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A Presentation on Police Regulations,



BP 9421237729
38th BCS
 Regulations are rules made by a govt. or other authority in
order to control the way something is done or the way
people behave
 PRB was first published in 1927 but was abrogated and
enacted in 1946.
 There are 26 chapters & 1290 sections in PRB.
 Organizations & all functions of police are carried out
through PRB.
 Called the Bible of police.
Regulation 1 Definition of:
(Interpretations) • Superintendent
• Officers
• Subordinate police officers
• Unarmed police
• Reserve police
• Armed inspector etc.
Regulation 2 • Formation of general police district as defined in section 1 of
(General police police act,1861 with the exception of Chittagong hill tracts
Regulation 3 • The application only deal with Bengal police
(Limitation of the
Regulation 4 • Range- consisting of a group of districts
(Administrative • District- normally divided into subdivisions,
areas) • Subdivision- containing one or more police circles
• Circle- consisting of a group of police stations
• Police station- Divided into unions
Regulation 5 • outpost - established in a rural area of a police-station for
(Subordinate posts) any special reason, such as remoteness or difficulty of
access from the police-station
• town outpost- established at a convenient point in a
municipal area for the facility of town patrols.

Regulation 6 • District police

(Branches of Bengal • Railway police
police) • Police training college
• Criminal investigation department
• The Inspector- General’s staff
Regulation 7 • The Range— a Deputy Inspector-General.
(Administrations) • The District— a Superintendent.
• The Subdivision— a Sub divisional Police Officer
• The Circle— an Inspector.
• The Police-station— a Sub-Inspector.
• The Outpost — an Assistant Sub-Inspector.
• The Town outpost— a head constable

Regulations 8 • A table showing all ranks of police officers in order of

(Rank of police precedence is given in Appendix 1
Regulation 9 • The Criminal Investigation Department is administered
(CID, Police Training by a Deputy Inspector-General
College, IGP’s Staff) • The control of the Police Training College vests in the
Principal, who is of the rank of Superintendent.
• The Inspector-General has as staff two Superintendents
who hold the title of Assistant Inspector-General.
Regulation 10 • No alteration in the Jurisdiction or the number of
(Alterations in areas) administrative areas shall be made without the orders of
the Provincial government, except that the Inspector-
General may alter the distribution of police-stations
between circles in the same sub-division.
Regulation 11 • The Inspector-General is competent to sanction the
(Establishment of permanent establishment of subordinate posts
Subordinate posts)

Regulation 12 • The force allotted to each district is organized broadly to

(Organization of provide staff for police-stations (including subordinate
District Police Force) police posts), Courts, Town Police, Special Armed Force
and special posts, such as the District Intelligence Branch,
Detective Department
Chapter 2: Relations with other departments

Regulation 13 • As the local head of the administration can control over the
(Positions of action of the District Magistrate in police matters
Regulation 14 • The range DIG shall keep a close touch with commissioners
(Relation between and District Magistrate regarding to maintain peace and
Range DIG and prevention of crime.
Commissioners & • Shall ordinarily communicate with the commissioner by
District Magistrate) demi/unofficial notes & with Magistrates through SP
Regulation 15 • The Superintendent is subjected to general control of The
(Relation between District Magistrate for the criminal administration
Superintendent & • District Magistrate can’t interfere in internal organization of
District Magistrate) police force but can bring the notice of Superintendent
where's the conduct of a police officer affect the
• Without the approve of District Magistrate, Superintendent
can’t issue any circular or order related to law.
Regulation 16 • Superintendent will afford the District Magistrate with
(Superintendent to be in all possible assistance in criminal administration
close touch with District • The superintendent shall keep the District Magistrate
Magistrate) fully informed of all matters affecting the peace

Regulation 17 • Correspondence between District Magistrates and

(Correspondence between Superintendents shall be carried on by means of
Superintendent District unofficial notes or memoranda

Regulation 18 • All orders on the police, except judicial orders, issued

(Magistrate’s order to pass by the office of the District Magistrate shall ordinarily
through Superintendent) be sent through the Superintendent

