merger was approved and new organization was in place, balanced matrix
organization structure was formally introduced keeping in line the agenda for better organizational
functioning. Initially the teams were reluctant to work in such a structure. But in order to continue
with the existing prototype project, under serial production projects and benefits offered by new
management to employees, the teams agreed to work in matrix structure with more than one boss.
This was confusing and time consuming in the beginning with authorities still not clear at top levels
.and needed few more meetings to clarify the exact roles and communication plans
Once the things started moving, the benefits of balanced structure were evident and visible.
Engineering team leaders got visibility by supporting in project management. The regularly planned
meetings with Project Manager, resource manager and technical leaders resulted in higher degree of
interaction by engineers and they got more say in organizational decision making from engineering
perspectives. More ideas started to flow and engineering designs got optimized, root causes identified
clearly and ideas generated on the spot. This led to very quick solutions for some of critical issues,
which may have taken long time in functional structure. Resource manager got the opportunity to
identify the future leaders and accordingly these future leaders were promoted and nourished with
more responsibilities. Efficient suppliers were selected and involved that provided value addition to
 .company’s engineering projects

On the other hand some of the departments leaders resigned and left the organization to look for
responsible positions elsewhere in industry as their positions were rendered redundant due to
.management changes. The matrix structure also demanded a more organized way of working

This involved getting engineering requests from technical team, followed by resources demand,
resources allocation requests, internal reallocation of engineering resources. During some urgent
issues, if internal resources were not available, then looking for suppliers to fill in the gaps and this led
to preparation of SoWs, asking for quotes, reviewing, negotiations, allocations etc. Such process
again led to delay in project deliveries. However this situation was temporary as better ways were
.developed to deal with suppliers with pre-negotiated pricing
Methodology and Responsibilities
The teams involved in engineering projects were operating from different geographical locations in Europe
depending on their projects and the challenge was to manage them in such a way that the resource utilization
stays efficient. Therefore to get the best out of matrix structure, the resource manager was required to travel
between project locations to keep up to date with project managers and engineering leaders. Regular planned
.meetings were held and quarterly plans were prepared in consultation with key stakeholders

Organizational benefits and drawbacks

The visible benefits were in terms of organized and timely execution of projects. Project teams were well
defined and in case when resources utilization was not 100% in a project, they were shared among other
projects. This was not limited to just engineering team members, but also applicable to team leaders as well.
This led to organization saving money on projects

Though there were great organizational benefits, the other side cannot be neglected. In a way this was too
much of a responsibility for the resource manager who was always overloaded with his activity which involved
lot of travel because the resource manager was not just responsible for engineering team, but also for services
.and maintenance teams

If the time consuming approval processes is managed efficiently and responsibilities are delegated with aim of
speeding to and fro communication between resources manager and project manager, then balanced matrix
will certainly lead to profitability of organisation. It is important to keep in mind that with efficient resource
.utilisation and improved team morale can do wonders to employee morale and organisations productivity
Product and Process
Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead of using electricity to make wind—like a fan—wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Wind turns
.the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity
:Wind is a form of solar energy caused by a combination of three concurrent events
The sun unevenly heating the atmosphere
Irregularities of the earth's surface
.The rotation of the earth
Wind flow patterns and speeds vary greatly across the United States and are modified by bodies of water, vegetation, and differences in terrain. Humans
.use this wind flow, or motion energy, for many purposes: sailing, flying a kite, and even generating electricity
The terms "wind energy" and "wind power" both describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. This
mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into
A wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades, which work like an airplane wing or helicopter rotor
blade. When wind flows across the blade, the air pressure on one side of the blade decreases. The difference in air pressure across the two sides of the
blade creates both lift and drag. The force of the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the rotor to spin. The rotor connects to the generator, either
directly (if it’s a direct drive turbine) or through a shaft and a series of gears (a gearbox) that speed up the rotation and allow for a physically smaller
.generator. This translation of aerodynamic force to rotation of a generator creates electricity
The Power of Wind
Wind turbines harness the wind—a clean, free, and widely available renewable energy source—to generate
.electric power

A wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades, which work
like an airplane wing or helicopter rotor blade. When wind flows across the blade, the air pressure on one side of
the blade decreases. The difference in air pressure across the two sides of the blade creates both lift and drag. The
force of the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the rotor to spin. The rotor connects to the generator,
either directly (if it’s a direct drive turbine) or through a shaft and a series of gears (a gearbox) that speed up the
rotation and allow for a physically smaller generator. This translation of aerodynamic force to rotation of a
generator creates electricity.
Forecasting in production
Usually, this is the most important task since, to date, most of the power purchase agreements are ‘take or
pay,’ meaning that the utility or other customer is obliged to buy all the energy produced by the wind farm.
As the penetration of wind power generation increases (in terms of the overall energy mix), fluctuations in
energy output (caused by variations in wind speed) will be more visible on the electrical system.
Transmission System Operators (TSOs) working to balance supply and demand on regional or national grid
systems, will need to predict and manage this variability to avoid balancing problems. The point at which this
is required changes from system to system, but it has been observed as becoming important when penetration
.of wind energy reaches about 5 per cent of installed capacity
As the level of penetration of wind energy into individual grids increases, it will become necessary to make
wind farms appear much more like conventional plants and hence it will be necessary to forecast, at short to
medium timescales (one hour to seven days), how much energy will be produced. In European countries
where there is already a high level of penetration, such as Spain, Germany and Denmark, operators, managers
and TSOs are routinely forecasting the output from their wind farms. These forecasts are used to schedule the
.operations of other plants, and are also used for trading purposes
Forecasting the wind energy production will grow in importance as the level of installed capacity grows. The
wind industry must expect to do its very best to allow the TSOs to use wind energy to its best effect, which
means aggregated output forecasts from wind farms must be accurate. In the UK, where the market is already
.deregulated, energy traders are using sophisticated forecasts to trade wind energy on the futures market
At the same time as improving the predictability of the output of wind energy plants through improvements in
forecasting techniques, awareness of the true behaviour of conventional plants should be considered. In order
to provide the best mix of plants and technologies, it will be important for all the different energy forms to be
considered on an equitable basis. Therefore the proper, formal statistical analysis of both renewable and
conventional plants is important. This task should be considered as an essential element of a wind energy
.development strategy and must be conducted on a total power system approach
As a result of its strategic importance as described above, forecasting has been the focus of considerable
technical attention in recent years. A good source of general review materials, as well as detailed papers, can be
found in Landberg et al (2003). Although there are a variety of different techniques being used, they all share
similar characteristics. It is therefore possible to provide a generic description of the techniques presently being
used, whereby data is provided by a weather forecast, and production data is provided by the wind farms. The
two sets of data are combined to provide a forecast for future energy production. Figure I.2.12 provides a
.schematic picture of typical forecasting approach
To integrate wind energy successfully into an electricity system at large penetration
.levels of more than 10 per cent, accurate wind energy predictions are needed
The Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models run by national institutes are
typically of continental, if not global, scale. Consequently, their resolutions tend to
be too coarse for wind energy needs. The model run by the Danish Meteorological
Institute for north-west Europe, for example, has a minimum horizontal resolution of
.approximately 5 km
The methods of achieving the transformation between coarse NWP forecasts and
site-specific ones are varied. Despite this variation, they can largely be grouped into
:two main types
Physical models; and Statistical models
Physical models primarily aim to improve the resolution of the ‘original’ NWP
:model. The models used to achieve this can include
Simple linear-flow models, such as WAsP; and
High-resolution NWP models: these are essentially local (nested) meso-scale
versions of the original NWP model, and are often termed ‘storm-scale’ or
‘convective-scale.’ They aim to model local thermal and terrain effects that are not
.apparent at the coarse scale
:The following aspects of the physical model approach need to be considered
Skill – the implementation of local meso-scale models requires the skill and
competency of a meteorologist; there is always the possibility of a poorly formed
;model introducing further errors
Computational requirements – the formulation and execution of the models are
Inventory systems

