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Theory of Sovereign

सम्प्रभुता का सिद्धांत
- The term of sovereignty was first used by the french
thinker Jean Bodin in his book 'Six book concerning

- The state is a community but the will of the state is

compulsive on other communities .this compulsive form of
the will of the state is its sovereignty .

- Sovereignty is a form of state authority ,no any

organization within the state can exceed this power and no
other power outside the state can control it.
- in political science, there is no differences in term of
sovereignty as much as in any other context. ( Braice)

- it will be in the permanent interest of political science if

the notion of sovereignty is removed from it (Lasky)
Definations of sovereignty

- Sovereignty is supream power over citizens and subjects

unrestrained by law.(Jean Bodin)

- Sovereignty is the supreme will of the state. (Willoughby)

- Sovereignty is the commanding power of the state .(Duguit)

- Sovereignty is the characteristics of state in virtue of which it

can not be legally bound except by it's own will or limited by any
other itself. (Jellinsk)

- Sovereignty is a nature of a state ,it is the abstract power of the

state ,not the individual .
- Two Dimensions of Sovereignty

-1) Internal Sovereignty - आंतरिक संप्रभुता

The state is the supreme authority in its territory .

2) External Sovereignty- बाह्य संप्रभुता

The state is free from the hegemony or control of any other

external power, organisation or country.
Characteristics or features of Sovereignty

1) Absoluteness (सम्पूर्णता) -

Sovereignty is absolute or infinite.

" Constitution place limits on the government not the

state. Limitations exist as lang as the state give them
2) Permanence (स्थायित्व) -

Sovereignty is a permanent feature of the state.

A Change in government has no effect on sovereignty.


British Constitutional System

' King is dead, long live the king '

as head of government - king is dead

as representative of sovereignty - long live the king
3) Universality ( सर्वव्यापक)

Sovereignty is universal, within the state and out side the

state some exceptions.

-Principle of Extraterritorial Sovereignty

राज्येत्तर सम्प्रभुता का सिद्धांत -

embassies in another state are exempted from the laws of

that state.
4) Indivisibility (अविभाज्यता) Impartiblility

If sovereignty is not absolute then the state has no

existence, and if sovereignty is divided then the state is also

Sovereignty is a Universal object, dividing it would mean

destroying it ( Cellhaune)

- Sovereignty is not divided among federal state, but only

the divison of government power and constitution rights.
5) Inalienability (अदेयता, अपृथकता)

Sovereignty is non transferable

Sovereignty can not be removed from the state.

जिस प्रकार एक वृक्ष अपने उगने तथा पनपने के अधिकार का अथवा कोई मनुष्य अपने
जीवन तथा व्यक्तित्व के अधिकार का हस्तांतरण बिना आत्मा विनाश के नहीं कर सकता
उसी प्रकार राज्य अपनी संप्रभुता का हस्तांतरण बिना आत्मा विनाश के नहीं कर सकता

Sovereignty can no more be alienated than a tree can

alienate its right to sprout or a man can transfer his life
and personality without self-destruction
Kinds of Sovereignty

1) Nominal and Real Sovereignty

नाम मात्र की संप्रभुता एवं वास्तविक संप्रभुता

2) Legal and Political Sovereignty

वैधानिक एवं राजनीतिक संप्रभुता

3)De Jure and De Facto Sovereignty

विधेन और तथ्येन संप्रभुताty

4) Popular sovereignty
जन सम्प्रभुता /लोकप्रिय

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