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Chi-square test

Session Outline
• Tests of Association

 Chi-square test

 Fisher’s exact test

Contingency Tables

• When we wish to compare two categorical variables,

we present the data in the form of a table

• Consider the following contingency table comparing

two different treatments of cancer of the larynx

• How can we show statistically, which of the two

treatments is best for these patients?
Cancer Cancer Not
Controlled Controlled Total
Surgery 21 10 31
Radiation Therapy 15 8 23
Total 36 18 54

• One possible approach could be to compare the

proportion of surgery patients who had their cancer
controlled (0.68) vs. the proportion of radiation
treatment patients who had their cancer controlled
 difference between two proportions
Pearson’s Chi-square Test
• Under the chi-square test, we wish to determine if
there is an association between two variables

• Null hypothesis: there is no association between the

two variables.
Alternative hypothesis: there is an association
between the two variables.

• We calculate, for each cell in the table, the frequency that

we would expect if there was no association between the
two variables
• To do this, we use row and column totals, so that we are
finding the expected frequencies for tables based on
these marginal totals

• If the two variables are not associated, the observed and

expected frequencies should be close together
 any minor discrepancy being due to random error

• How “minor” a discrepancy should we accept?

• We need a statistic which measures this

• The expected frequency of a cell is calculated as:

row total  column total

grand total

Cancer Cancer Not

Controlled Total
Surgery a c 31
Radiation Therapy b d 23
Total 36 18 54

a = (31 x 36)  54 = 20.67 b = (36 x 23)  54 = 15.33

c = (31 x 18)  54 = 10.33 d = (23 x 18)  54 = 7.67
Cancer Cancer Not
Controlled Controlled Total
21 10
Surgery (20.67) (10.33) 31
15 8
Radiation Therapy (15.33) (7.67) 23
Total 36 18 54
How to do a chi-square test in Excel:

= CHITEST(E4:F5,E10:F11)

• No expected cell frequency less than 1

• No more than 20% of cells with expected frequencies less

than 5

• For the cancer example:

 smallest expected cell frequency was 7.66
 all expected cell frequencies > 5
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