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International Language Exams

TOEFL (Paper-Based Test)

International Language Exams

Do you know the answer?

1) What does TOEFL stand for?

2) How many types are TOEFL tests? What are they?
3) How many parts are in the TOEFL test? What are they?
4) How many questions does each part have? k
th i n
ou a rt?
d o y h p
n g e a c
w l o is h
Ho s to fi n
it t
International Language Exams

Length of the Exam

40 minutes 50 questions

& 25 minutes 40 questions
Written Expression

Reading Comprehension 55 minutes 50 questions

Listening Comprehension
International Language Exams

Listening Comprehension You

will h
time e ar t
only he re
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• There are three sections to the listening test: ten c ording o
arefu ne
- Part A: 30 short conversations, each followed by a question lly!
- Part B: 2 longer conversations, each followed by a number of
- Part C: 3 talks, each followed by a number of questions
• You must choose the best answer from four choices in your test book.

You can take notes in

the TOEFL Listening
Test 
International Language Exams

Practice Listening
International Language Exams

Similar Sounds
• Prepare a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.
• The teacher will read some words to you.
• Listen to the words and write down the correct answer.
International Language Exams

1. A. Ramp B. Lamp 6. A. Rid B. Red

2. A. Vain B. Vine 7. A. File B. Vile
3. A. Sheet B. Cheat 8. A. Gel B. Shell
4. A. Pest B. Best 9. A. Rule B. Lure
5. A. Tin B. Ten 10. A. Bet B. Pet
International Language Exams

Fill in the Blanks

1. Tom told a _____________ _________________ about the ______________.
2. Mae enjoyed the sun’s _____________ as she _____________ on the sand.
3. It’s really _____________ for _____________ to get so _____________.
4. We want to get _____________ of the _____________ who are making a
5. I _____________ on the _____________ of the _____________ as it crossed the
International Language Exams

Fill in the Blanks

6. Mike _____________ in _____________and _____________ down a few
7. I’m going to _____________ for the first _____________ in the _____________.
8. I had to _____________ my friend out of _____________ when he _____________ to
_____________ the _____________.
9. You _____________to _____________the _____________advice and respect the
_____________ on the _____________.
10. Please _____________in the closest _____________and _____________ the
_____________ on the_____________in the _____________ of the _____________ .
An Introduction to International English Tests

Useful Focus more on the second line of the conversation.

for Part A The correct answers are mostly a restatement of a key
word or idea in the second line.
Questions 1-5 are the easiest and 26-30 are the hardest.

Answer all the questions, never leave anything is blank.

Don’t panic if you don’t understand the conversation.

International Language Exams

Listening Part A : Restatements

(woman): Steve, is something the matter? You don’t look very good.
(man) : Oh, I’m feeling a little sick today.
(narrator): What does the man mean?

a) He’s not very good-looking.

b) He’s a bit ill.
c) He looks worse than he feels.
d) His feet are a little thick.
International Language Exams



International Language Exams

Choose the best answer to the question.

1. (A) The dance was fun.
(B) It was a good time to dance.
(C) She thinks the man is such a good dancer.
(D) Tonight is the last time to dance.
2. (A) She’s quite thirsty.
(B) She’ll be ready in half hour.
(C) She needs to leave now.
(D) She was ready thirty minutes ago.
International Language Exams

Choose the best answer to the question.

3. (A) The woman should teach the class herself.
(B) The woman should see a psychiatrist.
(C) It’s a good idea to speak with the instructor.
(D) He would like to discuss psychology with the woman.
4. (A) She has a starring role.
(B) She has not found a job yet.
(C) She found the lost dog.
(D) She just begun working.
International Language Exams

Choose the best answer to the question.

5. (A) He shares everything he has.
(B) He has to find his lost shirt.
(C) He is climbing the stairs to the apartment.
(D) He has a get a roommate.
6. (A) His vacation is full of activities.
(B) In autumn he’ll have a vacation.
(C) He can’t have a vacation because he suffered a fall.
(D) He’s foolish to take a vacation.
International Language Exams

Choose the best answer to the question.

7. (A) The book was very enjoyable.
(B) It was unpleasant to get rid of the bugs.
(C) She only reads when it is quiet.
(D) It is pleasant to ride a bike.
8. (A) He hasn’t travel much lately.
(B) There were a lot of cars on the road.
(C) He needs to lose weight.
(D) The tray was thick and heavy.
International Language Exams

Choose the best answer to the question.

9. (A) He doesn’t know how to play the game.
(B) He has to write a story for the class.
(C) He needs to complete an assignment.
(D) He has already finished the report.
10.(A) He always minds his own business.
(B) He manages to avoid working.
(C) He is the manager of the department.
(D) He is the boss of his own company.
International Language Exams

Listening Comprehension
Parts B & C - Strategies
• If you have time, preview the answers

• Listen carefully to the first line of the conversation/talk

• As you listen, follow along with the answers in your test book and try to
determine the correct answers.

• Use any remaining time to look ahead at the answers for the questions that
International Language Exams

Question Words
In your test book, you read:
(A) On Monday
(B) Next week.
(C) Tomorrow.
(D) After class.

When will something happen?

