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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. define a parabola (STEM_PC11AG-Ia-5);

a. identify the parts of a parabola;

b. determine the properties of a parabola; and

2. write the standard form of equation of a parabola given its:


c. vertex and focus;

d. directrix and focus;
e. vertex and directrix; and
f. graph.
Have you been in Kanawan Hanging Bridge at Morong, Bataan? Have you ever realized that the curve of
the cable of the bridge created by the chain follows the curve of a parabola?

Kanawan Bridge, Morong, Bataan, by, Manoloto. Source:

Figure 1
Definition of a Parabola

• Parabola is two-dimensional curve that is obtained

from a cone when it is cut obliquely by a plane as
discussed in Module 1.

• A parabola is defined as the set of all points (𝑥,𝑦)

in a plane equidistant from a fixed point called
focus and from a fixed line called directrix.
 I. Identify the parts of a parabola by looking at Figure 2. Then determine
the properties by answering the following questions.

1. What are the coordinates of the vertex of a parabola?

2. Give the coordinates of a point of the focus.
3. Give the coordinates of the endpoints of a latus rectum and find its length.
4. Write the equation of a line that divides the parabola into two congruent
halves. What do you call this line?
5. The directrix is a fixed line perpendicular to the axis of symmetry, what is its
6. What can you conclude about the distance between the focus to any point of a
parabola and the distance between the same point perpendicular to the
7. Explain why the graph of 𝑦 =opens upward.
II. Try to match the graph of a parabola to the corresponding standard equation of a
parabola whose vertex is at (ℎ,𝑘).
Note that a parabola is symmetric with respect to its axis. Using the definition of a
parabola, you can derive the standard form of equation of a parabola whose
directrix is parallel to the x-axis or y-axis.

Remember that when the coefficient of the linear (non-squared) term is positive,
the parabola opens upward (vertical axis) or opens to the right (horizontal axis)
and when the coefficient of the linear term is negative, the parabola opens
downward (vertical axis) or opens to the left (horizontal axis).
Example 1: Standard Equation of a Parabola Given Vertex
and Focus Write the standard form of the equation of the
parabola with vertex at the origin and focus (0,4).

Solution: Because the axis of the parabola is vertical,

passing through (0,0) and (0,4), consider the equation 𝑥2
= 4𝑐𝑦. Because the focus is 4 units from the vertex, then c=4.
Considering the focus is always inside the parabola, use the
template of the standard equation of a parabola with vertex
at the origin and positive linear term.

𝑥2 = 4𝑐𝑦
𝑥2 = 4(4)𝑦 Replace the value of c = 4.
𝒙𝟐 = 𝟏𝟔𝒚Multiply.

So, 𝑥2 = 16𝑦 is in its standard equation of the parabola

whose vertex is at the origin and focus is located at (0,4).
Figure 3 is the graph of the parabola.
Example 2: Standard Equation of a Parabola Given
Directrix and Focus Find the equation, in standard
form of the parabola with directrix 𝑦 = 4 and the
focus has coordinates (2,-4).

Solution Figure 4 at the right shows the directrix of

the parabola defined by the line 𝑦 = 4 and the focus at
(2,-2). Since 𝑦 = 4 is parallel to the x-axis and
perpendicular to the axis of symmetry defined by the
vertical line 𝑥 = 2, the vertex is obtained by finding
the midpoint between (2,4) and (2,-2). Thus, the
vertex has coordinates (2,1).This means that the
focus and directrix are both 3 units away from the
vertex. The parabola opens downward since the focus
is below the vertex.
 From these, we deduce the following: ℎ = 2,𝑘 = 1,𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐 = 3 (the distance of
the focus from the vertex). Since the parabola opens downward, we use the
standard equation of parabola (𝑥 − ℎ = −4𝑐(𝑦 − 𝑘). By substituting the values
of ℎ,𝑘, and 𝑐, the equation is (𝒙 − 𝟐= −𝟏𝟐(𝒚 − 𝟏). The figure below is the
graph of the standard equation of a parabola (𝑥 − 2 = −12(𝑦 − 1).
Example 3: Standard Equation of a Parabola Given the Graph Find the
coordinates of the vertex, the distance of the focus from the vertex and the
equation of the directrix. Write the equation in the standard form of a

• The vertex is at (4,2), the distance of the focus from the vertex is 2 units
and the equation of the directrix is the vertical line 𝑥 = 6.

