The Political Phases Pakistan Ayub Khan

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The Political phases Pakistan

Prepared By: Ms. Nargis Shamim

z Political history of Pakistan

 Pakistan has been ruled by both democratic and military
governments. The first decade was marred with political
unrest and instability, with frequent collapses of civilian
democratic governments that eventually led to the 1958
military coup.
z Regime wise analysis of Pakistan 1958-2008

Structure of the Pakistan Democratic regime

After the earlier the major political
government can has been
regimes was 
broken down into two ways:
1. Military regime  Zulfikar Ali Bhutto 1971-1977
2. Democratic regime
 Benazir Rule 1988-1990
 Nawaz Sharif Rule 1990-1993
Military regime:(Presidents)  Benazir Rule Rule 1993-1996
 Nawaz Sharif fifth Rule 1997-
 Muhammad Ayub Khan’s Era 1958-1969
 Zia- Ul-Haq’s Era 1977-1988

 Pervez Musharraf  2001-2008

Military regime
z Ayub khan Era(1958-1969)

 Leaders are
not made they
are born as a
Martial Law
 On October 7, 1958, President Iskander Mirza
abrogated the Constitution and declared Martial
Law in the country ,closed the national and
provincial assemblies, and banned all 
political party activity.

 He declared that the country was under 

martial law and that Gen. Mohammad Ayub Khan
 had been made chief martial-law administrator.

 October 27, 1958 Ayub Khan declared himself

President Of Pakistan .

 Martial law lasted 44 months

Early issues of Ayub era

1. Rejection of strict laws of dictatorship

2. Unbalance diplomatic policies

3. Weak economy of country

4. Lack of weapons and technology

5. Social disparities

6. Crisis of sugar

7. Failure of import policies

8. Separation of east Pakistan

z Policies adopted by Ayub Khan

 Introduction of monetary policy (1958-


 Introduction of Bonus voucher scheme


 Liberal concessions from Government

Policies adopted by Ayub Khan

Five year plan for the economy of

Pakistan(1960-1965) :
 This plans gave highest priority to,
agriculture, heavy industrial development
and science .

 This Plan gave Pakistan an increase income

of 20% and the growth Rate of agriculture
increased from 1.43 to 5.1%.
Other Issues

Sindh Tass treaty

 A treaty signed by India
and Pakistan in Karachi
to resolve issues of rivers
of Subcontinent.
Constitution of Pakistan (1962)

 Some special features of this

constitution are as follow :
 The constitution of 1962 consists of 250
section and 3 schedule.

 Pakistan was declared Democratic Islamic


 Urdu and Bangle were declared two national

languages of Pakistan.

Green Revolution :

A Green revolution was Set in force during five year plan by

increasing in irrigation and introducing mechanized farming

and Fertilizers .

As a result, between 1960-1965, agriculture production grew

by 3.8% per annum. Between 1960 and 1964-65, irrigation

was the main cause of development.

Industrialization in Pakistan
 Ayub Khan's era is known for the
industrialization in the country. He created an
environment where the private sector was
encouraged to establish medium and small-
scale industries in Pakistan.

 This opened up avenues for new job

opportunities and thus the economic graph of
the country started rising.
z Address of Ayub Khan
 Before 1965 War

 "My dear countrymen, in this hour of trial you

have to remain absolutely calm. You must know
that each one of you has to perform a supreme
duty which demands complete dedication and
devotion… Be prepared to strike and to strike
hard; for the evil which has raised its head
against your borders is doomed to destruction.
Go forward and meet the enemy.

 God is with you..."

Pak-INDO-1965 WAR

 Pakistan army started operation Gibraltar in Kashmir and

in the reaction of this, Indian army attacked Pakistan.

 Pakistan army won the war by giving many sacrifices.

Tashkent Agreement- 04th Jan 1966

 This Treaty was Signed by Ayub khan and Indian
Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri (who died the
next day) .

 The aim of this Treaty was To Cease fire in 1965


 Pakistan’s president Ayub Khan, ending the 17-day

war between Pakistan and India.
Failures of Ayub

Mujeebs Rebellious behavior :

 General Ayub Khan was powerful military man
but he did many mistakes on this whole issue.
During the War of 1965 East Pakistanis raised
the voice that West Pakistan left them alone to
kill from the cruel Indian army. This destroyed
their confidence over our army and government.
Then during that period Sheikh Mujeeb met
numerous times with Indian high authority and
Intelligence members of India in London but in
the result he took no any action against him .

1. He was the Man Of determination but lacking the quality of Listening

to others and have done Some Successful Decision as well as Failure.

2. He always did what he thought better in the light of his own


3. His regime can be characterized with some developments but he

couldn’t maintain the national harmony among the distant provinces
of Pakistan

i.e. East Pakistan and West Pakistan .

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