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E-Commerce and its Application

Unit-II – Chapter 2
The Internet as a Network
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure

1. The Internet Terminology

2. Chronological History of the Internet
1. The Internet and Network Structure
3. NSFNET: Architecture and Components
1. The NSFNET Backbone
2. Mid-level Regional Networks.
3. State and Campus Networks
4. Movement of Information on the NSFNET
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure

4. National Research and Education Network

1. New Architecture for NSFNET Backbone
2. Network Access Points
3. Routing Arbiter
4. Very High Speed backbone network services
5. Gigabit network Research
6. High-Speed gigabit wide are network architecture
7. Gigabit Applications: Challenges Ahead
8. Gigabit Research Testbeds
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure

5. Globalization of the Academic Internet

1. International computer Networks
2. EBONE: European Backbone
3. Barriers to International internetworking
6. Internet Governance: The Internet Society
1. Governance Hierarchy
2. IETF working groups
7. An overview of Internet Applicaitons
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure
The internet is the most well-known component of the
Information Superhighway network infrastructure.
The Internet is a collection of Interconnected
Networks( Networks of networks).
The Internet is a Information distribution system spanning
several continents.
Its very general infrastructure targets not only one electronic
commerce application, such as video on-demand or home
shopping, but a wide range computer-based services, such as
e-mail, EDI, information publishing, information retrieval,
and video conferencing.
Simply put, the Internet environment is a unique combination
of postal service, telephone system, research library,
supermarket, and talk show center that enables people to share
and purchase information.
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure
The Internet is viewed as a prototype for the emerging I-Way of
which it will become one component.
The Internet began around 1965 when the U.S department of
Defense financed the design of a computer network to link a
handful universities and military research laboratories.
Since then, this network, linked by leased telephone lines, has
mushroomed into a matrix of several thousand connections in
over one hundred countries.
Until 1991 most of these networks were used primarily for
research by academics, government agencies, and research
laboratories to communicate and share information.
So in a short span of time, the Internet quickly became a front-
page story in every major newspaper, a cover story for magazines
such as the Business Week, Time, and the New Republic.
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure
Estimates by the Internet Society (
indicate a doubling of subscribers annually.
Educated guesses indicate 20-30 million users in 1995,
although and exact count is impossible given that the network
is decentralized and has no central agency to monitor users.
The following figure show the growth of the host computers
linked to the Internet from 1981 to 1994.
In July 1995, the number of connected hosts has passed 6.642
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure

1. The Internet Terminology

The Internet Terminology
The Internet is a mesh that envelops thousands of
interconnected networks linking approximately 4 million
computers worldwide.
It is estimated that every 30 minutes a major network
links into the Internet. These networks belong to several
domains-universities, government institutions, large
private companies, and small entrepreneurial starts-ups.
The interconnected computers include
Stand-alone computers
LANs (Local Area Networks- networks span is limited to one
MANs (Metropolitan Are Networks – span an area up to 100
square miles).
WANs (Wide Area Networks – covers large geographic distance)
The Internet Terminology
small geographic location,
which allows resource sharing and work-group interaction within
a single building,
has total management control residing with the local manger
Limited number of users (50 to 1000)
Sharing resources ( print server, post office servers)
Used to describe campus networks or “Big-LANs”
Connects 1000 to 10000 computers that could be combination of
PCs, servers, and mainframes
MAN are usually segregated hierarchically into smaller LANs
that are interconnected using devices called bridges.
The Internet Terminology
 Links several dispersed MANs and extends the principles of
information resource sharing to several locations.
 It is characterized by multi organizational control; in other words, a
company may own the LAN host, but various carriers own
communications sub networks on which the WAN operates.
The internet can be differentiated based on the language spoken
 Academic and Business
In the Academic Internet all the host computers peak the language
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
In the Business Internet the host computers can speak a variety of
languages other than TCP/IP, including ISO/OSI x.25 based
packet switching networks, SNA-based BITNET and other
The Internet Terminology
The Internet Terminology
The figure captures the distinction between Academic and
Business Internet.
Academic Internet consists of various government
networks, regional networks, campus networks, and some
international networks.
These include NSFNET the premier group of research IP
networks in the United States.
EBONE, the European group of IP networks
Private IP networks run by for profit organizations
The Business Internet consists of on-line services, value
added networks, and other e-mail-only services.
The Internet Terminology
The Academic and Business networks can talk to each
other through language (Protocol) translators, called
gateways, stationed at the network border.
In the past only mail gateways were widely implemented
and deployed.
 ‘The Internet” is a universal electronic messaging
infrastructures spanning more than 154 countries.
The various Business Internet Providers soon realized
that implementing gateways for every useful application
that runs on the Academic Internet would be too costly.
The Internet Terminology
The Academic Internet’s massive size, high performance,
open connectivity, valuable information, and rich set of
applications have proven to be a magnet to the customers
of nearly every other kind of computer networks.
Bowing to their customer’s demand, many Business
Internet networks have attached themselves to the core
Internet’s periphery.
Most recently, Business Internet Providers have begun to
adopt the TCP/IP as the standard protocol on their own
networks, thus allowing smooth linkage with the
Academic Internet.
The Internet Terminology
How is the I-way related to the Internet? Think of the I-
way as a superset that includes both the Academic and
Business Internet categories and extends the boundaries
further to encapsulate non-IP based networks such as
telecom carrier networks, cable TV, mobile and cellular
It is clear though that they will have to speak some dialect
of TCP/IP as many of the applications considered to be
important for electronic commerce (e.g. WWW) designed
to run on TCP/IP networks.
In 1960s, the Academic Internet was intended as more
than just a computer network. It was a means of
facilitating path-breaking research.
The Internet Terminology
This activity has traditionally take two forms.
Research and development of new distributed network
techniques and software applications.
Collaboration among innumerable user populations employing
the Internet and its technologies as tools to enhance their specific
professional activity or other interests significantly.
Hence, we take the position that the changes taking place
today in the Academic Internet, such as gigabit networking,
will be influential in the future direction of electronic
commerce and therefore must be understood.
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure

2. Chronological History of the

Chronological History of the Internet
The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the
department of Defense formed ARPANET.
The agency was established in the late 1950s to develop
information technologies to help in the United States to
counter the Soviet launch of sputnik.
The early ARPANET consisted primarily of research
universities and military contractors with computers
linked by telephone lines leased from AT&T.
The following shows the internet milestones.
Chronological History of the Internet
Early 1960s - The Concept of “mesh network” of
minicomputers that would use packet switching to
communicate over phone lines was a revolutionary
notation at the time. Until then, computer
communications had centered on mainframes and point to
point links.
1965 - one of the network experiment took place.
1968 - A request for proposal was floated to create the
ARPANET. Network Analysis Corporation for designing
the network topology, the University of California at Los
Angeles (UCLA) for a “network measurement center”,
and Stanford Research Institute “network information
Chronological History of the Internet
1969 - The first ARPANET node was installed at UCLA
in September 1969, thus launching the first packet
switching network connecting SRI, UCSB(University of
California at Santa Barbara) and university of Utah.
The ARPANET used special-purpose computers known as IMPs(
Interface Message Processors) to dismantle information into
small chunks called packets, transmit the packetized information
to a destination computer known by address, check for
transmission errors, retransmit damaged packets, and reassemble
packets at the destination sites.
The ARPANET researches created Network Communication
Protocol (NCP).
Chronological History of the Internet
1971 - Twenty nodes were installed, and ARPA was
funding thirty different university sites as part of the
ARPANET program.
1972 - E-mail was invented. When two programmers at
BBN decided to send each other messages, not merely
transfer files. Ray Tomlinson of BBN is credited with using
the ARPANET to place the first e-mail message in 1973.
1973-1974 - The TCP/IP protocol was developed by Vint
Cerf to link different packet networks.
The purpose of TCP/IP was to connect different networks (copper
wire, radio, microwave) and still enable the host computers to talk
to each other coherently.
TCP/IP is capable of connecting multiple independent networks
through routers ( or gateways).
Chronological History of the Internet
1975 - In July 1975, transferred management of
ARPANET and Network Measurement Center from BBN
and UCLA to the Defense Communication Agency(DCA;
now called Defense Information System Agency).
1978 - The U.S government decreed that TCP/IP be the
preferred way to send information from one computer to
another. This caused computer vendors to wake up and
realize that TCP/IP is here to stay.
1980 - DARPA funded the development of Berkeley
UNIX. TCP/IP was made part of the operating system.
The government hade considered buying AT&T Unix but felt
that it didn’t have enough features primarily TCP/IP.
Chronological History of the Internet
1983 - Transition form the original ARPANET protocol,
the Network Communication Protocol (NCP), to TCP. At
this time only a few hundred host computer were on the
nascent Internet.
1980-1986 - NSF (National Science Foundation)
supported the development of CSNET, a computer
science research network.
 CSNET was a networks of networks over an x.25 public data
CSNET also included in the ARPANET and PHONENET, a
telephone-based electronic mail relaying system.
By 1995, CSNET had links to over 170 university, industrial, and
government research organizations and numerous gateways to
networks in other countries.
Chronological History of the Internet
1982-1986 - By yearly 1985, NSF announced five awards,
and by 1986 the Cornell Theory Center, the Illinois National
Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the
Pittsburg Supercomputing Center, the San Diego
Supercomputer Center, the Princeton John Von Neumann
Center were up and running.
1986 - NSF initiated a new program of networking and
computer support for supercomputing centers to be used by
researchers. This program allow NSF funded supercomputer
centers and selected researchers to use the ARPANET.
 NSF instituted the NSF connections program in 1986 to broaden the
base of network users with their own computer facilities and
eventually to help universities achieve access to supercomputers.
 1986 , it launched the NSFNET network backbone program.
Chronological History of the Internet
1987 - CSNET merged with BITNET, a worldwide
network connecting IBM mainframes that was initiated in
CSNET operations were continued under the corporation for
Research and Education Networking (CREN), whose operating
costs were completely covered by member organizations dues.
After significant congestion was experienced in 1987, the
backbone was upgraded from 56 kbps to T1 service (1.5Mbps)
and became operational in 1988.
1988 - The internet Virus is unleashed by a graduate
Student Cornell University, focusing attention on network
Vulnerability to security threats.
Immediate steps were taken to make the network more secure.
Chronological History of the Internet
1990 - The first relay between a commercial electronic
mail carrier (MCI Mail) and the Internet took place through
the Clearinghouse for Networked Information.
1991 - Its mission accomplished, CSNET service was
For the first time the commercial networks were connected to
NSFNET backbone through the Commercial Internet eXchange
(CIX) Association.
A new breed of distributed information services called wide Are
Information server (WAIS) released by the now bankrupt.
World Wide Web was announced on alt. hypertext by Tim Berners
Lee of CERN.
The U.S government made a decision to turn NSFNET into a
faster research network called National Research and Education
Network (NREN).
Chronological History of the Internet
1993 - National Information Infrastructure announcement
sparks interest in the Information Superhighway.
1993-1994 - Two million copies of a freeware Mosaic –
a multimedia browser for the www, written by March
Andreesen, at that time an undergraduate student at the
