Solid Waste MX - Mohaiminur

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Solid Waste Management in Tilpapara

Residential Area in Khilgaon:

Practices and Recommendations

Presented by:
NSU ID: 2135344680

Dr. Md. Tajuddin Sikder
Associate Professor & Chairman
Department of Public Health & Informatics
Jahangirnagar University
Solid Waste Management
Generally solid waste management includes:

• -Galvanized steel dust bin, Paper sack , Public bins etc.

• -House to house collection , Collection from the public bins etc.

Waste Handling and Transport:

• - Waste handling and separation involves activities associated with waste management until the waste is
placed in storage containers for collection. Handling also encompasses the movement of loaded containers to
the point of collection.
• -Waste is transferred from a smaller collection vehicle to a larger transport equipment.

• - Recycling refers to the collection and refuse of waste materials such as empty beverage container.
• - The materials from which the items are made can be processed into new products.

Method of disposal:- Dumping,Controlled Tipping or Sanitary Landfill, Incineration, Composting ,Manure pit, Burial etc.
Existing waste management practices in Tilpapara residential
area in Khilgaon :

Storage: Here in the houses for the

storage of waste materials,
different types of bins, small
plastic drums, polythene bags etc
are used. People here generally use
a single common bin/drum for all
types of waste in their house. They
have to store the waste materials
for 1 to 2 days until those wastes
are collected primarily.
Collection: In this area the primary waste
collection method is “house to house
collection”. Usually everyday at a certain time
the waste materials are collected from door to
door by a clean worker. Besides, Clean
workers sweep roads & drains regularly &
accumulate wastes from roadside.

Waste handling and transport: All the waste

materials collected from each flat of a building are
handled by a clean worker wearing gloves and then
put together in a big common bin .After that the
wastes are transferred to a small van. In this way, all
the wastes from different buildings are primarily
collected and transported to a big dustbin by small
vans. Secondary waste collection is done from the
dustbin under the maintenance of Dhaka South City
Corporation(DSCC) by larger transports like trucks.
The next destination of these wastes is Matuail
Sanitary Landfill ,spanning 100 acres of land under
Fig : Waste collection process in Dhaka.

Recycling: Though percentage of contribution

to waste reduction due to recycle is low but
recycling rate is increasing gradually. Major
recyclables are plastics, paper, glass, metal,
leather etc. A portion of recycling process is
done by the rag pickers (also known as Tokai).
Besides, the DSCC has acquired adjacent 81
acres land of Matuail Sanitary Landfill , among
these 31 acres will be used for recycling waste.
In addition, the first leachate treatment plant
has been built in Matuail Sanitary Landfill that
is refining 2,50,000 liter of water every day and
making it usable for agricultural purpose.
Methods of disposal: Besides sanitary
landfill; dumping , composting etc
methods are applied. Some of waste
materials are dumped into backyards
and landfills, even dumping on the
roadsides or open spaces are also

Actually for proper management of solid waste, in each step some modifications should be done.

In case of storage in our houses, more than one bin should be used according to the type of waste.

The clean workers should collect the wastes regularly and they should be taught basic knowledge about handling and
transporting waste materials.

Vehicles transporting waste materials should be environment friendly.

The use of polybags should be reduced.

Due to improper storage the waste-bins are becoming mosquito breeding places , spreading dengue,malaria more
rapidly. So disposal techniques (e.g. dumping,composting etc) should be maintained properly.

There are no comprehensive legislation, regulations and

policies adopted at the national level solely for the
purpose of solid waste management in Bangladesh till
date. So we should try our level best to implement the 3R
Strategy i.e. the principle of reducing, reusing and
recycling of resources and products as it is a globally
recognized modern approach of Solid Waste

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