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F5E 2021


Assignment 3b
Miss Chan
2011 HKDSE Liberal Studies
(Sample Paper) Paper 2 -
Question 1

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(a) For Revision Only
• What would be the factors for a government to
consider in the planning process of
infrastructure projects? Explain your answers
with reference to the examples in Hong Kong
and in China. (8 marks)

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Different Aspects of Factors
Economic: costs and Social: views of
Impacts on land, water,
benefits (monetary different SHs (needs,
air, ecosystem (natural
and non-monetary) interests and concerns)
resources and ecology)

Political: administrative
Cultural: cultural
procedures (choice of
development and
proposals, time lag of
bill passing)

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Different Aspects of Factors
• Explain why do we have to
• Explain why do we have to
Economic: costs and Social: views of different consider the balance of interest
consider BOTH the costs and
(If not, what would happen?)
benefits benefits (monetary and SHs (needs and Example in HK?
(Where does $$$ come from?)
• Example in HK?
non-monetary) concerns)

• Explain why do we have to • Explain why do we have to

Environmental: Impacts consider the adaptability to local
consider the nature Cultural: cultural
(short-term vs.. long-term) on land, water, air, culture
development and (importance of cultural assets)
(sustainable development) ecosystem (natural
• Example in HK? conservation • Example in HK?
resources and ecology)

• Explain why do we have to

consider the administration of
Political: administrative government
procedures (choice of (roles of government – policy making,
proposals, time lag of resource allocation…)
• Example in HK?
bill passing)
• S: In the recent years, the government have decided
to construct a number of infrastructure projects, B:
to maintain the competitiveness of HK as well as
enhance HK’s quality of life. There are several
factors for a government to consider in the planning
process of infrastructure projects. A: In the
following paragraphs, I will state my arguments in
terms of environment, economic and social aspects.
(3 or 4 factors)
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Body 1: Environmental aspect
• T: First, in terms of ..., government has to consider the ecological value in the
planning process of infrastructure projects. E: To maintain the sustainable
development, environmental conservation plays an important part in building HK a
better city. In the process of the infrastructure projects, those constructions and
operations would bring a certain level of harm to the environment, such as......
(harm of land, noise, water pollution etc) these destructions would bring harm to the
ecosystem and cannot be repaired. In HK, environmental consideration has played
an important role in the planning process, E.g.: (using country parks to build
different houses for more housing supply?) there are voices among society and
experts, found out that the construction will harm the ecological value of different t
country parks. To strike a balance, the green areas play an important role to prevent
over-urbanisation. If country parks and green areas being cut down, air quality
would be worsened. As a result, government took it back and reconsidered the
possibility. This shows that environment is one of the considerations in the planning

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Body 2: Social aspect
• T: In terms of social aspect, social acceptance and legitimacy are the
factors for a government to consider... E: the government should consider
whether the planning is accepted by the majority of the society, if not,
what would happen?  social harmony would be harmed and the plan
would be objected by majority as well as the trust of government. With a
lot of objections and discontent, the planning won’t carried out smoothly
and not feasible.
E.g.: the construction and budget plans of HK-Zhuhai-Macau bridge is
challenged by judicial reviews, which different objection voices from the
society like... which caused the delay of the project and the cost of
construction has been increased, the LegCo members used different
strategies to block the pass of capital for construction etc., even the
project is finished and in operation, there are many (problems/
questions…..) in order to carry out the project smoothly, .... play an
important part for government ...
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Body 3: Economical aspect
• T: Third, in terms of ..., the cost effectiveness of the project should also be
considered in the planning process... E: the cost of the infrastructure
projects come from “public funds”, citizens expected that the project could
benefit them, enhance their QoL ... and with sustainable economic return
(view from investors and co-operators) govt is expected to spend public
funds wisely, instead of wasting on some meaningless (white elephant)
projects. To satisfy different stakeholders (citizens and investors), govt
should consider .... is cost effective and sustainable —E.g.: example?
(Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link) (Lantau Tmr)

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• In light of the above information, to what
extent do you agree that it is more important
to improve local visitors’ quality than to
incorporate Chinese elements for the
development of a successful Disneyland on the
Mainland? Explain (12 marks)

