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Long term effect of

bilirubin toxicity
Toxic is not dependent with bilirubin
Bilirubin levels refer to total bilirubin
Kern icterus
Kern icterus : pathologic diagnosis and refers to
yellow staining of the brain by bilirubin together
with evidence of neuronal injury.
Microscopically : necrosis, neuronal loss, gliosis
The use of the term : clinical setting should be
used to denote the chronic and permanent
sequele of bilirubin toxicity
Acute bilirubin encephalopaty
The Clinical manifestation of bilirubin toxicity
seen in the neonatal periode
The clinical presentation :

- early phase
- intermediate phase
- advance phase
Early phase
High-pitched cry
Poor suck
intermediate phas
Hypertonia of extensor muscles
(opisthotonus, rigidity, oculogyric crisis,

Die / chronic bilirubin encepalopaty

advance phase

Pronounced episthotonus
Chronic bilirubin encephalopaty
(kern ikterus)
Partial/complete sensorineural deafness
Limitation of upward gaze
Dental dysplasia
Intelectual deficits

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