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• WALT: Understand that modal adverbs

can be more or less forceful

• WIF: Being able to:

• find modal adverbs in a text
Modal • Use modal adverbs in a sentence and

Adverbs • write a persuasive paragraph using modal


• TIB: modal adverbs tell the reader or

listener more about the degree of
forcefulness and persuasiveness about
what is being said or written.
Review Modality

• Modality means how certain something is.

• Sometimes what you say or write can sound very certain or

forceful. Sometimes it can sound a lot less certain, like it
probably won’t happen.

• Modality is the word that is used when we talk about how

possible, how likely or how certain it is that something will
Sample sentences

• I will call you tomorrow

• You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble

• You can’t be serious!

• He could help us a lot

Modal adverbs add certainty and

• They change the degree of

Modal forcefulness.

• some examples of modal adverbs are-
really, definitely, certainly, surely,
• Sample sentences
• I definitely think that children should
have more homework. This sentence is
more forceful and certain because of
Modal the modal adverb definitely.
• I would probably like to go to the
Add modal adverbs
• I will call you tomorrow

• You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble

• You can’t be serious!

• He could help us a lot

• Add modal adverbs to the sentences.
• I will definitely call you tomorrow.

• You really shouldn’t have gone to so

Modal much trouble.
• You can’t possibly be serious.

• He could probably help us a lot.

Modal Adverbs in the text
Word bank of modal adverbs:
certainly, definitely, likely,
adverbs obviously, possibly, probably,

really, clearly, quite, always

Letter to Alex’s mum.
Dear Mum,
I know that I already have a pet, but I would really like another pet to
keep my pet iguana company when I am at school.


Your ________________ son, Alex

Letter to Alex’s mum.
Dear Mum,
I know that I already have a pet, but I would really like another pet to
keep my pet iguana company when I am at school.
I certainly think that a cat will be the perfect pet to keep my Iguanna
company. Cats are calming and always cute to play with. My Iguana will
surely enjoy having a cat to play tricks with. I promise I will take care of
both of them.

Your responsible loving son, Alex

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