Economic Development Plan

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District Economic Plan

North & South Waziristan

Sustainable Development
Unit-P&D Department

9th December, 2021


• District Profile

• District Potential

• On-going interventions

• District Economic Plan (Draft)

North Waziristan
District Profile
Area Sq. Kms 4707

Population 543,254

Population Density/Sq. Km 115

Literacy Rate 37%

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (2017)

Poverty (Multi-dimensional Poverty Index encircling Health, Education,

68% (MICS 2019)
and Standard of Living)

Industrial Units (Crush Plants = 4, Floor Mills = 2) 6 (BOS, Development Statistics 2021)

% of HHs with Livestock 53.1 (Crop Statistics 2020)

17,425 ha ( BOS, Development Statistics
Total Cultivated Area
District Potential
Sector Opportunity
Huge reserves of Copper, Gold, Nickle, Manganese, Chromite, Magnesite, and
Mines & Minerals Granite

Oil & Gas Huge reserves of Oil & Gas (e.g: Mirali Block)

Livestock & Dairy Development Livestock & Dairy Farming, Poultry Farming

Agriculture & Forest Pine nuts (Chilghoza), Olive, Cherry, Walnut, Saffron & Dates

Cross Border Trade Regional trade (Potential of trucking terminals at Miranshah & Ghulam Khan)

Tourism Razmak, Shawal

District Development Outlay
District Development Outlay

On-going Proposed Interventions Total (Rs. In Million)

No. of
Cost No. of schemes Cost No. of schemes Cost

Agriculture 4 262.85 4 730 8 992.85

Industries 1 191.00 2 3 3,591

Forestry 4 243.61 2 1,362 6 1,605.10

Mines & -- -- 4 1,450 4 1,450


Irrigation 6 2,779.27 - - 6 2,779.27

Total 15 3476.73 12 6942 27 10418.22

On-going Interventions (AIP/ADP MA)
On-going Interventions in Key Sectors - Summary

Industries (01) Rs. in Million

Approved Progressive Current

S# Area Name of Scheme
Cost Expenditure Allocation

200060 - Development of Small Industrial

1 AIP Estate on Bannu Miranshah Road, NW 191.00 21.96 5.00

Agriculture (04)
191047 - 070181 - Provision of AI Facilities in
2 MA 87.75 4.53 4.00
Existing 11 Vety: Institutions, NWA
191089 - 170179-Establishment of Model Dairy
3 MA Farm in District North Waziristan 54.52 23.33 20.00

191090 - 170181-M&R / Rehabilitation,

Reconstruction, Removal of Deficiencies,
4 MA Provision of Medicines in Existing Veterinary 49.76 40.63 9.14
Institutions and Reconstruction/Solarization of
AD Office, CVH Miran Shah and Mir Ali in NWA

191101 - 170442- Provision of Vety health

5 MA 70.81 9.17 4.00
facilities in District North Waziristan
On-going Interventions in Key Sectors - Summary
Forestry (04) Rs. In Million
Approved Progressive Current
S# Area Name of Scheme
Cost Expenditure Allocation
191426 - 130248 - Amelioration of Environment
6 MA 78.00 67.07 12.14
around the Dams and Waste lands in NWA
191431 - 180056 - Livelihood improvement through
7 MA promotion of green growth in District North 65.00 41.52 28.15

8 MA 191461 - 170182 - Afforestation of Fast Growing 33.36

Species on Waste Lands in NWA 37.00 4.35

9 MA 191488 - 190270 - Promotion of NTFPs in Merged 24.20

Areas (North) 63.61 39.41

Water Management & Irrigation (06)

210096 - 195192-Construction of Small Dams at
Feasible sites across Merged Areas (Rs.9.00 Billion)
10 AIP 1,132.00 - 40.00
Sub Scheme Zakar Khel Small Dam - North Waziristan
(A) 10/09/2021/PDWP
11 AIP 210107 - Zangoti Small Dam - North Waziristan 860.00 - 40.00
On-going Interventions in Key Sectors - Summary
Water Management & Irrigation (06) Rs. in Million

Approved Progressive Current

S# Area Name of Scheme
Cost Expenditure Allocation

192018 - 190223 Detailed designing and formulation of

12 MA project through consultant for restoration & Rehabilitation of 15.00 2.25 12.75
Danday small Dam in District North

13 MA 193103 - Sarobi Small Dam, NWA 388.93 373.49 15.44

193140 - Small Irrigation Schemes in North Waziristan

14 MA Agency 191.83 - 30.00

193141 - Small Irrigation Schemes in North Waziristan

15 MA 191.51 - 29.25
Agency (Phase-I)

Total 3,476.72 641.51 293.63

Note: 101 Schemes amounting to Rs. 45.15 Billion are reflected in AIP/MAs ADP as Compact/Umbrella Schemes. Out of which District
North Waziristan Share is Rs. 5.88 Billion
District Economic Plan (Draft)
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost No. of Beneficiaries No. of Jobs
  Total cost Units per created
(Rs in Unit Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
Million) (Rs in

