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Core Values - ICOMIT

Innovation & Learning

• Moving from “Known to unknown” is the “process
of Learning”
• Learning involves whole mind/body, with all its
10 senses – Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste & Smell
5 emotions – Joy, Fear, Sadness, Disgust & Anger
8 intelligence.
• Illiterates of the 21st century will be who cannot
Learn, unlearn and Relearn
• The heart of any business is the art of problem
solving. Solving Problems with Intuition or Hunch.
• Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn. —Benjamin Franklin.
• Confucian wisdom: “I hear and I forget. I see and I
remember. But I do and I learn. I teach and I digest
• People Learn best in Context.
• We learn how to save by saving from our Income.
• how to play chess by playing chess
• We learn how to invest by actually investing.
• how to sell by actually selling real things
• True Learning happens by total immersion,
feedback, reflection and re-immersion
• Learning how to look better, how to see
sharper, and how to imagine further.
• Learning happens, when a new behaviour,
attitude, skill & knowledge (BASK) is integrated
into the learner self.
• Paradox of Choice: How to choose 12 MF plans
from a total of 2599 MF Schemes?
• How to choose 24 high quality stocks from a list
of 4511 companies?
• Gardner’s Eight forms of Intelligence:

• A.) Verbal/Linguistic, B.)Logical/Mathematical,

• C.) Visual/Spatial, D.) Bodily/Kinesthetic,
• E.) Musical, F.) Intrapersonal,
• G.) Interpersonal H.) Naturalist.
To the Six honest men who give
courage,creativity, clarity and compass
6 “Ws”
• We saw “Objects” – WHO and the WHAT?
• We saw “Quantities” how much and how many
• We saw “position in space” – Where?
• We saw “position in time” - When?
• We saw “Cause and effect” - the HOW?
• We saw all together and it leads to “WHY?”

• He who has a “WHY” can endure any HOW.

• 1. Who and what problems. Challenges that
relate to things, people, and roles. (OBJECTS)
• 2. How much & many problems. Challenges that
involve measuring and counting. (Quanities)
• 3. When problems. Challenges that relate to
scheduling and timing. (Position in TIME)
• 4. Where problems. Challenges that relate to
direction and how things fit together. (SPACE)
• 5. How problems. Challenges that relate to how
things influence one another. (Cause&Effect)
• 6. Why problems. Challenges that relate to
seeing the big picture.(Big Picture)
1. we try to see the Who and the What.
• who and the what of the training system.
• Who gets trained and who does the training?
• What topics are taught and what lessons are
2. Next, try to see how much and how many.
• How many lessons are required; how much time
do they take?
• How many people can attend each lesson; how
many instructors are needed?
Learning Styles
• Everybody learning style is different.
• Somatic – Learning by moving & doing.
• Take a field trip and reflect on it
• Auditory – Learning by talking & hearing.
• Create a rap rhythm or Auditory Mnemonic
• Visual – Learning by observing & picturing.
• Vivid stories, mental imagery exercises
• Intellectual – by problem solving & reflecting.
• Generating creative ideas, applying new ideas
3. Next, try to see the where.
• Geographically, where do the lessons take
place: in-store, training facilities, at home?
• Conceptually, where do the lessons overlap in
content, structure, or attendance?
4. Then the when.
• When do the lessons take place?
• In what sequence do they need to occur?
Lesson’s Learned
• Dissecting, analyzing, questioning the events of
the day. Not as an exercise in grief/celebration
but as a learning exercise.
To improve one's response in future:
What was done?
What could have been done differently?
Were any options left unexplored? 
What worked and Why?
What didn't work and Why?
Any special incident that could be used
differently the next time
Re-invent the Wheel?
• Improve an existing product or service & make it
faster, cheaper & easier.
• How to do you take risk in a “Risk-averse culture”
• the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
• A conversation, a book, a movie, or even a
photograph can shift your perspective on how you
envision your life unfolding.
The Missing Link
• Define a process in your organization that has
a missing link.
• Describe the process, the objectives of the
process, the level of awareness of the
existence of a missing link,
• the missing link, and the specifications for a
5. Then the how.
• How does one lesson relate to another; how do
they fit together?
• How are the lessons taught: face-to-face, in a
group, online?
• How are the lessons applied; how do you know
you're ready to move on?
6. Finally, try to see the why.
• Why is training necessary; why make the effort at
• Why judge, why test, why track, why follow
Whole Brain for Learning
• Six Senses

• Not just Function but also Design

• Not just Argument but also Story
• Not just Focus but also Symphony
• Not just Logic but also Empathy
• Not just Seriousness but also Play
• Not just Accumulation but also Meaning
Right Brain
•  Right brain powers include photographic
memory, visualization, intuition, extrasensory
perception (ESP), high processing speed.

Four functions discovered in the right brain:

• 1) Resonance function
• 2) Imaging function
• 3) High-speed mass memory function
• 4) High-speed automatic processing function.
White Cap Thinking – pure white, virgin white,
Just give me the facts and crunch the numbers,
logically and dispassionately.
Red Cap Thinking – seeing red: emotions and
feelings, hunch and intuition. Paying attention
to emotions is important and legitimate.
Black Cap Thinking – playing the devil’s
advocate, looking on the black side. It will never
work. Wear your black executioner’s hat and try
to kill the idea. It gives you permission to forgo
the benefits of positive thinking.
• Yellow Cap Thinking – yellow sunshine,
brightness, optimism.
• This thinking is characteristic of those with a
‘sunny’ disposition and a propensity for
constructive thinking.
• Green Cap Thinking – fertile green fields with
green shoots
• springing from the seeds of ideas. This thinking
symbolizes new growth and creativity.
• Blue Cap Thinking – blue eyes, cool, unflustered
and controlling.
• This is thinking calmly about what kind of thinking
is needed next.
Read with Right Brain
• Can hope this you read.
• Difficult you not find the read to pattern it
once is.
• Esicrexe niarb thgir a si sihT.
• Gnireenigami hguorht noitarelecxE.
• Suoigatnoc si ytivitaerc
• Nrettap eht dnif uoy ecno daer ot tluciffid ton
si tI
Play at Work
• Play is not just about having fun; it is serious
• Play is improvisation and imagination
• Play is a passion for building things
• Play is inventing with constraints
• Play is tinkering and Problem solving
• Play is bringing people together & visualization
• Play is bringing out the Best in Others
• Play is creating imaginary worlds
• Play is scenario planning.
• Play is mobility and freedom
• Play is Visualization
• Imagineering; Thinkubator
• Ginormous; Shopaholic
• Simplexity; Smog; perkonomics
• Shepherding; Exploratorium
• Solopreneur, sellsumer, maturialism

• Creative Destruction
• Learning happens zigzag unevenly ; even
• Confucian wisdom: “I hear and I forget. I see and I
remember. But I do and I learn. I teach and I digest”
• Creative thinking is about fostering Openness.
• What exists is history, what doesn't is opportunity
• We need to digest our life experiences, just like we
digest our food - Reflection

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