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Chapter 17 Britain and the World

December, 2005

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Britain and the World
Britain’s primary overseas interests lay in
three areas:
The Empire or Commonwealth
The special relationship with the USA
The British Empire
 Map on page 273 shows the extent of the
Empire in 1919. These countries were the
major markets for British exports and a source
of cheap raw materials and food.
 Late C19 Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
South Africa and Ireland given Dominion status
– internal self government and much freedom in
their foreign relations.
 1947 India given independence.
 1950’s more of the colonies in the Caribbean
and Africa gained independence.
The Commonwealth
 Bears no resemblance to the Empire of the past.
 Modern Commonwealth is a voluntary free
association of 54 independent sovereign states
each responsible for its own policies but co-
operating together in their common interests.
 32 members of the Commonwealth are republics,
e.g. India
 17 are monarchies with Queen Elizabeth II as
Head of State, e.g. Australia, Canada
 5 have national monarchs, e.g. Fiji
Commonwealth Today
The former colonies share many things in common
 English as the official language of government
 English law
 Many people have British relatives, particularly in New
Zealand, Australia, Canada and South Africa, where
Britain is still referred to as the “mother country.”
 Until 1960’s all commonwealth citizens were free to enter
the UK. Although there are restrictions now, the number
entering the UK is on the increase.
 Long history of trade and economic links
 A tradition of professional and academic links with many
similar educational systems
Relations with Europe
As part of Europe, Britain has always been
influenced by, and had an influence on, other
European countries.
 Culturally – there is a long common cultural
heritage between many European countries.
Many languages derive from the same
background; religions are shared and there has
been much inter-marriage including within the
Royal families.
 With the decline of the Empire, and joining the
European Union, well over half the trade is now
with the latter. See chart on page 280.
The European Union
Founded in 1958 with 6 member countries,
France, West Germany, Italy, and Benelux
To reduce and remove restrictions between the member countries:

by the removal of internal trade barriers,

by enabling the free flow of capital and a common currency,
by allowing citizens of all member countries to live and work in any
other member country,

To Develop Common Policies on:

external trade
Member Countries of EU
 Britain joined in 1973
 There are now 25 member countries
 Germany is the largest with a population
of 80M, with Malta and Luxembourg the
smallest – around 300,000.
 4 more countries are negotiating to join.
 11 countries have formed a common
currency – the Euro.
Britain and the EU
 There is no clear view
 Euro-sceptics (including much of the conservative party)
believe that closer links would inhibit Britain’s freedom to
make its own decisions about its political and economic f
uture. They are against joining the Euro.
 Pro-Europeans see it as essential to Britain’s national int
erest that Britain has a voice in the direction of policy in
Europe, otherwise Britain will be left out of important dec
ision making. Only the Liberal Democratic Party is fully i
n favour of close ties with Europe.
 The Labour Party has promised a referendum on wheth
er or not to join the Euro as the common currency.
Special Relationship of Britain with USA

 Same language, and broadly similar cultures

and religion.
 Foreign trade has been important to both
 Close allies during World War II
 Both countries have agreed upon their security
 Close rapport between the leaders, e.g. Reagan
and Thatcher, Blair and Clinton, and now Blair
and Bush.
 Britain’s armed forces are entirely
volunteer professional – there is no
 Army - 110,000
 RAF - 55,000
 Navy - 43,000
 Membership of NATO commits Britain to
assist any other NATO member if

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