Industry (02)
Upgradation and 900 2 450 About 3000 40 500 - To produce skilled
Expansion of Training 300 worker and enhance the
Institutes students chances of the
(Infrastructure and will be employment of Tribal
trades) enrolled youth.
(TEVTA) annually. - Introduction of skill
development / technical
knowhow courses to
avoid unemployment of
school dropouts.
Land Acquisition & 2500
Establishment of Small
Industrial Estate North 1 - Value addition and
2500 5000 20000 5000 20000
Waziristan employment generation
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of No. of Jobs
  Total cost Units Unit Beneficiaries created
(Rs in (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirec Outcomes
Million) Million) t

Mines & Minerals (04)

Easy access to minerals bearing
- reduction of fuel and
Accessibility to minerals 1050 30 Km 35 2100 2700 - - maintenance cost, reduction in
bearing areas
accidents, attraction of investors
and will benefit locals as well.

Prevention of illegal mining for

Establishment of minerals 50 2 25 All Mineral Holders & 20 Locals sustainable minerals
check posts Units development.
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of No. of Jobs created
  Total Units Unit Beneficiaries
cost (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
(Rs in Million)

Mines & Minerals (04)

A step towards sustainable

Lease development; skillful lease holders
Establishment of school of Holders, and labours, no resource wastage,
mines/training center, North 200 1 200 1600 50 500
waziristan Labourers high productivity, less accidents,
(200) environmental pollution control etc.

Facility for the treatment of mines

labours, a quick response in
Establishment of mines
labour welfare dispensaries 150 3 50 800 20000 15 1000 emergency situations as mines labours
are exposed to highly risky
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
No. of Beneficiaries Jobs Created
Cost Cost
Name of Scheme Rs. In No. of per Outcome
Million Units Unit Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

Forest Development (02)

1012 - - Depends The whole 1,026,963 - - Enhanced green cover to the total
upon the populatio (man days) area of the District.
population n will get
living near benefit - Enhanced livelihood opportunities.
Integrated Forest Development the from the
plantation project. - Enhanced number of nut bearing
(Plants, Tube Nursaries, Walnut, Block sites trees and Ber flora.
Plantation, Soil Conservation etc) - Drought resistance species are

-Enhanced livelihood opportunities.

Promotion of Honeybee farming & NTFPs
for Livelihood improvement of local - Enhanced production of NTFPs
350 - - 1297 2010 1297 2010 - Enhanced Skilled labor/
(Capacity Building of Farmers, Honey Bee entrepreneur
Farming, Medicinal Plants etc) - Enhanced production of medicinal
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of No. of Jobs
  Total cost Units Unit Beneficiaries created
(Rs in (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
Million) Million)

Agriculture (04)
i. Wild olive will be efficiently
ii. . Olive production will be
Promotion and iii. Agribusiness will be initiated in
Commercialization of Olive by 100 2 50 2000 8000 30 1000 the area
Installation of Olive Oil iv. Employment generation in the
Extraction Unit area
v. . Improvement in food security
and nutrition of the population
vi. Livelihood of the farmers of the
area will be improved
i. Fruits & Vegetable value addition
ii. Agribusiness will be initiated in
the area
Estt: of Fruits & Vegetables iii. Employment generation in the
Processing, Preservation & 300 2 150 2000 8000 30 100 area
Value addition unit iv. Improvement in food security and
nutrition of the population
v. Livelihood of the farmers of the
area will be improved
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of No. of Jobs
  Total cost Units Unit Beneficiaries created
(Rs in (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
Million) Million)

Agriculture (04)

i. Production of vegetables will be

increased ii. Agribusiness will be
Promotion of High value off initiated in the area
season vegetables through iii. Employment generation in the area
tunnel farming 180 300 0.6 400 1200 400 1000 iv. Improvement in food security and
nutrition of the population
v. Livelihood of the farmers of the area
will be improved

i. Pine nuts value addition

ii. Agribusiness will be initiated in the
Installation of Pine Nut iii. Employment generation in the area
150 1 150 300 1200 20 500
Processing Unit in NWTD iv. Improvement in food security and
nutrition of the population
v. Livelihood of the farmers of the area
will be improved
South Waziristan
District Profile
Area Sq. Kms 6,620

