Pakistan India Relations and Current Scenarios

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Pakistan India

State of Affairs
Azeem Khalid

Faculty Member, International Relations Department, COMSATS University Islamabad

PhD Candidate, Foreign Policy Analysis, Jinan University, Guangzhou
Adjunct Faculty, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Adjunct Faculty School of Law, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Guest Faculty, 21st Century Silk Road Studies School, Jinan University, Guangzhou
Former Editor China and the World Weekly, Published from China
New Political Map of Pakistan
Main Issues and Disputes
• Territorial Disputes
• State of Jammu and Kashmir
• Junagadh
• Siachin Glacier
• Sir Creek
• Ran of Kuch
• Water Dispute
• Baglihar Dam
• Kishanganga
• Pakal Dul Dam
• Ideological Disputes
• Regional Disoutes
• Disputes and Competition in IGOs and INGOs.
Sir Creek
History of Relations
• August 1947

• End of Colonial rule and Independence.

• Britain ends its colonial rule over the Indian

subcontinent, which becomes two independent nations -
Hindu-majority, but secularly governed India and the
Islamic republic of Pakistan. The division, widely
known as Partition, sparks massive rioting that kills up
to 10 lakh, while another 1.5 crore people flee their
homes in one of the world's largest human migrations.

• A camp for displaced Indian Muslims next to Humayun's

Tomb in New Delhi, during the period of unrest following the
Partition of India and Pakistan. (AFP photo)
October 1947

• The two young nations begin a war over control

of Kashmir, a Muslim-majority kingdom ruled
by a Hindu maharaja. A UN-brokered cease-fire
ends the war in a year with Kashmir divided
between them.

• Indian Sikh troops take up positions to help

force invaders further away from the Kashmir
capital, Srinagar in November 1947. (AP photo)
January 1949
• India and Pakistan agree to a UN Security Council resolution calling for a referendum in
which Kashmiris would determine their future; the vote never takes place.
September 1960
• India and Pakistan sign a World Bank-brokered Indus Water Treaty governing six rivers, or
three rivers each. It is the only India-Pakistan treaty that has held.
August 1965
• A second war begins over Kashmir, ending a month later in another UN-mandated ceasefire.
December 1971
• A third war is fought, this time
• A third war is fought, this time as India supports as India supports secessionists in
secessionists in East Pakistan. The war ends with East Pakistan. The war ends with
the creation of Bangladesh. the creation of Bangladesh.
• The issues in Bengal and role of Pakistan military
• East vs West Pakistan
• Violence
• Economic factors

• Indian troops advance inside the Northwest sector

of East Pakistan in December 1971. (AP photo)
July 1972

• The countries' prime ministers sign an accord

for the return of tens of thousands of Pakistani
prisoners of war.

• Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, right,

and President of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
shake hands after signing the Simla Agreement.
(AP photo)
May 1974

• India conducts a nuclear test, becoming the

first nation to do so that's not a permanent
UN Security Council member.

• The scene of India's first underground

nuclear explosion conducted in Pokharan
in Rajasthan. (Reuters file photo)
• December 1989
• Armed resistance to Indian rule in Kashmir begins. India accuses Pakistan of giving
weapons and training to the fighters. Pakistan says it offers only "moral and diplomatic"
• May 1998
• India detonates five nuclear devices in tests. Pakistan detonates six. Both are slapped with
international sanctions.
February 1999

• Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari

Vajpayee rides a bus to the Pakistani city
of Lahore to meet with Pakistan
counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, and sign a
major peace accord.

• Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee with

Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in
Lahore. (Reuters file photo)
May 1999

• Conflict erupts in Kargil as Pakistani

forces and Kashmiri fighters occupy
Himalayan peaks. India launches air and
ground strikes. The US brokers peace.

