06 - Kinematics-1 Rectilinear Motion 19-20 - Modified

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Engineering Mechanics – 19MECH01P Timetable

week Date Main Subject Lecture Topics Tutorials

1 21/09 Statics Force Vectors -1 Introduction
2 28/09 Statics Force Vectors -2 Force vectors - 2D
3 05/10 Statics Particle Equilibrium Force vectors - 3D
4 12/10 Statics Moments and Couples Particle Equilibrium
5 19/10 Statics Force Couple Resultant Moments and Couples
6 26/10 Dynamics - Kinematics 1- Rectilinear Motion Force Couple Resultant
7 02/11 Dynamics - Kinematics 2- Projectile Motion Kinematics-1
8 09/11 Dynamics - Kinematics 3- Curvilinear Motion Kinematics-2
9 16/11 Dynamics - Kinetics 1 - Force Acceleration Methods Mid term test – Sunday 17/11
10 23/11 Dynamics - Kinetics 2 – Work Energy Methods Kinematics-3
11 30/11 Dynamics - Kinetics 3- Impulse Momentum Methods Kinetics-1
12 07/12 Kinetics-2
13 14/12 Kinetics- 3

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

The branch of mechanics concerned
with the motion of objects without
reference to the forces which cause
the motion.

The branch of mechanics which
treats the action of force in
producing or changing motion.

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

The geometry of motion

Rectilinear Motion
Curvilinear Motion – Cartesian Coordinates
Curvilinear Motion – Intrinsic and Polar Coordinates

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.
Og– Dynamics
Mechanics Mandino– Kinematics
Rectilinear Motion
Rectilinear Kinematics
Newton’s Equations of Motion for Constant Acceleration

Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn’t believing. It’s where belief

stops, because it isn’t needed any more. Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Terry Pratchett
Rectilinear Motion

Sense varies

Is a straight line motion

Direction is constant

Sense varies
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Coordinate System

-s +s

Negative sense of motion Positive sense of motion


-x +x

-y Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Kinematic Quantities

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

1- Position vector
2- Distance Covered
3- Displacement Vector

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

1- Position Vector



 Ismailia


The position vector, also known as the location vector or radius vector,
is a vector that represents the position of a point relative to an arbitrary
reference origin O. Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
1- Position vector – Rectilinear Motion

-4 3 A
-3 -2 -1 O 1 2 4
-s +s

rA =OA=3

rC = -OC=-4

1- For rectilinear motion, the position vector, is a vector that represents the position of a point such as A
(or C) on the line of motion relative to the origin O.

2- Since direction is constant, we drop the vector notation and deal with its scalar aspect, (magnitude and

3- SI units for position vectors: meters (m)

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

2- Distance Covered

Alexandria S Port Said

rI/C Ismailia


Distance travelled ,(S), is the actual distance travelled by the object during a defined time.
Distance is a scalar positive quantity
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
2- Distance Covered – Rectilinear Motion

Initial position
-4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4
-s +s
rA =OA=3 A
rB =OB=4.5

rC = -OC=-4 B

final position
s 1 = rB -rA = OB-OA = 4.5-3 =1.5 m =AB

s 2 = rC -rB = -OC-OB = -4-4.5 = -8.5 =8.5 m=BC

s =s 1 +s 2 =1.5+8.5=10 m

1- Distance travelled is the actual distance travelled by the object during a defined time.
2- Distance is a scalar positive quantity
3- SI units for distance: meters (m) Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
3- Displacement Vector

Alexandria S Port Said

final position

d A/I


 Ismailia
rI/C Initial position

The displacement is a vector whose length is the shortest distance from the initial to the final
position of an object, i.e.
Displacement vector = final position vector – initial position vector
   
d A/I=rA/C -rI/C = rA/I
the magnitude of the displacement is less than or equal to the distance covered during the same
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

time period.
3- Displacement Vector – Rectilinear Motion
Initial position
-4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4
-s +s
rA =OA=3 A
rB =OB=4.5
rC = -OC=-4

final position d=rC -rA = -OC-OA=-AC=-4-3=-7m

1- The displacement is a vector whose length is the shortest distance from the initial position the final
position of an object, i.e.
Displacement = final position – initial position
2- Since direction is constant, we drop the vector notation and deal with its scalar aspect, (magnitude and
3- the magnitude of the displacement is less than or equal to the distance covered during the same time
4- SI units for displacement: meters (m) Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
1- When will the distance be equal to the displacement?
2- Can we treat the position vector as a displacement vector?

