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Bahasa Inggris I

Jurusan Administrasi
Universitas Terbuka, Pokjar Merdeka
Kabupaten Paser 2020.2
Tutor/ID: Abd. Kadir, S.S., M.A./50002110
Tutorial 1: Words

 Materi ini adalah tentang kelas kata dalam bahasa

 Ada 8 kelas kata (Parts of Speech), namun yang
dipelajari di modul ini hanya 4, yaitu:
a. Noun (kata benda atau nomina)
b. Verb (kata kerja atau verba)
c. Adjective (kata sifat atau ajektiva)
d. Adverb (kata keterangan atau adverbial)

Noun bisa dibagi menjadi:

a. Proper noun dan common noun
b. Concrete noun and abstract noun
c. Countable noun and uncountable noun
d. Collective noun
1. Proper dan common Noun

a. Proper Noun termasuk nama hari, bulan, dokumen

sejarah, institusi, organisasi, agama, teks kitab suci.
b. Common Noun adalah kebalikan dari proper. Common
noun bersifat umum.
1. Tana Paser --- capital
Tana Paser is the capital of Paser Regency.
2. Kandilo --- river
Kandilo is the longest river in Paser.
3. One of the minister in Indonesia is Sri Mulyani.
2. Concrete and abtract noun

a. Concrete Noun adalah kata benda atau nomina yang

bias ditangkap oleh panca indera. Dengan kata lain, bias
dilihat, diraba, dibaui, dirasa dan didengar.
Contoh: stone, fan, water, cloud, table
I saw many stones, a fan, and cloud.
b. Abstract Noun adalah kata benda yang bendanya
berbentuk tidak nyata walaupun dalam kenyataannya
Contoh: air, ghost, angels, childhood, development
Ghost and angel come to memory of his childhood.
3. Countable and Uncountable Noun

a. Countable Noun (dapat dihitung):

1 pen  2 pens
1 glass  3 glasses
1 toy  4 toys
a fly  5 flies
an umbrella  some umbrellas
a uniform  many uniforms
a wife  two wives
1 child  many children
b. Uncountable Noun (tidak dapat dihitung): sand, money,
water, air, sugar.
Countable noun (1)

Normally, plural noun is added by –s

 House  houses
 Cat  cats
 Tree  trees
 Wallet  wallets
 Bone  bones
Countable noun (2)

Some must be added by –es if they end with ‑s, -ss, -sh,
-ch, -x, -z
 1 bus  two buses
 1 glass  2 glasses
 1 marsh  3 marshes
 a beach  many beaches
 1 tax  two taxes
 a blitz  some blitzes
Countable noun (3)

End with –y:

1. Consonant before y:
a fly  two flies
a city  some cities
one puppy  many puppies
2. Vowel before y:
a boy  two boys
a ray  four rays
Countable noun (4)

Irregular countable nouns:

 a cactus  many cacti
 an analysis  many analyses
 a sheep  many sheep
 an ox  many oxen
 a child  many children
 a mouse  many mice
 a tooth  many teeth
 a man  many men

 Regular verbs
invite invited invited inviting
study studied studied studying

 Irregular verbs
begin began begun beginning
come came come coming
send sent sent sending
put put put putting

 Adjective atau ajektiva atau kata sifat menjelaskan

noun atau nomina atau kata benda, dan juga
menjelaskan pronoun atau pronomina atau kata ganti.
 Adjective terdiri dari:
a. Possessive adjective
b. Demonstrative adjective
c. Interrogative adjective
d. Indefinite adjective
Possessive adjectives

 Possessive adjective mirip dengan possessive pronoun

(my, his, her, it, our, your, their)
 Possessive adjective digunakan dalam menjelaskan noun
anat nomina.
 Contoh:
 I can’t complete my writing assignment because I don’t
have a bilingual dictionary.
 He walks with hands in his pocket.
Demonstrative adjectives

 Demonstrative adjective terdiri dari:

a. Tunggal: this (dekat), that (jauh)
b. Jamak: these (dekat), those (jauh)
c. What
 Contoh:
a. This bag is mine and that bag is yours.
b. These houses were built in 2010.
c. Those woman are studying.
d. What car are you driving?
Interrogative adjectives

 Interrogative adjective adalah kata yang melengkapi

Noun dalam kelimat pertanyaan.
 Interrogative adjective lebih sering menjelaskan Noun
dari pada berdiri sendiri:
a. What … (…apa)
b. Which … (…yang mana)
 Contoh:
a. Which book should I bring?
b. What method do you use?
Indefinite adjectives

 Indefinite adjective adalah kata sifat yang digunakan

untuk menjelaskan kata benda dalam bentuk yang tidak
 Beberapa indefinite adjective adalah: any, each, few
many, much, most, several, some
 Contoh:
a. Many students attend the English class every Monday.
b. The police stopped him and asked a few questions.
c. I don’t know if some of them are coming today?

 Secara sederhana, Adverb berarti Kata Keterangan, atau

 Di dalam bahasa Inggris, banyak Adverb, namun yang umum
diketahui adalah, Adverb of:
a. Manner : quickly, hard, lonely, clearly, fast, well
b. Time: yesterday, tomorrow, afternoon, now, today
c. Place : here, there, above, west, nearby, away
d. Frequency : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom
e. Degree : rather, really, completely, enough, so, too
f. Modality : likely, hopefully, maybe, probably, perhaps
 Hanya satu adverb yang dipelajari di Modul ini, yaitu Adverb
of Manner.

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