Population 679,185

Population Density/ 65

Literacy Rate 35%

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (2017)

Poverty (Multi-dimensional Poverty Index encircling Health, Education,

63% (MICS 2019)
and Standard of Living)

Total 17 (BOS, Development Statistics

Industrial Units (Construction- 8, Flour Mills- 3 and Beverages-6)

% of HHs with Livestock 77 (Crop Statistics 2020)

19,580 ha (BOS, Development Statistics
Total Cultivated Area
District Potential
Sector Opportunity
Reserves in Copper, Gold, Chromite, Marble, Granite and other mineral
Mines & Minerals
Oil & Gas Wana Block identified.

Livestock & Dairy Development Wool sheering, Poultry farming

Eight scenic points have been identified i.e. Masardina area, Gomal Zam Dam
Tourism site, Shapashteen area, Tehsil Ladha, Baddar Chalveshtai, Margha Cheena,
Asman Punga, Tehsil Makeen, Shawal Pash Ziarat
Apple, Plum, Saffron & Olive

Cross Border Trade Regional trade through establishment of Trucking Terminal (Angor Adda)

Chilghoza & Black Zeera/Aspaghol

District Development Outlay
District Development Outlay

On-going Proposed Interventions Total (Rs. In Million)

No. of
Cost No. of schemes Cost No. of schemes Cost

Agriculture 7 685.50 4 720 11 1,405.50

Industries 3 579.12 2 5,900 5 6,479.12

Forestry 1 80.00 2 1,362 3 1,442

Mines & -- -- 4 1,450 4 1,450


Irrigation 4 3,741.23 -- -- 4 3,741.23

Total 15 5,085.85 12 9,432 27 14,517.85

On-going Interventions in Key Sectors - Summary
Agriculture (07) Rs. In Million
Are Approved Progressive Current
S# a Name of Scheme Cost Expenditure Allocation
191045 - 140326-Construction of Building for 08 Existing CVCs in
1 MA 28.47 27.47 1.00
Mehsud Closed Area, SWA. (Umbrella)
191051 - 170311- Establishment of Model Dairy Farm at Wana,
2 MA 80.48 20.00 7.00
District South Waziristan
191067 - 180070 - Re-construction of Assistant Director Office &
3 MA Solarization of Vaccine Bank and construction of Existing Vety: 45.62 24.13 19.72
health facilities in District South Waziristan
191071 - 140293-Construction of Buildings for 07 Existing CVCs and
4 MA 25.10 21.40 4.69
CVDs in Closed Area, SWA

5 MA 191075 - 010076-Opening of 41 Veterinary Centers, 22 AICs and 432.93 363.34 4.00

Upgradation of 01 CVD to CVH Status in SWA

6 MA 191076 - 070082-Construction of building for 06 existing CVDs in 22.01 21.57 0.44

7 MA 191093 - 150157-Establishment of Mobile Veterinary Clinic in SWA 50.89 45.89 5.00

On-going Interventions in Key Sectors - Summary
Forestry (01) Rs. In Million

S# Area Name of Scheme Approved Progressive Current

Cost Expenditure Allocation

191432 - 180057 - Mitigation of Climate Change effect through

8 MA raising of plantation in District South Waziristan 80.00 39.24 29.67

Industries (03)

9 MA 193191 - Establishment of Technical Institute, S.W. Agency 184.12 167.84 16.28

10 MA 193193 - Establishment of Technical Institute at Wana in SWA 195.61 195.61 16.42

193197 - Establishment of Naqeebullah Mehsood Polytechnic

11 MA 199.38 61.00 -
Institute at Makeen District South Waziristan
Water Management & Irrigation (04)

12 AIP 195198 - Construction of Kundiwan Weir in SW 1,234.42 39.47 250.00

13 MA 193102 - Shakai Small Dam, SWA. 876.80 378.77 208.75

On-going Interventions in Key Sectors - Summary

Water Management & Irrigation Rs. In Million

Approved Progressive Current

S# Area Name of Scheme
Cost Expenditure Allocation

210422 - Construction of Chao Tangi Dam District South

14 MA 980.01 509.39 470.63
Waziristan Merged Areas

210586 - Fencing and Construction of Bridges on Canal of

15 MA 650.00 - 75.00
Gomal Zam Dam - South Waziristan

Total 5,085.84 1,915.12 1,108.60

Note: 101 Schemes amounting to Rs. 45.15 Billion are reflected in AIP/MAs ADP as Compact/Umbrella Schemes. Out of
which District North Waziristan Share is Rs. 7.36 Billion
District Economic Plan (Draft)
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
No. of
Beneficiaries Jobs Created
Total No. of Cost
Name of Scheme per Outcomes
Cost Units Unit
Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