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Criteria to
prioritize the
• Define  Match Justify
• Introduction: Stance + Background + Approach
• Body: 2CAs+3As or 1CAs+4As criteriA for
justification + elaboRation + Examples (X4)
• Conclusion: Summary sentence of the priority of
Select keywords in the question
• Improving LOCAL visitors’ quality
• What qualities do they need?
• Refer to Notes 8, p.62
• Incorporating CHINESE elements
•  What are Chinese elements?
• Think about the meaning of culture (Assignment 3a)
• SUCCESSFUL Disneyland in Shanghai
•  What’s the meaning of a successful theme park?
• Reflect upon the needs of different stakeholders
Memorable experiences Global values location
(memorable attractions that National strength (respect to cultural diversity (use of natural resources,
Profit maximization
(synergy brought by the park sense of responsibility that eco-balance, waste-management)
(ticket sales revenue + people want to ride or see
over and over again) to the economy and society) can assume in the world) (from generations
hybrid consumption)
(Visitors) (Central Government) (global citizens) to generations)
(Disney Company)
Plan with reference to different criteria for justification

Cost- Alternative
effectiveness (Necessity)

Urgency Inclusiveness Sustainability

Conceptualize the ideas with LS concepts for justification
• Explain how the needs of various
• Explain how do we weigh
SHs for
between costs and monetary Cost- (If not, what would happen?)
benefits for
Feasibility Example in Paris?
(Where does $$$ come from?)
• Example in Shanghai? effectiveness