Initial position Initial position Initial position
final position final position

Position vector Distance Covered Displacement Vector

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Velocity Vector – Rectilinear Motion
1- Velocity is a VECTOR QUANTITY that refers to "the rate (magnitude and direction) at which an object
changes its position, i.e. dr
2- The velocity vector of the particle is tangent to the path
3- Since direction is constant, we drop the vector notation
and deal with its scalar aspect, (magnitude and sense)
4- The magnitude of the velocity vector is called SPEED.
5- SI units of speed m/s

-s -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 +s
rA =OA=3 vA
rB =OB=4.5 -v B
-v C rC = -OC=-4

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Acceleration Vector – Rectilinear Motion
1- Acceleration is a VECTOR QUANTITYthat refers to "the rate (magnitude and direction) at which an
object changes its velocity, i.e. a = dv
2- The acceleration vector of the particle is tangent to the path
3- Since direction is constant, we drop the vector notation and deal with its scalar aspect, (magnitude and
4- The magnitude of the acceleration vector is called acceleration
5- If the acceleration and the velocity are of opposite signs, then the acceleration is called a DECELERATION
6- SI units of acceleration m/s2

-4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4
-s +s
-v +a -a +v
+a +v
deceleration deceleration
acceleration -a

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Traffic Knowledge

Please drive safely so you could attend and enjoy your mechanics lecture

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

A particle P moves along a straight line and its position is given by s=18t 2-8t-15. Calculate;
a) The times when the velocity is zero,
b) The times when the acceleration is zero
c) The net displacement of the particle during the first 4 seconds
d) The distance covered by the particle during the first 4 seconds

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Initial time
Initial time t=0 final time t= 4s

s  t=4  =18  4  -8  4  -15= 241m

The position
s=18t -8t -15 s  t=0  = -15 m

ds v  t=0  =36t -8=-8 v  t=4  =36  4  -8=136

The velocity v= =36t -8

dv a=36 a=36
The acceleration a= =36

Initial position final position

v=8 A a=36 V=136 B a=36

-S S
-15 m 241m
How did it move from A to B ? Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
s=18t 2 -8t -15
Initial position v=36t -8 final position
-15.9 A B
-S S
-15m O 241m
(a) The time when the velocity is zero
v=36t -8=0 t=0.22 s
v=8 a=36
The position of the particle when the velocity is zero
s  t=0.22  =x=18  0.22  -8  0.22  -15 = -15.9

The distance s1 is thus

C s1= s  t=0.22  - s  t=0  =15.9 - 15 = 0.9 m

v=0 a=36

(c) The distance covered by the particle during the first 4 seconds v=136 a=36
s= s1 + s 2  265.8m

(d) Displacement vector = final position vector – initial position vector
d= s  t=4  - s  t=0  = 241-  -15  = 256 m Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
A particle P moves along a straight line and its position is given by s=2t 3-4t2+3. Calculate;
a) The times when the velocity is zero,
b) The times when the acceleration is zero
c) The net displacement of the particle during the first 2 seconds
d) The distance covered by the particle during the first 2 seconds

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Initial time
Initial time t=0 final time t= 2s

s  t=0  = 3m s  t=2  =2  2  - 4  2  +3= 3m

3 2
The position s=2t 3 - 4t 2 +3

ds v  t=0  =0 v  t=2  =6  2  -8  2  = 8 m/s

The velocity v= =6t 2 -8t

The acceleration dv a=-8 m/s 2

a= =12t-8 a=16 m/s 2

a=-8 v=0 v=8 a=16

Initial position final position

-S S
O 3m
How did it move from A to A ? Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
(a) The times when the velocity is zero (b) The times when the acceleration is zero
v=6t 2 -8t = t  6t-8   0 a=12t-8 = 0
8 8
t1 = 0 t2 =  1.33 t 3 = = 0.66
6 12
Time line of the trip from t-0 to t=2 seconds
time position velocity acceleration

