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Unit –II

System Analysis & Design

Arun Mishra
• System Analysis is a process of collecting &
interpreting facts, identifying problems and
using the information to recommend
improvements in the system.
• Objective of System Analysis:
▫ To knows how a system currently operates
▫ To identify the users’ requirements in the proposed
• The final product of system analysis is a set of
system requirements of a proposed system.
Need for System Analysis
• System Objective
• System Boundaries
• System Importance
• Nature Of System – Closed/Open
• Role Of System As An Interface
• Participation Of Users
• Understanding The Resource
• Assessment Of Feasibility
Strategies for Requirement
• Interview is a face to face method used for
collecting the required information
• Questionnaire is a tool that has questions to
which individuals respond.
• Record review is also known as review of
documentation and its main purpose is to
establish quantitative information regarding
volumes, frequencies, trends etc.
• Observation is the process of recognizing and
noticing people, objects and occurrences to obtain
System Analysis Activities
• Analysis of Organizational Environment
• Analysis of present system
• System Requirement Analysis
▫ Input requirements
▫ Output requirements
▫ Processing Requirements
▫ Storage Requirements
▫ Control Requirements
Phases of System Analysis
Divided into two sub phases:
• Fact Finding phase:
▫ Interview
▫ Questionnaire
▫ Observation
• Structured Documentation Phase:
▫ Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
▫ Data Dictionary
▫ Decision Tree
▫ Decision Table
▫ Structured English
▫ ER Diagram
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
• DFD is a graphical representation of the logical
flow of data.
• It helps in expressing the system’s requirements in
a simple and understandable form.
• Also known as bubble chart.
• It decomposes the requirement specifications
down to the lowest level of details.
• DFD consists of symbols –
▫ Square,
▫ Arrow,
▫ Circle/Bubble,
▫ Open rectangle
Rules of drawing DFD
• The process should be named and numbered.
• The direction of flow should be from top to
bottom & from left to right.
• DFD should have no more than 10-12 processes.
• The name of data stores, sources & destinations
are written in capital letters
• Process and floe names have the first letter
• Each data store should contain all the elements
that flow in and out.
DFD for Payroll Processing
DFD for Payroll Processing : Expanded
Data Dictionary
• Data Dictionary is a structured repository of data .
• It is a set of precise and accurate definitions of all
DFD’s, data elements and data structures.
• There are mainly 3 items of data present in a data
▫ Data Element : Smallest unit of data & can’t be
▫ Data Structures: Group of data elements
handled together.
▫ Data Flows & Data Stores: Data Flows are data
structures in motion, Stores are structures in rest.
Decision Tree
• The logical process is represented using graphic
representation is called Decision Tree.
• It looks like the branches of a tree.
• A decision tree has many branches as there are
logical alternatives.
• It is easy to construct, read & update.
• It can be used to verify logic in problems that
involve few complex decision.
• Its biggest limitation is lack of information due
to its structure.
Example of Decision Tree
Structured English
• The Logics in the decision tree can be
represented by Structured English.
• It uses logical construction and imperative
sentences designed to carry out instructions for
• Decisions are made through IF-THAN-ELSE
• Its sentences should be clear, concise and
precise in wording and meaning.
Example of Structured English
Decision Table
• Decision Table is a matrix of rows and columns
that shows conditions and actions.
• Decision rules state the procedure to be followed
when certain condition exist.
• It is best suited for dealing complex situations
like inventory control etc.
• It consists of four sections
▫ Condition Stub
▫ Condition Entry
▫ Action Stub
▫ Action entry
Decision Table
• Questions are listed in the condition stub .
• The actions stub outline the action to meet each
• The condition entry part contains the answer to
the question asked in the condition stub.
• The action entry part indicates the appropriate
action resulting from the answer to the
ER Diagram
• An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of
flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such as
people, objects or concepts relate to each
other within a system.
• ER diagrams focus on the relationships of
elements within entities.
• ER diagrams also are often used with data flow
diagrams (DFDs), which map out the flow of
information for processes or systems.
ER Diagram
System Design
System Design
• An important step in system development
• This phase starts after the system analysis
phase is over.
• The output of system analysis phase become the
input of this phase – system requirement
• Data requirements are worked out on the
basis of user requirement estimates.
Design Objectives
• Practicality
▫ Should be learned and operated with ease – user-
• Flexibility
▫ Must be responsive to the change expected by
the user
• Efficiency
▫ It should perform jobs in specified time.
• Security
▫ Hardware reliability, data security & detection &
prevention of fraud.
Phases/ Levels of System Design
• System design is carried out at two levels:
▫ Conceptual Level/Design
▫ Physical Level/ Design
• They are also know as external design or
generic design and internal design or
detailed design.
Conceptual Design - Steps
• Define Problem
• Set System Objectives
• Identify constraints (External & Internal)
• Determine information needs
• Determine information sources
▫ Internal & External Records
▫ Managers & Operating Personnel
• Develop various designs
• Document the conceptual design
▫ Overall system flow
▫ System inputs
▫ System Outputs
▫ Other documents like system description & activity sheet
• Prepare report
Design Methods
• Problem Partitioning
▫ Based on the principal of ‘divide & conquer’.
▫ Problem is divided in small manageable parts.
• Structured Design
▫ Structure chart is created which depicts modules by the
specific function
▫ Tools like Flow Chart, DFD, Structure charts, Structured
English are used in it.
• Top-Down Design
▫ The system is termed as hierarchy of sub-systems.
▫ The highest level of sub-system corresponding to the
total system
▫ Involves identification of main components of the
Detailed System Design - Phases
• Project Planning & Control
• Involve the user
• Define the Detailed Sub-systems
• Input/ Output Design
• Feedback from the user
• Database Design
• Procedure Design
• Design Documentation
Project Planning & Control
• Project Planning
▫ Formulate the project objectives
▫ Define the project tasks
▫ Prepare a network diagram of all events & activities to
specify sequential & parallel events.
▫ Schedule the work as per the requirements of the user.
▫ Prepare a budget for the project
• Project Control
▫ Get a feedback of the actual performance of the
project with respect to time, cost & work of the project &
Compare it with schedules, budgets & technical plans.
▫ Take corrective action where required so as to maintain
Involve the User
• In this phase, users are assured that changes
will benefit them.
• They are informed about the new system
• Their support and acceptance is gained
• This will help managing resistance to
change & ensure successful implementation of
the system
Detailed Sub-system Definition
• In this phase Sub-systems are specially
defined to workout every detail concerning the
• Decomposition of system to operational
activity is carried out.
System Sub-system


Operation element
Input / Output Design
• Specific outputs required to meet the information
• Methods of presenting information are selected
• Report Formats or other documents are designed.
• Date Type & width of the column
• Heading & date of data entry
• Data heading & Value
• Initials of data entry operator.
Database Design

• Identify all data tables & record types

• Identify fields for each table – Key fields &
relations between tables
• Determine the data type & width for each field
of tables
• Normalize the data tables
• Properly document data dictionary

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