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EE 213 Electrical Machines-I

(Transformer and Induction Machines)

Magnetic Circuits

Prepared by
Dr. Arun Dominic.D,
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE,
Fig: 1 A Simple Magnetic Circuit

 Basic Law governing the production the magnetic filed is the ampere’s law
H  Magnetic Field Intensity produced by the current Inet
dl  Differential element of the length along the path of integration.
lc  Length of Core
N  Number of turns
 • The current is flowing through N turns
• In the magnetic core, current is flowing inside the core which has the mean core length
lc and so the the ampere law is modified as

•   -----------------(2)
• 𝐻= -----------------(3)
• But the relationship between magnetic flux density (B) and the magnetic field intensity
(H) is given by:
• 𝐵=𝜇
  𝐻 -----------------(4)
o = 4π x 10
•  Relative Permeability
= in tesla

• The ultimate aim is to find the value of φ which is given by

Where A is the cross sectional area
=A -----------------(6)
= -----------------(6)

R= -----------------(7)

F   Magneto Motive FoRce or MMF of the circuit

R  Reluctance of th e circuit
flux of the circuit
From equation (6)
  di -----------------(9)
N= =L

 If φ and i have linear relationship,

can be written as ;

From equation (12) =

λ  Flux Linkage

L=== =

Magnetic circuit analogous to electrical circuit

Reluctance of the magnetic circuit obey the same rules as electrical circuits

The series combination of reluctance is given by

The parallel combination of reluctance is given by

Self-induced EMF and Mutually
induced EMF
The EMF induced in a coil due to change in flux linkage
when a changing current flows through the coil is
called self-induced EMF.

when a second coil is brought near a coil producing

changing flux, EMF will be induced in the second coil
due to change in current in the first coil. This is
called mutually induced EMF.
Self-Inductance of a Coil

L is called the coefficient of self inductance or simply self inductance of the coil.

Thus self-inductance is proportional to N2.

The inductance concept is easily extendable to the mutual inductance of two coils sharing a
common magnetic circuit.

  = flux linkages of coil 1 due to current in coil 2

λ 21 = flux linkages of coil 2 due to current in coil 1

In general,
where k = coupling coefficient (which can be at most unity)

Magnetic Core with air gap

Fig. 2. A typical magnetic circuit with air-gap and its equivalent electric circuit
•  The air gap is assumed to be narrow and the flux coming out from the core passes straight
to air gap and then to the core ie no fringing effect (no leakage of flux).
• The total mmf is given by

Since no leakage flux, -----------------(14)
Φ=Bg.A=Bc.A or Bg= Bc= Φ/A -----------------(14a)
+  -----------------(15)

= -----------------(16)

EXAMPLE .1 The magnetic circuit of Fig. 2. has dimensions: Ac = 4 x4 cm2, lg = 0.06 cm,
lc = 40 cm; N = 600 turns. Assume the value of μr = 6000 for iron. Find the exciting
current for Bc = 1.2 T and the corresponding flux and flux linkages. Case (i) Neglect
fringing effect. Case (ii) Considering fringing effect.

Total mmf NI= mmf of core + mmf of airgap

From the equation (15)

Since fringing is neglected

Ac=Ag and therefore Bc=Bg

 Case (ii)
If fringing effect is taken into account the air gap length is
Bg= φ/Ag
==1.165 T

1) D. P Kothari, I.J Nagrath, “Electric Machines” fourth edition, tata mc graw hill
2) Stephen Chapman, “Electrical machinery fundamentals”, fourth edition, tata mc
graw hill publishers.


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