• Since the graph of the parabola opens to the left, we use the standard
equation of parabola, (𝑦 − 𝑘 = −4𝑐(𝑥 − ℎ) and by substituting ℎ = 4,𝑘 =
2,𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐 = 2, the standard equation other known as vertex form of equation
of a parabola is (𝒚 − 𝟒= −𝟖(𝒙 − 𝟐).
 Example 4: Real-Life Situation
A certain group of Grade 12 STEM-Nitrogen students of BNHS-SHS is conceptualizing
innovative research project to prevent the spread of corona virus. Since most restaurants and fast-
food stores are closed and the people urged to stay home, this group of STEM students while
having a video call via zoom, came across their mind a feasible solution for contactless food
delivery, that is to develop a localized technology inspired by drone. They even presume that one
day, people may possibly order bucket meal from Jollibee and a drone will deliver it.

Suppose 𝑦 = 200 − models the height of the drone where 𝑥 is the horizontal distance in feet from
the point the drone is dropped going in front of the doorstep:

1. Write the equation of a parabolic trajectory in standard form;

2. How high is the drone when it is dropped?

3. How far horizontally from the front of the house does the bucket meal land?
a. Given 𝑦 = 200 − , when we throw any object forward, it will go up then
down. Use the standard equation of parabola (𝑥 − ℎ)2 = −4𝑐(𝑦 − 𝑘) since the
parabolic path goes downward. Use this template to transform the equation. 𝑦
= 200 − Given = −𝑦 + 200 Use Addition Property of Equality. = −25(𝑦 − 200)
Write in standard form.
b. It is important to note that when the bucket meal is dropped, it is the value of
y in the coordinates of the vertex at (0,200) taken from the vertex form of
equation of a parabola. Thus, the drone is 200 feet.
c. The distance of the bucket meal lands from the front of the house is the value
of 𝑥 when 𝑦 = 0.

𝑦 = 200 −Given
0 = 200 − Replace y by 0.
1 25𝑥2 = 200 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 ≈ 70.71

Thus, the horizontal distance is approximately 70.71 feet. Look at the parabolic
trajectory on Figure 5 at the right.
Quiz / Activities
Independent Activity 1 A. I am Parabola!
Read the statement carefully then fill in the blanks.
1. A _____________ is a set of all points (𝑥,𝑦) in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed line
called the _______________, and a fixed point called the ________________.

2. The _______________ is the midpoint between the focus and the directrix.

3. The line that passes through the focus and vertex of a parabola is called the
_________________________ of the parabola.

4. The __________________ is a line that is outside the parabola.

5. The ________________ are the coordinates of a point that is inside the parabola.

6. When the coefficient of the non-squared term is positive, the parabola opens ________________
or opens to the ___________________.

7. When the coefficient of the linear term is negative, the parabola opens ________________ or
opens to the ____________________.
B. Get My Parts!
Determine the vertex, focus, directrix and axis of symmetry for each parabola.

Independent Assessment 1
A. Complete Me!
Determine the vertex, focus, directrix, and axis of symmetry for each parabola with the given
Find My Length!
Determine the length of the latus rectum for each parabola.

1. (𝑥 − 3 = 4(𝑦 + 1)

2. (𝑥 + 9 = 24(𝑦 − 2)

3. + 8𝑦 = 0

4. − 4𝑦 = 20𝑥

5. 2 − 32𝑥 − 𝑦 + 127 = 0
Independent Activity 2
A. Know My Standard!
Write the equation of the parabola in standard form with vertex at the origin that satisfies the given
1. The focus has coordinates (0,7).

2. The focus has coordinates (-5,0)

3. The equation of the directrix is y + 3=0

4. The equation of the directrix is x – 9 =0

5. The length of the latus rectum is 10 and the parabola opens downward.

6. The length of the latus rectum is 6 and the parabola opens to the left.

7. The parabola contains (5, -2) and the parabola opens downward.

8. The focus is 6 units away from the vertex and directrix is on the line, x=-6.

9. The directrix is 5 units from the focus and the parabola opens to the right.

10. Horizontal axis and passes through the point (4,6).

  My Perfect Match!
In exercises 1-6, match the standard
equation of a parabola with its
corresponding graph. The graphs are
labeled (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F).