• Indian army soldiers fire artillery in the

northernmost part of the Kargil region.
(AP file photo)
May 2001
• Vajpayee and Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf meet in the Indian city of Agra, but reach no agreements.
October 2001
• Freedom Fighters attack the legislature building in Kashmir, killing 38 people.
December 2001
• Gunmen attack India's Parliament, killing 14. India blames Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad, and
deploys troops to its western frontier with Pakistan. The standoff ends in October 2002 after international
January 2004
• Musharraf and Vajpayee hold talks, launching bilateral negotiations to settle outstanding issues.
February 2007

• A train service between India and

Pakistan, the Samjhauta Express, is
bombed in northern India, killing 68.

• Charred coaches of the Samjhauta

Express. (AP file photo)
October 2008
• India and Pakistan open a trade route across
Kashmir for the first time in six decades.
November 2008
• Gunmen attack Mumbai, killing 166 people.
India blames Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Mumbai's Taj Mahal Palace Hotel on fire

after terror attack.
• May 2014
• India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi invites Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif to New Delhi for his inauguration.
• December 2015
• PM Modi makes a surprise visit to the Pakistani city of Lahore on Sharif's birthday and the wedding of his granddaughter.
• January 2016
• Six gunmen attack an Indian air force base in the northern town of Pathankot, killing seven soldiers in a battle that lasted
nearly four days.
• July 2016
• Indian soldiers kill Kashmiri Mujahid and Hizbul Mujahideen leader Burhan Wani, sparking months of anti-India protests
and deadly clashes in the region.
September 2016
• Freedom Fighters sneak into an Indian army base in Kashmir's Uri and kill 18 soldiers.
Four attackers are also killed.
11 days later, Indian Army said it has carried out "surgical strikes" to destroy terror launch
pads across the Line of Control in Pakistan.
December 2017
• Indian Army commandos cross the LoC in Jammu & Kashmir and kill three Pakistani
soldiers, two days after four Indian Army men were shot dead in an ambush in Keri sector
of Rajouri.
May 2018
• In May, after several months of deadly violence and cross-border firing along the LoC, India and Pakistan agree to fully implement the
ceasefire pact of 2003 in “letter and spirit” forthwith to stop cross-border firing. Later during the month, Indian special forces foil an
attack by Pakistan's Border Action Team (BAT).
• June 2018
• In June, the UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issues the first ever UN report detailing human rights
abuses in Kashmir titled “Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Kashmir: Developments in the Indian State of Jammu and
Kashmir from June 2016 to April 2018, and General Human Rights Concerns in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan”.
• This 49-page report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein displays grave violations of Human rights by
Indian military and para military forces in Kashmir. India were not happy on this open acknowledgement of Pakistani stance on HR
violations in Kashmir.
• On 14 February, 40 members of the Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) are killed in a suicide bombing in Pulwama in
IIOK Jammu & Kashmir.
• Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on 19 February expresses his willingness to negotiate and cooperate with India regarding the
Pulwama attack on 14 February.
• Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi vows a strong response, saying that “…We will give a befitting reply, our neighbour will not
be allowed to destabilise us”.
• Indian and Pakistani armies exchange fire on 25 February at the LoC in Jammu & Kashmir's Rajouri district.
• 26 February India Airforce entered in Pakistan territory and Abhinandan was caught and the teas was fantastic.
• 27 February Pakistan retaliated. Locked targets.
• On 28 February, Imran Khan announces the captured Indian Air Force pilot would be released as a “peace gesture”.
• Tightened political situation.
• 5th august 2019. India revoked the special status of state of Kashmir. Pakistan retaliates with diplomatic means. Curfew in Kashmir.

• Stalemate of 2019 exists

• Covid and its impacts
• Back channel diplomacy.
• Active Diplomacy, Moid Yusuf’s role
• EU dis-info labs and exposition of Fake news and propaganda media.
• Pegasus Software and indian espionage.

• Kashmir Issue
• Water Dispute
• International competition
• Sports
• Afghanistan Factor
• India as an irritant in CPEC execution
• Miscelleneous issues in India-Pakistan relations
Vocabulary for CA

• Conundrum
• Quagmire
• Imbroglio
• Mayhem
• Quizzical
• Perplexing
• Bewildering situation



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