'Success That Lasts' With You

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Success That Lasts

By-Laura Nash and Howard Stevenson

Presented By:
Mohammad Asad Baig (20MBAA-37)
Shahzar Alam (20MBAA-35)
Success? What is it?

Success is achievement at work or college. The accomplishment of an aim or

purpose in life.

Success is an
accomplishment of aim or
Persuing success

� “Persuing success is like shooting at a landscape of moving target, every time you hit
one, five more pop up from different directions”

� More work to be done, more money to make, a bigger house to buy.

� Constant pressure to do more, get more, be more

� But is it what success really is?

What is enduring success?

Laura Nash and Howard Stevenson interview professional to find

out the idea of success.
� Built a Practical Framework of Enduring success.
� A way that leads to fulfilment instead of anxiety and stress.

5 common characteristics between the people who were by most standards had
achieved enduring success:
● High achievement
● Multiple goals
● The ability to experience pleasure
● The ability to create positive relationships
● A value on accomplishments that endure.
Components of Enduring success

● Happiness
● Achievement
● Significance
● Legacy
Complexity of Success

� Success isn’t a one dimensional thing.

� Unless you hit on all four categories with regularity, any one win will
fail to satisfy.

� Matching your expectations to the right category is a critical skill for

achieving sustainable success.
Experiencing real satisfaction

� Achieving victories in all four categories.

� Talent of Switching and linking.

� Securing of a proportionate mix of all four.

Kaleidoscope Strategy

Kaleidoscope = simple mechanical device with a lens+ mirror + a long

tube housing separate chambers.

Successful Life =happiness + achievement +significance + legacy

Ignoring a component of Success!

the hollowness of one-dimensional success (NOT A PRETTY PICTURE)

A person spends his life achieving one success after another financially, and never feels fulfilled.

If we applied the kaleidoscope strategy to his life, we’d find that his happiness, legacy, and significance
chambers are practically empty, and that he’s never cultivated a sense of “just enough.
Success- Anxiety provoking or Relaxing?

If we don’t put a stopper in running behind success in one dimension than it will
lead to anxiety and toxicity in our life.

No amount of abundance of success in one dimension can compensate for

lack of success in other dimensions.
When to stop?

The high achievers were able to accomplish great things for themselves and others
by recognizing they had multiple goals that were critical to their idea of real success.

By switching and linking, they limited their attention to one task, and when other
needs pressed, they were able to make changes.

That’s where the concept of “just enough” becomes critical.

‘Just enough’ Success

If you have a idea of the big picture in your success, it becomes easier to determine
and appreciate “enough” in any one activity. Without losing your energy for high
aspirations, you set reachable goals. “Just enough” is the antidote to society’s
addiction to the infinite “more.
Just enough ≠ Dissatisfaction

Usually‘Just enough’ is the term to express dissatisfaction, as in, “That’s

it! I’ve had enough!” or as a code for mediocrity or passivity, as in, “If
I’m just happy every day, that’s enough.”

JUST ENOUGH means occurring in sufficient quantity or quality to

satisfy demands or need.
Thank You.

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