Regulation 19 should give special attention to—

(Inspection by District • the general diary and the manner in which it is written
Magistrate) up
• the recording of vital statistics;
• the working of the rural police;
• the general state of crime in the police-station and any
reasons for its increase or decrease;
Regulation 20 • District Magistrate may draw the attention of
(District Magistrate and Superintendent to transfer a police officer of or below
transfers of police inspector rank.
officers) • Above for the rank of Inspector, he will communicate to
the Inspector General of Police

Regulation 21 • Magistrates having jurisdiction and empowered to take

(Relations between cognizance of police cases are reminded of their
subordinate Magistrates responsibility for watching the course of police
and police) investigations

Regulation 22 • Subdivisional Magistrate will inspect all police station

(Relation between within his jurisdiction once annually
subdivisional Magistrate • Can nominate the officer in charge of a police station to
and the police) investigate a case

Regulation 23 • The Sub-divisional Police Officer shall consult the Sub-

(Relations between divisional Magistrate in all matters affecting the criminal
SDPO & Subdivisional administration and the maintenance of peace in the sub-
Magistrate) division
Regulation 24 • if necessary ,inquiry will be conducted by a
(Procedure when an allegation is police officer or Magistrate
made against a police officer in a
complaint or first information)

Regulation 25 • A police officer of superior rank shall at once

(Allegation against police made report to the Superintendent any allegation of
otherwise than in complaints, first serious misconduct which comes to his by
informations or comments by court) notice otherwise than under regulations 24,
26 or 28, and the Superintendent shall in turn
report it at once to the District Magistrate.

Regulation 26 • Any favourable comments should similarly

(Comments by Magistrates trying be made in a note forwarded to the District
cases) Magistrate.
Regulation 27 • The District Magistrate shall send
(Comments by courts & magistrates immediately to the Superintendent a copy of
to be communicated to any comments, whether favourable or
superintendent) unfavourable, that have been made on the
conduct of a police officer
Regulation 28 • Here discussed about the process of special inquiry
(Action to be taken on against a police officer when he is criticized about
comments in judgment of his conduct issues by the court

Regulation 29 A magisterial inquiry into an allegation against a

(Magisterial inquires into police officer be done-
allegations against police • At the place of occurrence
officers) • If possible, Magistrate be proceed there not later
than the following day
• Magistrate should be an Assistant Magistrate or a
Deputy Magistrate of the first class if the officer
concerned is of or above the rank of Sub-Inspector

Regulation 30 • Police officers shall treat all courts and

(Police to treat courts & Magistrates with due respect
Magistrates with respect)

Regulation 31 • The Superintendent shall keep in close touch with

(Relations with public the Public Prosecutor or Government Pleader
prosecutors or Govt. Pleaders)
Regulation 32 • Officers posted to police-stations shall make
(Co- operation with themselves acquainted with the panchayats and
Panchayats & Union members of union boards in their jurisdictions, and
boards) shall seek their assistantce in all matters affecting the
prevention and detection of crime

Regulation 33 • Police officers while being firm in the execution of

(Behaviour towards the their duty, must show forbearance, civility and
Public) courtesy towards all classes of people

Regulation 34 • All serving officers shall keep in touch with retired

(Relations with retried police officers living in their respective jurisdictions
police officers) and shall attempt to maintain friendly relations with
• An index of such retired officers shall be maintained
in the office of the Superintendent
Chapter 3: Direction and control
Regulation 35 • Can act as a Magistrate throughout the
(Power of Inspector General) Province for preservation and detection of
• Can issue standing or general orders without
reference to the Provincial Govt.

Regulation 36 • Will ensure the efficiency of police force under

(Powers & duties of DIG of him by doing frequent inspections and by
range) keeping close touch with subordinate SP’s
• May strengthen the police in, or to withdraw
police from, any district in his Range as a
temporary measure

Regulation 37 • A Superintendent shall without delay carry out

(Powers & duties of any instructions by the DIG of the Range.