For safe and reliable machine operation, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) activities are
required. Spare parts demand forecasting and inventory planning, which is an important part of
MRO activities, must be accurate to avoid costs because of surplus spare parts or machine
downtimes. The restriction of reduced accessibility to wind turbines during the winter months also
has to be taken into account when planning maintenance activities and spare part inventories for
wind farms. The presented model provides the most economic stock quantity under given
environmental conditions. It is based on the proportional hazards model, which is extended to
calculate the remaining useful component life time and derive required spare parts inventory
levels. The presented model is validated, using condition monitoring data and environmental data
of an onshore wind farm. Comparison of the spare part inventory prediction to wind farm’s failure
data proves the model’s accuracy. Parameter analyses show that the model can be applied for
.spare parts inventory planning under consideration of environmental conditions
Production scheduling
We present a model for scheduling power generation at a wind farm, and introduce a particle swarm
optimization algorithm with a small world network structure to solve the model. The solution generated by the
algorithm defines the operational status of wind turbines for a scheduling horizon selected by a decision
maker. Different operational scenarios are constructed based on time series data of electricity price, grid
.demand, and wind speed. The computational results provide insights into management of a wind farm
.A model for scheduling wind turbines at a wind farm is presented ►
.A particle swarm algorithm with a small world network structure solves the model ►
.Different operational scenarios are constructed and solved ►
Computational results provide insights into management of a wind farm ►
Tack time
Takt time, or simply Takt, is a manufacturing term to describe the required product assembly
.duration that is needed to match the demand
The wind is an intermittent energy source, which cannot be dispatched on demand. Locally, it
gives variable power, which is consistent from year to year but varies greatly over shorter time
scales. Therefore, it must be used together with other power sources to give a reliable supply.
Power-management techniques such as having dispatchable power sources (often gas-fired
power plant or hydroelectric power), excess capacity, geographically distributed turbines,
exporting and importing power to neighboring areas, grid storage, reducing demand when wind
production is low, and curtailing occasional excess wind power, are used to overcome these
problems. As the proportion of wind power in a region increases the grid may need to be
upgraded. Weather forecasting permits the electric-power network to be readied for the
.predictable variations in production that occur
In 2019, wind supplied 1430 TWh of electricity, which was 5.3% of worldwide electrical
generation,with the global installed wind power capacity reaching more than 651 GW, an
.increase of 10% over 2018
Just in Time, JIT
One of the main criticisms of renewable energy facilities is that they are unable to dispatch electricity
when it’s needed. The great game-changer is low-cost energy storage, which would enable
.renewable energy production to be stored and rapidly released when needed
The electricity industry has enabled customers to expect that their lights will turn on with each flip of
the switch. Hidden behind that switch is an enormously complex machine of transmission and
distribution wires, substations, and a network of power plants that must respond, immediately, with the
electricity required to operate those bulbs. Add up the myriad requests by millions of consumers over
.a typical day and the synchronicity of demand and supply is astounding
Even less appreciated is the human element that controls the machine’s daily operation. The
technology behind dispatching a strictly fossil-fuel and nuclear fleet has been well-honed over many
years by utility engineers. Today, modern automatic generation control systems can quickly respond
to commands of a single dispatcher responsible for continuously balancing electricity supply and
demand for those millions of customers—a necessity, as storing any appreciable quantity of electricity
.is impractical today
Lean Manufacturing
Innovation and lean manufacturing is rapidly changing the global wind power industry’s supply chain, with
blade design and manufacture undergoing a transformation never witnessed before, says a new Navigant
.Research report
The report - “Supply Chain Assessment 2014 - Wind Energy” - examines and explores several of the
significant forces shaping the global wind power industry’s supply chain, including analyses of more than
.500 component and materials suppliers
The nearly 300-page report examines 11 component categories and profiles more than 300 component
.suppliers; it also identifies more than 200 suppliers across four groups of materials
Key components assessed in the report include traditional tubular steel towers, hybrid towers, gearboxes,
generators, pitch systems, power converters, transformers, control systems. Analysis is provided of the top
wind turbine vendors and their manufacturing capabilities, supply chain relationships, and technology
strategies. Key offerings and the capacity for leading suppliers, located primarily in North America, Europe,
.Asia Pacific, and Latin America, were also quantified
The report has furthermore analyzed the major technology trends within each of the component and
materials categories, as well as the related manufacturing capacity and supply versus demand dynamics
.expected through 2018
As the wind turbine manufacturing industry evolves and matures, blades have become a strong area of ​
strategic product innovation and sourcing shifts. Turbine makers are making major capital-intensive
investment changes in how blades are designed, what materials are used, the manufacturing processes
.behind them, and what companies they source from
This is a time of high creative ferment in the wind power industry,” says Jesse Broehl, senior research “
analyst with Navigant Research. "Long dominant blade designs and manufacturing processes are evolving,
with repercussions all along the value chain - from the materials (such as resins, fiberglass, and carbon
".fiber) to the blade suppliers and the turbine manufacturers themselves
The report claims that these shifts are especially notable in the offshore market. Innovation in design and
materials science has led to the development of high-tech blades over 80 meters long. The resulting wind
turbine upscaling is leading to multi-megawatt offshore wind turbines, each of which can provide enough
.electricity for more than 7,000 average European households
Line balancing
Line balancing is a production strategy that involves balancing operator and
machine time to match the production rate to the Takt time. Takt time is the rate
.at which energy must be produced in order to meet customer demand

