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Writen by Andri Pranata, Hidayatul Rizky,

Marnanda Kahar,
M Noer Gusti Anggara
Content page
• P . 3 Introduction
• P . 4 Someplace at Bandar Lampung
• P . 8 Holiday
• P . 17Our next planning

Bandar Lampung town is a town in the lampung

province, where there are many places we can visit

In this book there will be a story about Lampung

Someplace at Bandar Lampung

During the holiday our group

went to the Bandar Lampung
“Let’s take a trip to lampung again” marnanda says
“let’s go, I’ll tell you a beautifull place in the lampung”
andri says
After marnanda and andri talked, they brought their
other friends, hidayat and noer
“Hi buddy, do you want to join with us to go holiday in
lampung” marnanda asks. “I’ll come with you” hidayat
says. “me too” noer says
the four of them finally decided to go to bandar lampung
“Finally we arrived in lampung” andri speaks with
enthusiasm. “let’s go to the beach” noer says. “let’s go”
everyone says
They finally made it to the beach and they played with
great pleasure. They play banana boat, snorkling,
swimming and many other things they do
“I'm so happy to finally play on the beach again” hidayat says“.
of course I am also very happy that finally after all this time I can
play again on the beach with you” said Noer who felt happy
Lampung does have so many beautiful beaches, because we are presented
with amazing views. But not only are tourist beaches covered, many other
tourist spots are dilated such as way kambas national park, suoh crater,
waterfalls and more
“I remember In last year, I spend my holiday at pahawan island. I had an interesting
holidays.”marnanda says“really? with whom did you go to pahawang island?”
Andri asks. “with my family, Sometime I and my family went to some interesting
places, example beach, museum, and market.”
In the last year marnanda and his family spent the holidays in lampung too.
Every day he visited some interesting places in Lampung together. He had
fun in that places.
“In last years, I spend my holiday at home. In my home, I could help my
parents, played computer with my sister, and played card with my brother.”
andri says. “oh its sounds good” marnanda says
Andri and marnanda told each other about their holiday last year, while
noer and hidayat enjoyed playing on the beach
after they are cool playing on the beach they finally rest. “I'm so glad today I
can finally play with you guys again”. “yeah me too”
“Let's go on another holiday next year” hidayat says. “How about next year
we go to way kambas and waterfall?” andri asks. “That’s good idea” noer says
“Well, then we've decided next year we'll go on holiday together again”.
“Yeah cheers” marnanda says
“Thank you so much guys for this vacation”
“iam so happy”
The end of story. My trip my adventure

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