s=2t 3 - 4t 2 +3 v=6t 2 -8t a=12t-8

0 3 0 8
0.66 1.815 2.66 0
1.33 0.66 0 11.99
2 3 8 16
1 2 3
a=11.99 v=0 a= 0 v= -2.66 a= -8 v=0

a=16 v=8

0.66 1.815 3
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
1 2 3
a=11.99 v=0 a= 0 v= -2.66 a= -8 v=0

a=16 v=8

0.66 1.815 3

time position velocity acceleration distance displacement

s=2t 3 - 4t 2 +3 v=6t 2 -8t a=12t-8

0 3 0 8 0 0
0.66 1.815 2.66 0 1.185 1.185
1.33 0.66 0 11.99 1.155 1.155

2 3 8 16 2.34 2.34

4.68 0

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

1- A particle P moves along a straight line and its position is given by s=t 3-6t2—36t-40. Calculate;
a) The times when the velocity and the acceleration are zero,
b) The net displacement from t=0 to t=1 s.
c) The distance covered during the first second.
2- A particle P moves along a straight line and its position is given by s=6t 3-4t2—15t +40. Calculate;
a) The times when the velocity and the acceleration are zero,
b) The net displacement from t=0 to t=4 s.
c) The distance covered during the first four seconds

3- A particle P moves along a straight line and its position is given by s=6t 3-4t2-15t+40. Calculate;
a) The times when the velocity and the acceleration are zero,
b) The net displacement from t=0 to t=6 s

4- The vertical motion of a mass A is defined by the relation y=10sin2t+15cos2t+100. Determine;

(a) the velocity and acceleration of mass A when t=1 s.
(b) The maximum velocity.

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Newton’s Equations of Motion
The Case of Constant Acceleration

A man may imagine things that are false,

but he can only understand things that are true,
for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding
Sir Isaac Newton

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Initial position final position
-s O +s
ac u
to  0
ro  s o  0 v ac
A t

d  r  s  OA

The first equation (instantaneous velocity and time)

v t Initial
dv v t
=a c u dv=a c dt v u
 a c t 0 v-u=a C  t-0  v=u+a C t
dt 0

The second equation (position (displacement) and time)

dr dr d t d t2 aC 2
r 0  ut  a c
=u+a c t  dr    u+a t  dt
0 0
c 2 0

The third equation (velocity and position (displacement))

v d v
dv dv dr dv v2
 vdv  a c  dr
=a c =a c v =a c  ac r 0 v 2  u 2  2a c d
dt dr dt dr u 0
2 u
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Initial position final position
-s O +s
ac u
to  0
ro  s o  0 v ac
A t

d  r  s  OA

v = u + aCt v 2  u 2  2a c d aC 2
d = ut + t
Velocity and time velocity and position 2
position and time
1- u is the initial velocity it can either be +ve , –ve or zero.
2- The initial time and position are zero.
3- v is the velocity of the particle at the final position. It can either be +ve /–ve or zero.
4- d is the displacement from the origin (initial) position to the final position. It can be +ve , -ve or zero
5- t is the time it takes the particle to travel from the initial to the final position
6- ac is the constant acceleration, it can either be +ve , –ve or zero. Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Example 3
A truck travels 540 m in 8 s with a constant deceleration of 1.5 m/s 2. Determine;
a-the initial velocity,
b-final velocity, and
c-the distance traveled during the first 6 s.