International Language Exams

Study the following answers and try to determine what the

questions will be.
1. (A) An artist. 3. (A) At the Police station.
(B) A circus performer. (B) At the Post Office.
(C) A tour guide. (C) At School.
(D) A tourist. (D) At the Shopping Mall.
2. (A) A story-writing contest. 4. (A) Nothing.
(B) A frog-catching contest. (B) Three dollars.
(C) A singing contest. (C) A few cents.
(D) A frog-jumping contest. (D) Fifty cents.
International Language Exams

Study the following answers and try to determine what the

questions will be.
5. (A) Once. 7. (A) The place where you can buy groceries.
(B) Twice. (B) The place where you can send mail.
(C) Three times. (C) The place where you can do sports.
(D) Four times. (D) The place where you can study.
6. (A) The producer. 8. (A) Because he won the lottery.
(B) The cameraman. (B) Because he passed the test.
(C) The artist. (C) Because he was promoted.
(D) The director. (D) Because he received a bonus check.
International Language Exams
Listening Part B & C : The Order of the Answers
(narrator): Question 1 and 2. (narrator):
Listen to two students on a university campus. 1. What problem does the man have?
(man): Can you help me? I’m lost.
2. Where is Stanfield Hall?
(woman): Sure. Where are you trying to go?
(man): I have a class in Stanfield Hall at 3.00. I thought 1. a) He’s sick.
I knew where I was going but I guess I was wrong.
(woman): You certainly are lost. Stanfield Hall is on
b) He’s lost.
the other side of the university. I’m heading in that c) He’s tired.
direction. Come with me and I’ll show you the way, d) He’s broke.
(man): Thanks. You are a lifesaver.
2. a) Directly in front of them.
b) To the left.
c) Quite nearby.
d) On the other side of campus.
International Language Exams



Script Script
Part B Part C
International Language Exams

Listening TOEFL exercise Part B:

1. (A) What the assignment is. 2. (A) Six pages.

(B) How good the professor is (B) Six chapters.
(C) The information in Chapter 6 (C) Sixty pages.
(D) What questions they should ask the professor. (D) The sixth chapter.

3. (A) Whether or not they should read the chapters. 4. (A) Turn in the assignment.
(B) Whether or not they should answer the questions. (B) See the professor.
(C) Which chapters they should read. (C) Go to class.
(D) When the professor gave the assignment. (D) Talk to a classmate.
International Language Exams

Listening TOEFL exercise Part B:

5. (A) A bee stung him. 6. (A) To liberate bees.

(B) He saw some bees and hornets. (B) To protect their nests.
(C) He was stung by a hornet. (C) To hatch eggs.
(D) He took some eggs from a nest. (D) To defend the park.

7. (A) A hornet’s nest. 8. (A) To stay indoors.

(B) Some bee’s egg. (B) To see where the hornet’s nest is located.
(C) A parked car. (C) Not to walk in the same location as Greg.
(D) A swarm of bees. (D) To keep away from Greg.
International Language Exams

Listening TOEFL exercise Part C:

1. (A) A beautiful plant. 2. (A) In vegetable gardens.

(B) A poisonous plant. (B) Only in the United States.
(C) A delicious plant. (C) In supermarkets.
(D) A fast growing plant. (D) In may different places.

4. (A) The person may die.

3. (A) Its leaves resemble parsley.
(B) The person may get lots of healthful
(B) It grows next to carrots. nutrients.
(C) Its leaves are shaped like carrots. (C) The person may enjoy it and want more.
(D) It does not have roots. (D) The person may become dangerous.
International Language Exams

Listening TOEFL exercise Part C:

5. (A) An assembly line. 6. (A) In 1908.

(B) A car. (B) In 1914.
(C) A company. (C) In 1918.
(D) An inventor. (D) In 1924.

7. (A) It was faster. 8. (A) It increased slowly.

(B) It was more efficient. (B) It increased quickly
(C) It was nore individualized. (C) It remained about the same.
(D) It was cheaper. (D) It decreased.
International Language Exams

1. What makes part A and B different?
2. Which one is the easiest? Why?
3. What do you think are the differences between part B and
International Language Exams

Study Tips for Listening Section

• Listen to spoken English regularly.
• Listen to different English accents.
• Read a variety of academic materials
(scientific journals, periodicals, Try these sites:
literature). • National Public Radio (
• Take complete practice TOEFL listening • CBS News (
test. • Randall's Cyber Listening Lab (
• Make yourself familiar with the • BBC World Learning English
directions. (
• Get into the habit of taking notes.
• Go to Internet sites to practice listening.
Preparing for the TOEFL pBT
Test Day Tips
International Language Exams

Useful tips
• Eat healthily and drink enough water before the test.
• Don’t be late – you might not be allowed to take the test.
• Remember to bring everything you need.
• Frequently check how much time you have remaining.
• Practice makes perfect – practice taking the exams.
• Read the questions very carefully – especially for ‘NOT’.
• Keep calm – even if you don’t know some of the answers.
• Answer every question – No answer is definitely incorrect.
• Study the TOEFL pBT with EF!.
Any ques

Thank you for participating!

Script for TOEFL Exercise for Part B International Language Exams

Questions 1 through 4. Listen as two students discuss what a professor said in a recent
(woman) Did you understand the assignment the professor gave us today? I’m not sure
that I did.
(man) He said to read Chapter 6, didn’t he?
(woman) Yes, he said to read Chapter 6. Then I think he also said something about
answering the questions at the end of the chapter.
(man) He said to answer the questions, too? I didn’t hear that part of the assignment.
(woman) I think he did, but I’m not sure. Maybe we should go ask one of the other
students what the assignment is, just to be safe.
(man) I think we should!
Script for TOEFL Exercise for Part C International Language Exams

Questions 1 through 4. Listen to a lecture by a biology professor.

(man) One of the most deadly plants in the world is poison hemlock. This
plant grows in many parts of the world. It is quiet dangerous to humans; people
can die if they eat it.
One thing that makes poison hemlock really dangerous is that it looks like some
plants that people normally eat. Hemlock belongs to the same family of plants as
the carrot. The leaves of the plant look very much like parsley, and its roots look
like carrots. People have died when they’ve made a mistake and have eaten
poison hemlock when they thought that they were eating parsley or carrots.

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