Regulation 38 • Will keep constant touch with his officers

(General control by the • Will be accessible to them and encourage them
Regulations 39 • The Additional Superintendent is in subordinate
(Duties which may be alliance with the Superintendent and holds a
delegated to Additional position similar to that of a second in command of
Superintendents) a regiment

Regulations 40 • the Superintendent may delegate to the Additional

(Restrictions on delegations to Superintendent the maintenance of the cash
Additional Superintendents) account

Regulations 41 • Proceedings against Inspectors

(Matters with which • the posting, transfer and promotion of all officers
Superintendents should deal of and above the rank of Assistant Sub Inspectors

Regulations 42 • A superintendent is expected to take a share in the

(Case to be investigated by actual investigation of important cases
Regulation 43 • During outbreak of rioting, the Superintendent
(Investigations and trial of cases shall, if necessity, reinforce the local
after a riot) investigating staff
• Can reinforcement the prosecuting staff

Regulation 44 • Both of them will work under the control of

(Powers and functions of Superintendent having with the written
Assistant and Deputy permission of DIG in the range

Regulation 45 • May also be used for additional inspections of

(Method of employment of police stations in the interior
Assistant and Deputy
Superintendent at HQ)

Regulation 46 • In every important case, and particularly in

(Method of employment of every special report case, he shall visit the spot
Assistant Deputy Superintendent and supervise the investigation as prescribed in
as SDPO) regulations 54 and 55
• Shall inspect all police offices, stations and posts
in the subdivision at least once a year
Regulation 47 • The IGP shall inspect every district once in two years
(Number of • A DIG shall inspect every district in his Range once a year
inspections to be and every subdivision once in two years
made off) • The SP, or, subject to regulation 41 (c) (iii), an Add. SP
shall make a thorough inspection at least once a year of
every office, police-station or subsidiary post in the district
• Annual inspections should be made by SDPO as provided
by regulation 46 (d)

Regulation 48 • The inspections should be arranged that they don’t follow

(Inspections not to each other at unduly short times
follow closely)
Regulation 49 • A thorough inspection of a police-station can never be
(Duration of made in a few hours and seldom in a day.

Regulation 50 • It shows the scenario of crime rate of any region

(Use of Statistics) • The higher officials can get a idea about the service of
police officers seeing the statistics
Regulation 51 • the conduct of investigations;
(Matters to be examined • the collection of information about criminals;
at inspections) • the local progress of crime;
• co-operation with panchayats, union boards and the

Regulation 52 • Inspection notes should be brief and to the point, without

(Inspection notes to be elaborate reviews of crime, long complimentary
brief & to the point) • Defects should be noted one by one, under serial
numbers, and brief remarks made about each
Chapter 3: Supervision of Cases
Regulation 53 Important case means
(Important cases) • a special report case
• in which persons of importance are involved
• in which a police officer is involved

Regulation 54 Investigation should be done-

(Supervision of • Without delay
criminal • Honestly
investigation) • Following the prescribed procedure
• careful scrutiny of case diaries and other papers connected
with the investigation
Regulation 55 • Important special report cases and conduct of subordinate
(Supervision by officers related issues shall be supervised by
superintendent & Superintendent
other officer) • A Circle Inspector shall supervise every case within his
Regulation 56 • An officer supervising an investigation shall keep a
(Give evidence & personal diary in the form prescribed for Inspectors in
keep diaries) regulation 197 & shall note every activities
Regulation 57 • An officer is considered to be absent on tour on any
(Definition of touring) day on which he proceeds on duty more than five
miles from his headquarters

Regulation 58 • A Superintendent shall spend at least 120 days on

(Minimum no of days to be tour during the year
spent on tour) • A Circle Inspector, being essentially a touring officer,
shall ordinarily spend at least 180 days in the year on
tour in his circle

Regulation 59 • Police officers Should take transport facilities when

(Horse or pony or bicycle go for a tour
to be kept , touring by
bullock –cart)

Regulation 60 • A police officer of or above the rank of Inspector

(General instructions shall invariably record in the inspection register any
regarding tours) visit to or call at a police-station and give a brief
description of the particular work which he has done
or is doing in its jurisdiction
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