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Solution v=u+a C t
Time and velocity
Origin (Initial) position final position
a C =1.5 m/s 2 aC 2
O d=ut+ t
A 2
u vA time and position
s A  540 m
v 2  u 2  2a c d
to  0 tA  8 velocity and position

a-the initial velocity, b-the final velocity (velocity at A), c-the distance traveled during the first 6 s.
aC 2 a
d=ut+ t v=u+a C t d=ut+ C t 2
2 2
1.5 2
 -1.5 v=73.5-1.5  8  =61.5m/s d=73.5  6  -  6 
540=u  8  +  8
d=414 m
u=73.5 m/s

1- The truck’s velocity after the first 6 seconds.
2- When will the truck stop?
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
3- Determine the distance covered by the truck when it stops
Example 4

A high speed train has a top speed of 100 m/s. It’s acceleration and deceleration are
2m/s2. Determine the minimum time required for a rectilinear trip of 100 km.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Albert Einstein

From O to A From A to B From B to C 100,000 +s

O acceleration A constant velocity B deceleration C
a c =2 m/s a c =0 a c =-2 m/s 2

u=0 100m/s 100m/s 100m/s 100m/s v=0

v=u+a C t aC 2 v=u+a C t
d=ut+ t
100=0+2t 2 0=100-2t
t=t1 =50s d=100t t=t 3 =50s

a 95000=100t+0 aC 2
d=ut+ C t 2 d=ut+ t
2 2
d=OA=2500 m d=BC=2500

2500 m 95000 m 2500 m

v=u+a C t
Total trip time v  u 2  2a c d

aC 2
t=50+50+950 =1050s d=ut+ t
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Example 5
Cars A and B are traveling in adjacent highway lanes and at t=0 have positions and speeds shown. Knowing
that car A has a constant acceleration of 0.6m/s 2 and that B has a constant deceleration of 0.4 m/s2,
A- when and where A will overtake B,
B- the speed of each car when they meet.

B a B =0.4 m/s 2
u B  23km / hr

a A =0.6 m/s2

u A  15km / hr

 1000 
u A =15   =4.16 m/s
 3600 
 1000 
u B =23   =6.38 m/s
 3600 
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
meeting point
a B =0.4 m/s 2 Car B
-s vB -sB u B =6.38 m/s O +s
tB  t
a A =0.6 m/s 2
u A =4.16 m/s sA vA
-s O +s
Car A tA  t
25 m=s B  s A meeting point

A- when (time) and where (position) A will overtake B,

Car A d=ut+ C t 2 v=u+a C t
0.6 2 Velocity and time
s A = 4.16t+ t A  4.16t+0.3t 2
a v 2  u 2  2a c d
Car B d=ut+ C t 2 velocity and position
0.4 2
-s B = -6.38t+ t B  -6.38t+0.2t 2 aC 2
2 d=ut+ t
position and time
solve to get s A =11.266 m s B =13.73 m t=2.32s

B- the speed of each car when they meet. Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
A particle in rectilinear motion with an initial velocity of 30 m/s to the right decelerates at the constant
rate of 7 m/s2 until it has a velocity of 10 m/s to the left. Determine
a) the elapsed time,
b) the total distance traveled by the particle
c) the distance between the initial and final positions, and
d) will the particle pass by the initial position?
Motion Description

-s O +s

a=7m/s2 A u=30m/s a=7m/s2 B v1=0

a=7m/s2 C v2=10m/s

-s +s

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

-s O +s

a=7m/s2 A u=30m/s a=7m/s2 B v1=0 v=u+a C t

v 2  u 2  2a c d
d=ut+ C t 2
a=7m/s2 C v2=10m/s

-s +s
a) the elapsed time, (time from A to C)
v=u+a C t
-10=30+  -7  t
t =t C  = 5.714s
(b) the total distance traveled by the particle
Distance s1=AB v  u  2a c d
2 2
0  302  2  7  d d  s1   64.286m
 10   0  2  7  d d  s2   7.143m
Distance s2=BC v 2  u 2  2a c d
s  s1  s2 s  64.29  7.143  71.433m
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

Total Distance
-s O +s

a=7m/s2 A u=30m/s a=7m/s2 B v1=0

s1  64.286m v=u+a C t
s2  7.143m v 2  u 2  2a c d
a=7m/s2 C v2=10m/s d=ut+ C t 2
Final displacement
-s +s

(c) the distance between the initial and final positions (displacement),

displacement = final position – initial position

d  OC  OO   S1  S2   0   64.286  7.143  57.143m

will the particle pass by the initial position?