1. = −8𝑦

2. = 16(𝑥 + 2)

3. (𝑥 + 3= −8(𝑦 − 1)

4. (𝑥 − 7 = 16(𝑦 + 7)

5. 𝑦 − 7= 16(𝑥 + 7)

6. = −8𝑥
 Independent Assessment 2
A. Set Me To Your Standard!

Write the standard form of the equation of the parabola satisfying the given conditions.
1. Vertex: (-2,0); Focus: (- ,0)
2. Vertex: (3, -3); Focus: (3,)
3. Vertex: (0,4); Directrix: 𝑦 = 2
4. The vertex is at (4,2) and the focus is at (2,2).
5. Focus: (1,6); and Directrix: x = 9
6. The length of the latus rectum is 8, the vertex is at the origin and the parabola opens downward.
7. The vertex is at (7,4), the axis of symmetry is 𝑥 − 7 = 0, the length of the latus rectum is 6, and
c is negative.
8. The axis of symmetry is vertical, the vertex is at the point of origin, and the parabola passes
through the point (6, -3).
9. A parabola which opens upward has vertex on the line 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 2 and focus on the line 𝑦 = 9 −
10.The axis of symmetry is horizontal, the vertex at the point of origin, and the parabola passes
through the point (-6, -3).
 Independent Activity
A. Completing the Square Is the Key!

Write each equation of the parabola in standard form. Then give the coordinates
of the vertex , the focus and the end of the latus rectum.
1. − 4𝑥 = 4𝑦 − 12

2. − 6𝑦 = 8𝑥 − 15

3. − 8𝑥 − 36𝑦 − 20 = 0

4. − 6𝑦 − 36𝑥 + 21 = 0

5. 𝑦 = −4 + 24𝑥 − 41
B. The Real World!

1. Emmanuel is a passionate sepak takraw player and was chosen

to represent Bataan National High school -SHS for City Meet.
While he was practicing with his teammates, he kicked the sepak
takraw ball by his foot as high as 12 feet and then fell back to the
ground 60 feet away (horizontally) from where it was kicked. Find
the equation of the parabola. Assume the x-axis is at the ground
level, and the ball was thrown from the origin.
 Independent Assessment
A. You Made Me Complete!

Transform each equation of the parabola in standard form. Then give the
equation of the axis of symmetry and directrix.

1. 𝑦 = + 10𝑥 + 14 = 0

2. − 8𝑥 − 8𝑦 = 0

3. − 5𝑥 + 12𝑦 = −16

4. 5 + 30𝑥 + 24𝑦 − 51 = 0

5. 𝑦 = 1
B. Making It Real!

1. Mang Jaime, a skilled carpenter and family-oriented person oftentimes accepts carpentry
jobs in Cavite, where most of his relatives including his parents live. Although his travels
from Bataan to Cavite is tedious and tiring, he makes himself appeased because he values
strong and close family ties. Jonas, his grandson who is in Grade 12 mentioned to Mang
Jaime that a faster way of traveling by land from Bataan all the way from Cavite could be
possible in the future under Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge (BCIB) Project, a 32.15-
kilometer ocean view mega bridge highway. Jonas is interested about the cable suspension
between two towers that can be hung in the shape of parabola. The towers supporting the
cables could possible 1000 meters apart and are 160 meters high and which is at its lowest, is
40 meters above the road. Can you help Jonas to find the equation of this parabola, if we put
a coordinate system so that the axis of the parabola is the y-axis, and the road is on the x-
axis? How high is the cable 300 meters from a tower?
What I Have Learned
In this module, I learned that:
1. The axis of symmetry is _________________ to directrix.

2. The vertex is the midway between the ___________________________________.

3. The _________________________ passes through the vertex and focus.

4. The standard form of the equation of a parabola with vertex at (h, k) is as follows.

___________________________, when the axis is vertical, and focus is above its vertex;
___________________________, when the axis is vertical, and focus is below its
vertex; ___________________________, when the axis is horizontal, and focus is above
its vertex; ___________________________, when the axis is horizontal, and focus is
below its vertex.

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