- Marketing of Olive Oil is improved
Promotion and Commercialization - Enhanced production of quality Olive
of Olive by Installation of Olive Oil 150 3 50 2000 8000 30 1000 - The quantity sold is enhanced
Extraction Unit - Livelihood of the farmers of the area are

Estt: of Fruits & Vegetables - Enhanced value addition in Fruits & Vegetable
- The quantity of preserved fruits and vegetables
Processing, Preservation & Value 300 2 150 2000 8000 20 1500
addition unit are increased.
- Livelihood opportunities are increased.
- Enhanced Production of vegetables.
Promotion of High value off season - Agribusiness in the area is initiated
120 400 0.3 400 1200 400 1000
vegetables through tunnel farming - Livelihood of the farmers are improved

- Enhanced quality production of Pine nuts

- Agribusiness in the area is initiated
Upgradation of Pine Nut Processing 150 1 150 300 1200 20 500 - Livelihood of the farmers of the area will be
Unit of Agri: Park Wana

Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of No. of Jobs
  Total cost Units Unit Beneficiaries created
(Rs in (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirec Outcomes
Million) Million) t

Industry (02)
Upgradation and About - To produce skilled worker
Expansion of Training 300 and enhance the chances
Institutes students of the employment of
(Infrastructure and will be Tribal youth.
trades) enrolled - Introduction of skill
900 2 450 annually. 3000 40 500 development / technical
knowhow courses to
avoid unemployment of
school dropouts.

Land Acquisition &

Establishment of Small
Industrial Estate South - Value addition and
Waziristan 2500 1 2500 5000 20000 5000 20000
employment generation
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of No. of Jobs
  Total cost Units Unit Beneficiaries created
(Rs in (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
Million) Million)

Mines & Minerals (04)

Easy access to minerals bearing
- reduction of fuel and
Accessibility to minerals 1050 30 Km 35 2100 2700 - - maintenance cost, reduction in
bearing areas
accidents, attraction of investors
and will benefit locals as well.

Prevention of illegal mining for

Establishment of minerals 50 2 25 All Mineral Holders & 20 Locals sustainable minerals
check posts Units development.
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of Beneficiaries No. of Jobs
  Total Units Unit created
cost (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
(Rs in Million)

Mines & Minerals (04)

A step towards sustainable

Establishment of school of Lease Holders, development; skillful lease holders
mines/training center, South 200 1 200 Labourers 1600 50 500 and labours, no resource wastage,
Waziristan (200) high productivity, less accidents,
environmental pollution control etc.

Facility for the treatment of mines

labours, a quick response in
Establishment of mines 150 3 50 800 20000 15 1000 emergency situations as mines
labour welfare dispensaries
labours are exposed to highly risky
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
Name of Scheme   No. of Cost per No. of Beneficiaries No. of Jobs
  Total Units Unit created
cost (Rs in Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Outcomes
(Rs in Million)

Mines & Minerals (04)

A step towards sustainable

development; skillful lease holders
Establishment of school of Lease Holders, and labours, no resource wastage,
mines/training center, north 200 1 200 Labourers 1600 50 500 high productivity, no accidents,
waziristan (200) environmental pollution control and
community benefit etc.

-Facility for the treatment of Mine

Establishment of Mine Labour
Welfare Dispensaries 150 3 50 800 20000 15 700
-Quick response in emergency
Sector wise Proposed Schemes/Projects
No. of Beneficiaries Jobs Created
Cost Cost
Name of Scheme Rs. In No. of per Outcome
Million Units Unit Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

Forest Development (02)

- Enhanced green cover to the total
area of the District.

- Enhanced livelihood opportunities.

Integrated Forest Development
1012 - - 5000 40,000 1,026,963 - - Enhanced number of nut bearing
(Plants, Tube Nursaries, Walnut, Block (man days) trees and Ber flora.
Plantation, Soil Conservation etc) - Drought resistance species are

-Enhanced livelihood opportunities.

Promotion of Honeybee farming & NTFPs
for Livelihood improvement of local - Enhanced production of NTFPs
350 - - 1,297 10,000 1,297 2010 - Enhanced Skilled labor/
(Capacity Building of Farmers, Honey Bee entrepreneur
Farming, Medicinal Plants etc) - Enhanced production of medicinal
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