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Free Fall
First discovered over 400 years ago by Galileo and others, that objects in
free fall motion descend at the same rate, independent of their mass, as
long as the effects of air resistance can be neglected.

F  ma
 mg  ma
Galileo Galilei
g  a 1564-1642

In other words, for an object in free fall motion the only

acceleration acting on it is the gravitational acceleration.
All free-falling objects (on Earth) accelerate downwards at a
rate of 9.8 m/s2 (often approximated as 10 m/s2 to simplify
calculations )

The leaning tower of Pisa

Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Coordinate system and Kinematics Equations of Motion
Location/ Velocity/ Acceleration
The acceleration g is constant, thus we can use
maximum height v=u+a C t
Time and velocity
v aC 2
-v d=ut+ t
time and position
-g -g
y v 2  u 2  2a c d
velocity and position
The origin -u
is the projection level
point of O The equations for free fall will take the form
projection -g -g
v y = u y - gt
Time and velocity
y= u y t - t 2
-v 2
time and position

v 2y  u 2y  2gy
-y velocity and position
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
The chopper shown is ascending with a constant speed 5 m/s. When it was 100 meters above the
waters it dropped a buoy.
1- Sketch the path travelled by the buoy
2- determine the time it takes the buoy to reach the waters
3- determine the velocity the buoy strikes the water
4- determine the position of the chopper when the buoy reaches the waters

y  5 m/s


Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

y buoy
1- Sketch the path travelled by the buoy
v y =u y -gt
v  5m/s
Time and velocity
tC y=h=?
v y =u y +a c t y=u y t- t 2
Time and velocity 2
time and position
ac 2
y=u y t+ t v 2y  u 2y  2gy
time and position velocity and position
v  5m/s
v 2y  u 2y  2a c y v  5m/s
velocity and position u y  5 m/s
Projection level
ac  0
O g
g y=u y t- t 2
y=u y t=5t C 2
-100=5t-5t 2
y=5  5  =25m 100 m
t 2  t  20  0
v yC  t  5  t  4   0
C y=-100 tC  ? t C  5s
Sea surface
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Example 2
Two similar rockets are launched at a firework display. Rocket A is launched with an initial velocity 100m/s
and rocket B is launched t1 seconds later with the same initial velocity. The two rockets are timed to
explode simultaneously at a height 300m as A is falling and B is rising. Assuming a constant acceleration
of g=9.81 m/s2 determine the delay time t1






Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Understanding the problem v y =u y -gt
Time and velocity
y=u y t- t 2
v B300 2
time and position

300m t A300  tB300  v 2y  u 2y  2gy

velocity and position

 v A300
-g -g t A300 - tB300 = t1

uA=100m/s uB=100m/s
tO =0 t1 seconds later
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Time for rocket A to reach y=300 as it is moving downward v y =u y -gt
g Time and velocity
y=u y t- t 2
A300 t  - tB300  = t1 g
y=u y t- t 2
300=100t-5t 2 y
time and position

t 2 - 20t + 60 =0 v 2y  u 2y  2gy
velocity and position
20  20  4  1  60 
v B300
2 300m tB300 
t1 =3.675s t 2 =t A300  =16.75s
t A300 
Time for rocket B to reach y=300 as it is moving upward
g  v A300
y=u y t- t 2 -g
2 -g
300=100t-5t 2
t 2 - 20t + 60 =0
20  202  4  1  60 
t1 =t B300  =3.675s t 2 =16.75s
t1 = t A300  - tB300  =16.75 - 3.65 =13.1s O tO =0 t1 seconds later
Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics
Tutorial Problems

5- A particle begins at rest at x=0 and experiences constant acceleration to the right for 10 s. It then
continues at constant velocity for 8 more seconds. In the third phase of its motion, it decelerates at 5 m/s 2
and is observed to be passing again through the origin when the total time of travel equals 28 s. Determine
the acceleration in the first 10 s.

7- A man riding upward in a freight elevator accidentally 12m/s

drops a package of the elevator when it is 30 m from the
ground. If the elevator maintains a constant upward
speed of 12m/s, determine how high the elevator is from
the ground the instant the package hits the ground.


Mechanics – Dynamics – Kinematics

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