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PANDEY VALLABHA(180803107003)
NAVIK HETANSHI(180803107002)
OJHA ARCHANA(180803116001)

Mental health has been overlooked by people often. Sometimes it is

because of fear or sometimes because of shame.
When compared to other illnesses these conditions are hard to
recognize and harder to get better from. Earlier day’s people feared
to accept going through mental sickness so not much cases came
into view which made these illnesses a byproduct of the modern
In today’s world much hasn’t changed even if someone has the
courage to accept it, having a mental illness is still frowned upon.
By this system we are trying to let people know that “I am
suffering” is not a statement that shows weakness but a sign of
“It’s okay to not be okay.”

In our day to day lives we are so busy chasing our own tails that we
don’t realize the effect our routine has over our mental health.
Unlike other diseases mental illnesses are hard to trace and
impossible to get rid of.
This system is starts for making people communicate about their
issues. The user can be anyone who is in need of therapy. A person
going through any kind of emotional or mental trauma or stress is
welcome to ask for help.
The volunteers are people who want to help the users going
through difficult times. Volunteers should be a person who is good
enough to play its part or it will cause more harm than good. To
ensure that only good enough people obtain this position we take
an EQ (Emotional Quotient) test.

When a patient doesn’t get better even after talking

it all out with the Volunteer then; it becomes the
responsibility of the Volunteer to give the User into
safe hands.
Hence, the volunteer will contact the Counsellor for
taking professional care of the User.
This system is supposed to sensitize people to such
issues and get them to talk about it. To help create a
society where one can express without the fear of
being judged and belittled.

There are various factors that lead to mental

illnesses. Let’s review some of them briefly:
i. Trauma: A person that has experienced so sort of trauma
generally suffers through a lot of mental health problems.
ii. Abuse: One of the most common reason people suffer from
conditions such as depression, anxiety, self-isolation, low self
esteem, etc.
There are a different types of abuse such as Mental abuse,
Physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, substance abuse,
bullying, etc.

iii. Comorbidity: This word means having a lot of illnesses at

once and them clashing with each other.
When a person gets very ill they for a long time or some
terminal illness it also takes a toll on their brain.
iv. Eating Disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating
disorder(BED), ARFID, OSFED and UFED are different types
of Eating disorders.
“Eating disorders and mental illnesses or conditions go hand
in hand. According to analysis both of these are result of each
~(Source: Eating disorders and /obesity : A comprehensive handbook
CH. 34 Anxiety Depression and Eating Disorder – Cynthia Bulik)

v. Other than these there are various other reasons

-Old age,
-Social Disorders,
-Peer Pressure, etc.
Survey Problem:

“In India, WHO estimates that the burden of mental

health problems is of the tune to 2,443 DALYs per
100,000 population, and the age-adjusted suicide
rate per 100,000 population is 21.1.
Mental health workforce in India (per 100,000
population)include psychiatrists(0.3), nurses(0.12),
psychologists(0.07)and social workers(0.07).”
~(Source: Mental health in India –WHO)

According to the WHO’s 2017 Mental Health Atlas,

mental health made up just 1.93 percent of the
government’s total health expenditure-amounting to 4
rupees per citizen.
Right now there are fewer than 4000 psychiatrists in
the country and less than 50 child psychiatrists.
National Institute of Mental Health and
Neurosciences(NIMHANS)-an autonomous institution
under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has
indicated in its report that nearly 150 million
individuals need active psychological intervention.

 Plea” is a mobile application that will help the user get help .
 The user needs to have an mobile device to run this
application with ease.
 This application is helping people to talk about their fears
and traumas.
 Cost efficient
 Ease to use
 Creating a safe community
Flow Chart
Proposed Solution:

A system that creates an environment for comfort

and healing to the people going through mental
illnesses or conditions.
A team of volunteers and professionals helping
people .
The system will help in building a more responsible
and conscious youth in the system as well as in the
Screen Shots(Kivy)
Screen Shots(KivyMD)
Performance Analysis & Results

Tasks Dec-Jan Feb-March April-May

Identifying the ||||||||


Analysis the ||||||||||||

Working upon |||||||||||||||| |||||||
the project
System Design ||||||||||||

Mental health in India isn’t taken as seriously as it

should be taken.
The help needed for people isn’t available.
About 50% of Indian population falls under the
category of “Young”. If not all at least some of us can
get involved and do something about the flaw in the
system that isn’t just affecting an individual but the
whole nation.

WHO website- Mental Health in India.

http://caravanmagazine.in – India must prepare for
a growing mental health epidemic.
www.thehindubussinessline.com – Huge gap in
India’s mental health budget.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov – Mental Health
Awareness: the Indian scenario.
 Talk Life – Mobile Application
Thank You!!

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