Spare parts inventories of wind turbines play an important role in improving the service
.level and reducing the operation and maintenance costs of turbines
kanban system to wind turbine spare parts management points out that the inventory
bottom and upper lines are critical in the implementation of kanban system to wind
turbine spare parts management. Then a model to determine inventory upper and
bottom lines is proposed. Finally, a case from A Wind Power Technology Company is
studied and the results show that kanban system is essential in ensuring high level
service of spare parts to wind turbines, in reducing breakdown loss due to delay
repairs, in reducing the inventory of the components in WT subsystems including pitch
system, yaw system, generator system, frequency conversion system, hydraulic
5S, Muda
5S is a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri ( 整理 ),
seiton ( 整頓 ), seisō ( 清掃 ), seiketsu ( 清潔 ), and shitsuke ( 躾 ). These have been translated
as "sort", "set in order", "shine", "standardize" and "sustain". The list describes how to organize a
work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining
the area and items, and sustaining the new order. The decision-making process usually comes
from a dialogue about standardization, which builds understanding among employees of how they
.should do the work
Muda ( 無駄 ) is a Japanese word meaning "futility; uselessness; wastefulness", and is a key
concept in lean process thinking, like the Toyota Production System (TPS) as one of the three
types of deviation from optimal allocation of resources ( the others being mura and muri).Waste
.reduction is an effective way to increase profitability
From an end-customer's point of view, value-added work is any activity that produces goods or
provides a service for which a customer is willing to pay; muda is any constraint or impediment
.that causes waste to occur
Capacity planning
Wind park layout is planned based on wind speed distribution, surface
parameters and environmental conditions. Type and rating of wind turbines are
selected and the layout is optimized by computer tools concerning the expected
output. Besides output, installation of connection lines and (possible) transformer
station as well as construction of roads for installation and service of the wind
.park are essential criteria for the project layout
The outcome of soil surveys indicates, whether the optimal placements
.determined by modelling can be realised
Material requirements planning (MRP) is a computer-based inventory management
system designed to improve productivity for businesses. Companies use material
requirements-planning systems to estimate quantities of raw materials and schedule
.their deliveries
According to a report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, wind turbines
are predominantly made of steel (71-79% of total turbine mass); fiberglass, resin or
.plastic (11-16%); iron or cast iron (5- 17%); copper (1%); and aluminum (0-2%)
Many turbine components are domestically sourced and manufactured in the United
States (Wind Technologies Market Report). Wind turbine towers are 65-85%
domestically sourced, blade and hub components are 40-70% domestic, and nacelle
assemblies are over 90% domestically sourced. However, many internal parts such as
.pitch and yaw systems, bearings, bolts, and controllers are typically imported
Small wind turbines

Small wind turbines may be used for a variety of applications including on- or off-grid
residences, telecom towers, offshore platforms, rural schools and clinics, remote monitoring and
other purposes that require energy where there is no electric grid, or where the grid is unstable.
Small wind turbines may be as small as a fifty-watt generator for boat or caravan use. Hybrid
solar and wind powered units are increasingly being used for traffic signage, particularly in rural
locations, as they avoid the need to lay long cables from the nearest mains connection point.[68]
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) defines small
wind turbines as those smaller than or equal to 100 kilowatts.[69] Small units often have direct
drive generators, direct current output, aeroelastic blades, lifetime bearings and use a vane to
.point into the wind
Wind turbine spacing

On most horizontal wind turbine farms, a spacing of about 6–10 times the rotor diameter is often
upheld. However, for large wind farms distances of about 15 rotor diameters should be more
economical, taking into account typical wind turbine and land costs. This conclusion has been
reached by research conducted by Charles Meneveau of Johns Hopkins University and Johan
Meyers of Leuven University in Belgium, based on computer simulations that take into account
the detailed interactions among wind turbines (wakes) as well as with the entire turbulent
.atmospheric boundary layer
Recent research by John Dabiri of Caltech suggests that vertical wind turbines may be placed
much more closely together so long as an alternating pattern of rotation is created allowing
.blades of neighbouring turbines to move in the same direction as they approach one another

In Conclusion, the production of giant wind turbines has produced plenty of

renewable energy that is using up little to nothing pollutants. The Source of U.S.
energy is changing with these sophisticated new ideas and can be brought to more
exposure if we provide more proof of the positive impact is has been doing in our
environment. Yes, there might be a few more dead birds in the process but that
does not match the fact that we are able to soon stop carbon dioxide emissions,
and join the global cause to reduce fossil fuels. Increasing jobs in manufacturing
and in all levels of the field will become a trend and help us mechanical engineers
.get closer to working with manufacturing equipment and peers
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