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Nutrition and Eating Habits

Food Groups
Carbohydrate-rich Foods

These are the energy-giving foods. Rice,

whole grain, flour, potatoes, cereals, and
seeds belong to this group. The main
component of these foods is starch which is
turned into sugar needed to produce energy.
Protein-rich Foods

These are the building blocks of the body as they

build and repair body tissues. They also provide
energy reserves when carbohydrate and fat reserves
are used up. Sources of protein are meat, fish,
poultry, beans, milk, and eggs.
Fat-rich Foods
Fats are needed for body lubrication and insulation.
They protect the internal organs and provide essential
fatty acids, but they are relatively inefficient in the
production of energy. To keep fats to a minimum, avoid
fried foods, mayonnaise, butter, cheese, rich desserts,
and fatty sausages. Vegetable fats are nutritionally
better than animal fats.
Vitamin and Mineral-rich Foods

These are body regulators of metabolic

processes. Sources of most vitamins and
minerals are green leafy and yellow
vegetables and fruits. Vitamins C and D are
not stored in the tissues so that a daily intake
of these foods should be practiced.
For light to medium-built individuals below 30 years of age:
Male: Height in inches x 4 – 128
Example: A male student’s height is
5’10” or 70 inches, so 70 x 4 =280 – 128 =152 lbs.

Female: Height in inches x 3.5 – 128

Example: A female student’s height is
5’4” or 64 inches, so 64 x 3.5 = 224 – 108 =116 lbs.

✔Eat balanced meals every day.

✔Follow a consistent eating pattern.
✔Maintain your ideal weight.
✔Eat low-calorie snack and avoid junk foods.
✔Cut down on high-fat foods and eat more lean meats.
✔Drink 6-8 glasses of fluids a day.
✔Eat amidst a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.
✔Food supplements may be taken if necessary.
8 Reasons for 1. Water is an essential nutrient.
Drinking 8 Glasses 2. Carries nutrients to cells and transports wastes to
kidneys and lungs for excretion.
3. Carries hormones and disease fighting cells
through the bloodstream.
4. Necessary for many chemical reactions of digestion
and metabolism.
5. Assists in temperature regulation; cools through
6. Protects and cushions tissues; lubricates joints.
7. Provides satiety, gives a full feeling.
8. 8. Assists with constipation relief.

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