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign were
distributed over the Internet and attained incredible
This milestone event represents a new chapter in electronic
1995 - The old NSFNET backbone is decommissioned and a
new architecture based on Network Access Points (NAPs) is
Six Stages of Internet Growth
Six Stages of Internet Growth
The first stage, experimental networking,(from 1965)
covers the early years under the aegis of the DOD ARPA
and the province of a relatively small technical
That group developed not only the technology but the
cooperative mechanisms that made it possible to scale and
allow further innovation to occur.
The Second stage, discipline-specific research(1980-
1985), grew out of the more general ARPANET and
began to build international on-line communities.
CSNET, for instance, linked computer science researches
from all over the world.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
The third stage, general research networking (1985-1991) and
called the NSFNET program.
The NSFNET program was established chiefly to allow
exchange of information and access to remote resources within
the research and education community.
Its traffic has doubled each year and its transmission capacity
has increased more than thirtyfold to 45 million bits per
That changed as NSFNET backbone network services and the
associated regional networks extended connectivity throughout
institutions in the United states, and scientists, students, and
other researchers very quickly discovered the ease with which
they could communicate with their colleagues, exchange data
and results, and seek new information.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
As early as 1990, Internet Connectivity had become an
essential tool for the conduct of scientific research.
This stage represented a period of major development by
Vendors for a growing data communication market
The scaling of the network to support global academic and
research activities, and
Early innovators in the business sector who began providing
public access services.
The successor program was established by the High
Performance Computing Act of 1991, resulting in three
parallel activities in shown in the figure.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
Six Stages of Internet Growth
The fourth stage privatization and commercialization (1991-present),
involves removing government subsidies to regional networks and
dismantling the barriers imposed by restrictive acceptable usage
The network extends far beyond the research community.
The fourth stages recognizes the changing nature of the networking
market place.
During 1987-1991, high-bandwidth Internet services were not
available commercially.
This stage calls for the development of a new backbone architecture
that will allow the research and education communities to take
advantage of the services available from commercial suppliers while
NSF concentrates on introducing very high speed backbone network
service (or vBNS).
The vBNS backbone speed is around 155 Mbps compared to the earlier
backbone speed of 45 Mbps.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
The fifth stage is running in parallel are high performance
computing and communications (HPCC) programs linked to
fundamental research on computer science and engineering.
As high performance hardware is built, the systems software to
make it usable is developed, then the applications software.
Software developers at remote locations access this hardware by
using systems software to develop applications.
This work doesn’t proceed sequentially-systems software
development may sometimes begin before hardware is
available. Applications programs cannot be executed on
multiple systems until the systems and networks are in place.
HPCC has five basic interrelated objectives.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
The first two focus on advancing the computing
infrastructure for science and engineering researchers
by supporting access to high-speed networks and to
The others focus on technology transfer issues such
as discovery and transfer of pertinent knowledge and
the education and training of people who can apply
the new capabilities to a broad array of problems and
issues-academic, industrial, and economic.
Specifically, these five objectives are as follows
Six Stages of Internet Growth
1. To develop, provide, and support advanced research
and education networking services and capabilities
for connecting researchers, educators, and students
in universities, high schools, research laboratories,
libraries, and businesses. Ex. National Research and
Education Network (NREN).
2. To provide access to state-of-the-art high-
performance computing environments and to
incorporate new generations of scalable, parallel
high performance computers and software
technologies into important application users.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
2. These systems are expected to have the potential to
perform on trillion computer calculations per second to
help in the solution of major scientific and engineering
3. To generate fundamental knowledge that can lay the
foundation for future advances in high-performance
computing and communications.
4. To enhance innovation, technology transfer, productivity,
and industrial competitiveness through academic
industrial partnerships.
 This also involves education and training of a cadre of
scientists, engineers, technical personnel, and students who
are prepared to take advantage of these new capabilities.
Six Stages of Internet Growth
5. To make advanced computing and communications
information infrastructure available to-and usable
by-a larger segment of the society.
 The sixth stage, national information infrastructure,
or the I-way, is the ultimate goal.
 The objective is to extend networking everywhere and
enable new consumer applications.
 The I-way is rather broad in scope and represents the
convergence of computing, entertainment,
telecommunications, the Internet, cable TV,
publishing, and information provider industries.
The Internet and Network Structure.
 The impact of NSFNET on the computer and
communications industry has been extraordinary.

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