• Explain why it is/ is not better than

• Explain what risk would arise for
the others for a
(Possibility to replace A by B) Alternative (If not, what would happen?)
• Example in HK? Urgency Example in Shanghai?
• Explain why doing A can achieve • Explain why do we have to
B at the same time for consider the future development
(snowball effect, co-existence…) for
• Example in Shanghai? Inclusiveness Sustainability (short-term vs.. long-term)
(sustainable development)
• Example in Japan?
• (A) In terms of sustainability, improving local visitors’ quality is more
important than incorporating Chinese elements for a successful Disneyland
on the Mainland as more long-lasting benefits will be brought. (R)
Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs. When the environmental awareness of local visitors is raised,
they are willing to share the responsibility of environmental conservation
work and reduce the waste caused by their visits. (E) For example, local
visitors will bring their water bottle to the park instead of bottle water, use
their shopping bags during shopping in park but not the plastic ones and
protect the amenities that reduce repairs. All these acts by local visitors can
greatly reduce the environmental pressure brought by Shanghai Disneyland
so that the present development will not harm the interest of future
• (E) So, in terms of sustainability, improving local visitors’ quality is more
important than incorporating Chinese elements as it benefits from present
generations to future generations.
Time Allocation for Paper 2
• 2 min: study ALL questions
• 3 min: choose a question
• 3 min: plan (a)
• 22 min: write (a), @ 5-6 min/ paragraph (X 3-4)
• 5 min: plan (b)
• 40 min: write (b), @ 8 min/ CA paragraph (X 1-2); 6 min/ A
paragraph (X 3-4)
• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Total: 75 min
(b) introduction
• S: To a large extent, improving local visitors’ quality is more important
than to incorporate Chinese elements for the development of a
successful Disneyland on the Mainland.
B: Shanghai Disneyland is the recent – built Disneyland in the world,
opened in … Shanghai Disneyland is the first Disneyland built in the
mainland of China. The quality of tourists or the features present inside
the theme park may have caused the decline of the park. To improve
the situation and increase economic return, it is necessary to carry out
measures to enhance the success of the shanghai Disneyland. A: In the
following paragraphs, I am going to point out that improving local
visitors’ quality is more important in terms of feasibility, inclusiveness,
cost- effectiveness, urgency and sustainability.
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(b) Body 1 – Urgency
• T: it is more urgent and more important to ...
• Elaborations + e.g.: Any problems brought by Chinese visitors? (uncivilised
manner) + examples Any complains by other countries? + examples  what
would happen (affect the enjoyment) to local and foreign visitors in Shanghai
Disneyland if they didn’t improve their quality? Any negative effects brought
to Shanghai Disneyland and China’s NS (soft and hard power)? Visitors with
uncivilised manner may have been one of the reasons behind that China’s
Disneyland is not favoured by foreign tourists. In order to create a successful
visit in Disneyland, improving … can bring the memorable experience and
enhance the NS (soft power and hard power). What did Govt do to improve
mainland visitors  guidelines provided  visitors know the reasons of
upholding the universal values  after improving their qualities …… will
increase the numbers of visitors from the world  profits? Soft power …
• Concluding remarks: although incorporating Chinese elements is also a possible
way to ensure the success of SH Disneyland, the quality of local visitors is much more
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important to the operation and income of Disneyland.
(b) Body 2 – Cost - effectiveness
• T: Cost – effectiveness – it is more cost – effective to improve …
Elaborations: The environment and atmosphere of SH Disneyland would be
greatly improved if local visitors’ quality improved. From the source, mainland
visitors enjoyed their visit in US Disneyland as the visitors were “polite and
disciplined”, these made their visit more enjoyable with pleasant atmosphere  in
order to create a memorable and comfortable theme park, having civilised manner is
important  theme park can bring an enjoyable and … to all tourists  Disneyland
can achieve the goal, to bring a magical moment and experience to tourists  if they
can experience the similar pleasant atmosphere and comfortable as US one, SH
Disneyland can be success as US one, with huge economic return. The cost of
improving … is low, by setting up rules and regulations as a hard mean, and by moral
education (what to teach and any outcomes?)  the costs on both methods are low,
but can effectively enhance the quality of local citizens and visitors.
• Concluding remarks: to incorporate Chinese elements requires lot of money
(such as?) with poor mannered visitors, Chinese elements may not able to attract
visitors and bring a unique experience … therefore … 22
(b) Body 3 – Sustainability
• T: it is more important to … to bring a long – term benefits to the theme
park as well as China’s NS.
• Elaborations: tourist quality included civilised manner and sustainable
mindsets  by improving …  can raise their awareness on the importance
of sustainable development  think and act in an environmentally-friendly
way  any examples?  this will help mainland Disneyland to develop
sustainability in the long term by reducing pollution (what benefits can be
brought?) + any examples from other countries can be used to explain, how
civilised manners and well-educated tourists and cities are all time favourite
to the world?  this can bring a long-term benefit.
• Concluding remarks: any pollution will be brought by incorporating
Chinese elements? The popularity may drop in long term … so, improving …
is more sustainable and ensure the long term operation of SH Disneyland.
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(b) Body 4 – Feasibility
• T: it is feasible to improve …
• Elaborations: majority of tourists and citizens would agree to improve …
according to the source, the tourist mention that the success of Disneyland
would hinge on culture issues, and the most important elements is the
quality of tourists. This shows that mainlanders themselves are aware that
local tourists’ manner will affect the mood and experience in theme park. We
can see that mainland visitors will accept different forms of measures and
education to remove any kind of misbehaviours and uncivilised manners. For
foreign tourists and Disney, improving visitors’ quality can help create a
better environment (Like?), and can enjoy different quality services (like?)
and bring a huge economic return  most major stakeholders (mainlanders
and foreigners) would agree to improve ... and enhance the feasibility.
• Concluding remarks: : visitors in the mainland may not interested in
experiencing Chinese culture in Disneyland … (why?) Improving … is more
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important than
(b) Body 5 – CA – inclusiveness
• T: Some may argue that in terms of inclusiveness, incorporating Chinese elements is
inclusive of improving tourists’ quality as well as developing a successful SH Disneyland.
• Elaborations: by incorporating Chinese elements, SH Disneyland would promote
traditional Chinese culture, such as … local visitors will be influenced by the environment
and avoid uncivilised manners. The quality of local visitors can be improved in this way,
and the theme park – SH Disneyland will be developed a unique style around the world,
as well as provide a pleasant journey to different tourists, develop a success Disneyland
in China.
• Rebuttal: However, this is not true. While the performance of local visitors may have
improved, this change may not sustainable as we can’t ensure that everyone will follow
the rules and be influenced by some cultural elements in Disneyland. Incorporating
Chinese elements does not lead to better visitors’ quality. Education and regulations is
inclusive and promote traditional Chinese culture, through their actions, values of
respect and manner…
• Concluding remarks: if local visitors can have certain quality, foreign visitors can have an
12/27/2021experience in Disneyland and in China, which can enhance China’s NS as25
as develop a successful Disneyland.

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